Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

Start a thread on this and join the dozen or so other loonies that post anti Trump shit hourly in hopes of melting their TDS away.

I just dont understand how anyone can support a man like trump, who is a liar, cheat, rapist, thief, egomaniac, dishonest, and a whole bunch more. Those are just a few of his "strong" points.

They were legal for him to possess. You are attempting to tell me that President Trump did NOT have the unilateral right to define his own presidential records as he saw fit. If that is the case, then you need to answer two questions for me:

(1) Who is this executive power that supersedes the office of President?
(2) Where is this superseding executive power outlined in the Constitution? ....

The POTUS has the power as part of a PROCESS.

Meaning no one but him can use the PROCESS to unilaterally decide to classify or declassify but it only happens WITHIN the process. In this case a 2 Step process.

You do understand that you can be given a power that requires you act within a process right?

Trump and his WH lawyers and Mark Meadows went to court to make clear what that process was when Trump prior used his Step 1 power and either stated on the News (verbal) or wrote in Twitter (official gov't writing) that certain documents were declassified.

By your standard that is done. Trump has that power and he said it or wrote it so it is done. That is what the media argued too in court when they then filed FOIA requests to get the declassified doc's.

But Trump and his WH lawyers and Mark Meadows went in to court 3 times and said, NOPE. Sorry, media but Trump just doing Part 1 and stating or writing they are declassified is not enough. They argued HE MUST ALSO follow thru with Step 2 and demand the relevant committees take the steps to actually declassify them. They argued in none of these 3 instances did Trump follow with Step 2 and thus NOTHING got declassified.

The Judge agree and the Trump team won in all 3 cases.

- James Madison Project v. U.S. Dep't of Justice
- LEOPOLD et al v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE et al, No. 1:2019cv01278 - Document 86 (D.D.C. 2020)
- The New York Times, et al., v. Central Intelligence Agency

So your position is not arguing with me, and is arguing with the rare Trump court case wins.

Trump PROVED in court, when it had not been tested prior, that the declassification process DOES NOT happen unless Step 2 is ordered and completed.
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And re the above.

Under the Espionage Act the documents do not have to be classified to be illegal to have. They just need to be gov't documents. You know what classified documents become once declassified. They simply become gov't doc's.

It is still illegal for Trump, an ex gov't official (POTUS) to have them.
Only about 3 million jobs were lost due to Covid, sorry but you lose.

Wrong halfwit. But then, what is new.

Between March and April last year, more than 22 million jobs vanished in the United States. The majority came from the leisure and hospitality industry — restaurant and bar workers, hotel staff, event planners, virtually all positions that rely on face-to-face interactions. For millions of other Americans whose jobs were deemed “essential,” going to work became a life-and-death risk.
I just dont understand how anyone can support a man like trump, who is a liar, cheat, rapist, thief, egomaniac, dishonest, and a whole bunch more. Those are just a few of his "strong" points.

There is a lot you don't understand due to your ignorance and severely retarded IQ.

Biden is a real liar, a real cheat, showered with his daughter, a corrupt grifter and influence peddler, an egomaniac, dishonest, and a whole bunch more. But lying leftist hypocrites don't seem to care. Why is that halfwit?
And re the above.

Under the Espionage Act the documents do not have to be classified to be illegal to have. They just need to be gov't documents. You know what classified documents become once declassified. They simply become gov't doc's.

It is still illegal for Trump, an ex gov't official (POTUS) to have them.

More bullshit. I don't think you can post without lying, looking stupid and bloviating abject bullshit.
Hollywood lawyer paid off over $2M of Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes

A prominent Hollywood lawyer helped Hunter Biden pay off his $2 million tax bill, the NYT reports

Wealthy entertainment attorney Kevin Morris — who once negotiated a reported $550 million landmark licensing deal for the creators of the hit animated show "South Park" — has been financially supporting Biden, according to the Times.

Morris loaned Hunter Biden more than $2 million, which the president's son used to support his family and pay back delinquent taxes amid a federal investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the newspaper reported, citing four anonymous people familiar with the matter.


Dismissal from military service is the officer equivalent of NJP (Non-Judicial Punishment, a misdemeanor in the military) and getting an other than honorable discharge for enlisted. Bagman was dismissed for using illegal drugs, a crime in the military. I never said it was a felony, only that he had a prior criminal conviction for drug use and that is dismissal from military service. And, yes, that was a criminal act he committed to be tossed out of the military.

Well, if lending president's sons money bothers you you must be pretty concerned about Jarod using trump's presidential influence to get $2 billion from the same folks who financed 9/11. Sorry, but you really need to check both your facts and priorities.
Is it a lie that Trump refused to return them, lied about them, and hid them?


Lying is what you fascists do.

Is it a lie that Joe Biden, as a Senator was not allowed to take documents from the SCIF and in fact STOLE classified and secret documents? No, it sure isn't.
lots of bullshit you got,
Everything I wrote is factually correct, including the part about you being an undereducated leftist moron who knows nothing about classified documents.

Do yourself a favor. Make this day different. Make it a point to learn something.

Trump stole documents

he refused to return them

he tried hiding them and then lying about them
Nope, and he didn't need to.

and to top it off he showed top secret docs to his friends.
He has full disclosure authority. He was the President. You don't know anything about classified documents or classified information. You are a moron on the topic. In fact, I'm betting that you are a moron on most topics. Can you name a topic on which you are not a total moron? Serious question.
Never ever happened. Why would she be above the law, during a republican administration. Your spewing sheer lunacy

She is a democrat, laws don't apply to democrats above a certain rank. We have a two tiered justice system.

You of course are a fucking liar - as everyone here knows;

{With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that were not among those produced to State, agencies have concluded that three of those were classified at the time they were sent or received, one at the Secret level and two at the Confidential level. There were no additional Top Secret e-mails found. Finally, none of those we found have since been “up-classified.”}

{None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.}

{Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.}


You look like a moron when you blatantly lie like this.
Well, if lending president's sons money bothers you you must be pretty concerned about Jarod using trump's presidential influence to get $2 billion from the same folks who financed 9/11. Sorry, but you really need to check both your facts and priorities.

Oh, so you need offshore shell corporations to lend your son and brothers money?


You Nazis will tell ANY lie to further the agenda or your Reich.

What a fucking clown you are.
Wrong halfwit. But then, what is new.

Between March and April last year, more than 22 million jobs vanished in the United States. The majority came from the leisure and hospitality industry — restaurant and bar workers, hotel staff, event planners, virtually all positions that rely on face-to-face interactions. For millions of other Americans whose jobs were deemed “essential,” going to work became a life-and-death risk.

I am truly shocked at the damage trump did to our economy.