Holocaust survivor: America under Trump feels like 1929 Berlin

You rightys remember they exist, but they are not what you know. Your life is wrapped up on one side right-wing, pro Trump news all day long.
real journalism is not on the right. Zero, not at all.

There is zero real journalism in your world. At least in mine, I experienced some for half the time, you ignorant dumbass!
I saw the constant media attacks on EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT. What's so special about Trump?

If you have to ask, you're too stupid to know. I'm done witcha.

Never realized you were that dense.

Show me something positive said about Trump by NBC or CNN or ABC..I'll wait.. :rolleyes:

As far as what he did? He was the best president since probably Kennedy.

But these motherfuckers scream and cry to be serfs at the mercy of the government. That's not the way America is supposed to be.
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Yes indeedy.


If you're too ignorant to see how the mainstream media was constantly and needlessly hostile to the American president that was Trump, that's a damn shame.

There is no free press anymore, there's only Democrat press.

That goes for Fox, too. They all take orders from the globalist AP propanganda machine and none come up with their own stories.

I learned this in 2014.

I suppose it never struck you as odd how all the networks run the same story at the same time?

If there was really free press and investigative journalists, it would not happen like that. Give that a think for a minute.
If you're too ignorant to see how the mainstream media was constantly and needlessly hostile to the American president that was Trump, that's a damn shame.

There is no free press anymore, there's only Democrat press.

That goes for Fox, too. They all take orders from the globalist AP propanganda machine and none come up with their own stories.

I learned this in 2014.

I suppose it never struck you as odd how all the networks run the same story at the same time?

If there was really free press and investigative journalists, it would not happen like that. Give that a think for a minute.

There is zero real journalism in your world. At least in mine, I experienced some for half the time, you ignorant dumbass!

I watch NEWSY and BBC, I also watch PBS. Is this where I call you some vulgar name. That somehow makes your post better. Can you explain how? I also watch baseball.My defaily, if nothing grabs my eye is CNN.
I watch NEWSY and BBC, I also watch PBS. Is this where I call you some vulgar name. That somehow makes your post better. Can you explain how? I also watch baseball.My defaily, if nothing grabs my eye is CNN.

What was the last piece of real journalism you saw? The last one for me was years ago. It was exposing how Obama's ROE killed our soldiers.

Probably 2015 for me. No real journalism seen since.

Did you know there were more riots in Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined?

All this racial BS was fine fine until Obama. Obama, who has zero proud black American heritage is pitting Americans against each other and laughing.

True Story. My black American brethren can be proud of their heritage. Some families have been here since before America was a country.

Obama? His black half father was never even a citizen of the US He was a BAC Kenyan Muslim, and his white mom was a crazy commie. Her dad named all his kids "Stanley".

Rabid leftist, as well.

None of this is in tune with white or black or Latin or Indian indigenous Americans.

Nawsuh! Commola Harris either. She's like Obama Jr.

What about me and my fellow indigenous American people? Do we not get a say, wtf?!

We will make our say if pushed too hard. Do not take us for chumps, leftists. Our patience with tolerating you is worn thin.

O'Biden was installed by the "people that think they know better than us". They cheated an American election to do so.

This is not good.
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What was the last piece of real journalism you saw? The last one for me was years ago. It was exposing how Obama's ROE killed our soldiers.

Probably 2015 for me. No real journalism seen since.

Did you know there were more riots in Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined?

All this racial BS was fine fine until Obama. Obama, who has zero proud black American heritage is pitting Americans against each other and laughing.

True Story. My black American brethren can be proud of their heritage. Some families have been here since before America was a country.

Obama? His black half father was never even a citizen of the US He was a BAC Kenyan Muslim, and his white mom was a crazy commie. Her dad named all his kids "Stanley".

Rabid leftist, as well.

None of this is in tune with white or black or Latin or Indian indigenous Americans.

Nawsuh! Commola Harris either. She's like Obama Jr.

What about me and my fellow indigenous American people? Do we not get a say, wtf?!

We will make our say if pushed too hard. Do not take us for chumps, leftists. Our patience with tolerating you is worn thin.

O'Biden was installed by the "people that think they know better than us". They cheated an American election to do so.

This is not good.

fuck you. you are a stupid piece of shit still thinking somehow trump got cheated. if you don't like it, tough shit, bitch. fuck you.
You seem kinda nervous there, Skippy!

What are you trying to hide?

nervous? laughing at what a dickhead you are. as if anybody gives a shit if you are pissed trump lost the election. fuck you. there is nothing you can do about it, punk. so just shut the fuck up and get over it.
That is a typical post for you. What do you think that adds to the discussion?

What do you think this thread adds to the discussion? Anyone who thinks America under trump was like Berlin in the 20s is either delusional or stupid. I don't care that they claim to have lived through it. When you people post shit like this 2 things happen. One, people immediately realize you have no fucking clue what you're saying and two, you reduce what it was really like down to insignificant drivel. Yet you people do it over and over again. You make a mockery of everything