Scut Farkus
Dont mock Zen and the TAO!
all great figures and concepts should be mocked routinely.
Dont mock Zen and the TAO!
all great figures and concepts should be mocked routinely.
No, it is the Not Great that get mocked in civilized land.
Education is your ticket dude!
otay, buttwheat.
No, it is the Not Great that get mocked in civilized land.
Education is your ticket dude!
and fuck the ccp.
The truth will set you free, as you know, DICK.
Fuck anyone who decides that they are my lord and master.
I decide.
no shit, sherlock.
congratulations, you're free.
Good. I expect you to stop playing stupid now...there is no time for that.
what's the mission, daddy-o?
Get yourself educated and tell the many hundreds of times must I say it before you catch?
Get yourself educated and tell the many hundreds of times must I say it before you catch?
get over yourself, pompous.
what subjects do you think I need? ...just for shits and giggles.
No, dont come to me till you are ready to get better.
I'm interested in your assessment of my problem. do tell, aunt rhody.
I am here to help those who are worthy of my time.