Into the Night
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Still a dummy
Into the Night
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Still a dummy
Into the Night
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As usual, you cant prove anything. You are just as fullofshit as always.
Direct me to the post. I am waiting!
Any (D)ecision to prosecute (D)efendant Clinton will be (D)ecided on and (D)ependant on (D)etails using the most rigorous and fair criterion.
Prosecution (D)oes not (D)epend on party affiliation.
I have already asked you to document this ridiculous claim- you cant. it just another lie.
What is funny is that Trump has sent his lawyers out to push his defense on many news shows, and what you never hear them say is simply 'Trump had a right to take and keep everything'. They do not make that argument on the news and they will not offer it in the court.
It is what Trump says to the derps and just as with 'the election rigging' cases and arguments about stealing the elections, the actual lawyers going in to court, would not offer the claims of 'found fraud' that Donald and others were saying were 'proven' and 'factual' on tv. When asked in court if they were going to be presenting anything along those lines the lawyers would say 'no'. And then immediately after the court case closed and they lost brutally, the Trump derp media team would claim some form of win.
That worked just fine for all the civil suits Trump filed, as those were just civil, and thus Trump just looked it as a rake on his Fund raising. He would raise a hundred million on false claims but pay out a few million in lawyers fees to push the false claims in court. And round and around he would go. More false legal claims with lawyers sent in to court costing him millions but making 50X that in derp donations. It was all about Profit.
I am so excited to see this round of Court action where felony convictions and jail time, and not just fines are on the docket. A nd i hope, beyond hope, Trumps fires every good lawyer who will not argue what the Derps in this thread believe is his defense. Keep firing the good ones until he is left with Alina Habba or maybe bring back Sydney Powell and get them to argue Trump had 'an absolute right to take them and keep them all, we rest our case'.
Man i really hope they can delude Trump into that defense.
This question has already been answered... You missed it because your eyes and ears look like this:Please show us where trump has the right to retain any documents he wants. I will wait for your prompt reply.
Trump has no defense and he knows it. He stole a truckload of classified documents and refused to give them back, Then he hid them from the FBI. He also spilled double secret information on them. He may have sold some of them. The stories he tells and rallies and right-wing gnus stations are for the digestion of blind ass followers. There are few outside of his cabal who believe him.
Trump has to win the election to stay out of jail for 4 years. Or, he has to convince the other candidates to pardon him if they win. But he runs such low-level nasty insulting campaigns, that he destroys his chances. Can you imagine anyone but Desantis pardoning him?
This question has already been answered... You missed it because your eyes and ears look like this:![]()
ContinuedHe wants a proper and correct answer which has not been given.
The law is clear. Trump had no right to keep those document and nothing in law suggests he did.
regarding the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act.
regarding the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act.
They can only repeat the narrative. They have no ability to think.
- Cite the passage of the Constitution that declares a POTUS can leave office and keep any and all government documents he wants to for years to sort thru to decide which he wants to keep as personal and which he will voluntarily return?
- Cite the statutes or passages in the PRA that say the same as above?
Your fundamental lack of understanding of both would be shocking but then you are TrumpDerps in the Marjorie Greene, Boebert mold, so it is expected actually.
Already did . Go look it up
No you did not, thus why you will not cite it here.
I already quoted what you said upthread, to show how wrong you were. You have been proven wrong in one clean post.
I am truly shocked at the damage trump did to our economy.
The audio is in the hands of the government and trumps lawyers, fuck face. Now prove it doesn't exist as you said!
You lose again, its getting habitual.
That was China halfwit. The same nation Biden is beholden too.![]()