Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

You complain about uneducated lefties
Sometimes. Usually, I simply point out how stupid, uneducated and gullible they are. I'm guessing that you want your moment to shine in that light. Sure. Go ahead.

While yes the POTUS is the ultimate classification and declassification authority when it comes to Executive branch documents, that still exists within a NECESSARY process.
Incorrect. You are a shining example of a dullard who forms violent opinions in areas of his extreme ignorance. The President is all of the process. The US Constitution vests all Executive power in the President. All of it. Any other people who have any sort of authority with respect to Executive branch documents do so only by the written permission of the President, i.e. they have signed documentation. The only person who never has any sort of documentation is the President because he is the President, he is vested with full Constitutional authority and he is the alpha and the omega of any "process" that might exist.

Undereducated leftists always fall for any article or press release that claims that the President mishandled Executive documents, because everybody knows that leftists are as stupid as fuck and know absolutely nothing. Leftists are the most gullible shit-for-brains on the planet. And fine, you wanted your opportunity to show that you can hang with the stupidest of leftists, and you have succeeded. Congratulations on a laurels well earned.

What that means is NO ONE can stop the POTUS from doing:

- Step 1 - choosing a doc to declassify
- Step 2 - then ordering the process to be completed so that the doc will IN FACT become declassified
Incorrect. Yes, the President certainly has staff to do that for him if he wishes, but there is absolutely nothing preventing the President from arbitrarily grabbing a few piles of documents and declaring that he has just declassified them. You seem to think that the President somehow answers the "declassifier deity" who will be the determinant of when those documents actually become declassified. WRONG! The President can declare any documents classified, and then turn right around and declare them unclassified. All Executive power is vested in the President. Nobody gets any say in that. It is not the case that all Executive power is vested in the President, at the pleasure of the classification/declassification process.

This does not change by any judge's ruling. If you are going to say that some judge gets to declare Article II null and void, you are incorrect.

Have a great day. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff ... or even with the easy stuff like the above.
Claim: Snopes once provided a truthful analysis of a story

Rating: Absurd

The radical left hate site Snopes posts stories intended to aid the fascist democrat party. Facts just aren't part of the equation when Snopes posts shit.

Nothing Snopes posts should ever be taken as truthful or factual.

You lose again, its getting habitual.
You lose again, its getting habitual.

How did I "lose?"

By you posting a completely discredited hack site?

Sometimes. Usually, I simply point out how stupid, uneducated and gullible they are. I'm guessing that you want your moment to shine in that light. Sure. Go ahead.

Incorrect. You are a shining example of a dullard who forms violent opinions in areas of his extreme ignorance. The President is all of the process. The US Constitution vests all Executive power in the President. All of it. Any other people who have any sort of authority with respect to Executive branch documents do so only by the written permission of the President, i.e. they have signed documentation. The only person who never has any sort of documentation is the President because he is the President, he is vested with full Constitutional authority and he is the alpha and the omega of any "process" that might exist.

Undereducated leftists always fall for any article or press release that claims that the President mishandled Executive documents, because everybody knows that leftists are as stupid as fuck and know absolutely nothing. Leftists are the most gullible shit-for-brains on the planet. And fine, you wanted your opportunity to show that you can hang with the stupidest of leftists, and you have succeeded. Congratulations on a laurels well earned.

Incorrect. Yes, the President certainly has staff to do that for him if he wishes, but there is absolutely nothing preventing the President from arbitrarily grabbing a few piles of documents and declaring that he has just declassified them. You seem to think that the President somehow answers the "declassifier deity" who will be the determinant of when those documents actually become declassified. WRONG! The President can declare any documents classified, and then turn right around and declare them unclassified. All Executive power is vested in the President. Nobody gets any say in that. It is not the case that all Executive power is vested in the President, at the pleasure of the classification/declassification process.

This does not change by any judge's ruling. If you are going to say that some judge gets to declare Article II null and void, you are incorrect.

Have a great day. Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff ... or even with the easy stuff like the above.

And yet in your idiocy above you ignore the 3 court cases that say you are wrong and stupid.

In all 3 cases Trump verbally said or wrote that certain doc's were declassifed.

In your view that is it. Case closed. They are all declassified, and no one can contest that.

And yet Mark Meadows and WH did contest it. They went to a judge and said 'Trumps statements and writings are NOT enough'

The court agreed. And none of them were declassified.

So in your idiocy you can proclaim all you want no one else has any say but Mark Meadows and WH Counsel already proved you wrong.
Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

When is Killary going to jail?

Any (D)ecision to prosecute (D)efendant Clinton will be (D)ecided on and (D)ependant on (D)etails using the most rigorous and fair criterion.

Prosecution (D)oes not (D)epend on party affiliation.

And yet in your idiocy above you ignore the 3 court cases that say you are wrong and stupid.
I'd have to read the cases in detail. You are probably misinterpreting the rulings, given your leftist-level of English comprehension. In any event, your leftist indoctrination has you dumbed-down to the point that you believe that any court ruling gets to toss out the Constitution. I cited and explained the Constitution to you and you fired back with "a lesser judge says otherwise."

You are an idiot.

In all 3 cases Trump verbally said or wrote that certain doc's were declassified.
You are not a lawyer. Ask me how I know.

In your view that is it. Case closed. They are all declassified, and no one can contest that.
In official duties or otherwise acting as (former) President, but not as court testimony. The court only extends as far as the court. Did you never learn this?
I'd have to read the cases in detail. You are probably misinterpreting the rulings, given your leftist-level of English comprehension. In any event, your leftist indoctrination has you dumbed-down to the point that you believe that any court ruling gets to toss out the Constitution. I cited and explained the Constitution to you and you fired back with "a lesser judge says otherwise."

You are an idiot.

You are not a lawyer. Ask me how I know.

In official duties or otherwise acting as (former) President, but not as court testimony. The court only extends as far as the court. Did you never learn this?

And your stupidity continues.

I cited the actual cases above.

Trump SUBMITTED HIMSELF to the courts for their rulings and then not only did he accept them, the media did.

In all 3 cases if Trumps words alone or even his writings alone, after he proclaimed something 'declassified' in public was enough and no court could dispute it, then why did Trump send his lawyers and Mark Meadows to dispute it?

I want you to get someone with a grade 3 education to read that to you again and explain to you the big words.

It was TRUMP who went to court (his WH laywers and Meadows) and THEY ARGUED, that POTUS words or writings alone with no follow up in Step 2 (process) do not declassify shit and thus the media should be denied getting the material via their FOIA request.

The courts examined Trump's team arguments and the Medias arguing the other side and they determined that in FACT nothing was declassified via Trump words or writing alone IT THE PROCESS was not completed after.

Trump accepted the court ruling as a win, as did the Media.

YOu, a derp, can repeat all you want that no court has a say, but you are factually wrong via the Trump Admin submitting themselves to the Courts to hear their say.
I cited the actual cases above.
You didn't provide any link to the actual court documents. You presume that your regurgitation of what you have been ordered to believe is sufficient. It is not. I told you that I'll have to look it up, which will have to be when I feel motivated since you didn't provide the necessary links.

Also, I see that you are digging in with the idea that some judge gets to rewrite the Constitution. None do.

I don't see any way this will end well for you. You are directly contradicting the Constitution. You are struggling to point to judges as opposed to anything in the Constitution. You have no grasp of the US system for classified information. You are merely babbling, but with lots of emotion. Regardless, you are in error and you don't take correction well, which appears to be due to you being too stupid to learn.

Have I omitted anything?

Feel free to send me a link to actual court documents, or to wait for me to get around to looking into it.
You didn't provide any link to the actual court documents. You presume that your regurgitation of what you have been ordered to believe is sufficient. It is not. I told you that I'll have to look it up, which will have to be when I feel motivated since you didn't provide the necessary links.

Also, I see that you are digging in with the idea that some judge gets to rewrite the Constitution. None do.

I don't see any way this will end well for you. You are directly contradicting the Constitution. You are struggling to point to judges as opposed to anything in the Constitution. You have no grasp of the US system for classified information. You are merely babbling, but with lots of emotion. Regardless, you are in error and you don't take correction well, which appears to be due to you being too stupid to learn.

Have I omitted anything?

Feel free to send me a link to actual court documents, or to wait for me to get around to looking into it.

Didn't i tell you to get someone with at least a Grade 3 education to help you read and with the big words?

You are showing your idiocy again.

This already ENDED well. It ended in court findings of fact as my links all show if you simply READ them and read the embedded or connected or cited court doc's if you do not like the summaries and want the original court docs.

What is FACT is this has ALREADY been litigated. And what you do not understand is that simply because something is a Constitutional right does not mean it goes unbounded and without process.

All Constitutional rights (1st, 2nd et al) have boundaries and process that LEGALLY can be applied to them. You CANNOT yell fire in a crowded theatre. You CANNOT buy guns without the seller considering some rules. And gov't classified doc's cannot be declassified without following some rules.

So while the POTUS has the power to decide what is and is not going to be classified or remain classified, that does not exempt them from the process. NO one can defy the POTUS and if he demands something be classified or declassified, and then instructs the process to be done to make it so, it MUST happen. But if the POTUS and no one in his admin carries thru, if Trump just waves a document on TV and says 'I am not classifying this', but he does NOTHING after, or vice versa, he says 'these are declassified' and he and his administration does NOTHING after, then Part 1 is meaningless.

How do we know that? Because Trump and his admin went to court already, 3 times and got the Court to agree with them.

Trump and his Administrations position in court was 'if we do not do Part 2, and follow thru with the process of declassification, then the words said by Trump or the writings he made stating things were declassified DO NOT matter'.

The court agreed, 3 for 3, and Trump and his Admin won.

(I know, i know, you will read that and say they cannot do what they did and it will not end well for me if i repeat what happened in history)