Home Prices: Steepest Drop in 20 Years

Darn it must be a priviledge to live in CA!

For that price I could get a house, barn and a few hundred acres.
Depends where you are in the state. There are a few places still enjoying price appreciation in CA but for the most part the state is seeing prices staying flat or dropping. Foreclosure numbers are still relatively small but they have been growing.

The biggest hit has come in the lower end/first time buyer type homes as far as pricing. There is still decent demand in the $800k - $1.5 million range (starter home prices in some areas).

The Orange County office market took a big hit when several of the loan companies laid off most of their workers. Not a good industry to be in at the moment.

thanks, things are stable in Anchorage, too, but it is because we are running out of room to build!
Hey froggie if I take the coastal cruise will drop by to see ya if ok ? will be early winter.
should be in BC by Thanksgiving and going to NZ for a while.

Depends might not even come back :)
Hey froggie if I take the coastal cruise will drop by to see ya if ok ? will be early winter.
should be in BC by Thanksgiving and going to NZ for a while.

Depends might not even come back :)

Oh, that sounds like fun! I love visitors! Just drop me a message here and give me the details!
Thanks Froggie will be glad to meet ya, also want to take the scenic train ride up there. If it is still running when I get there. Again this is tenative, the only thing fer sure is the trip to NZ. I am sort of touring the country visiting realtives and friends till then. And will be working till I go to NZ. Not sure if I will work after that or not. Very nice to have that option.
Thanks Froggie will be glad to meet ya, also want to take the scenic train ride up there. If it is still running when I get there. Again this is tenative, the only thing fer sure is the trip to NZ. I am sort of touring the country visiting realtives and friends till then. And will be working till I go to NZ. Not sure if I will work after that or not. Very nice to have that option.

I believe the one to Seward runs, but not Denali.
Far from it, and the infection will spred like a cancer to th rest of the economy.
As of Jan 2007, the national average for monthly foreclosures was one foreclosure per 1055 units. How does 1/1000 wind up being a killer disease?
Umm that bush caused it :D
Nah, you'll be "Numbers like Clinton's! Look at the unemployment rate! And they were handed an economy with 'Bush's Real Estate Bubble!'"

It'll be all reversed... It will be interesting to watch.
I wish we would get an honest manager for this country that would blow the lid on all the corruption and cooking of the books that has been going on.
I'm waiting a little longer to buy another house in Phoenix. The for sale houses just aren't selling so I'm sure they'll come down quite a bit more before it gets better.
You will have a hard time getting insurance.
True, and in a way, that's a puzzlement. what is the home owner to do. Parts of California limits the forms of home insurance depending upon the type of home. IE: Private homes can get earthquate insurance, but condominiums and appartment buildings Can't.

So what happend if the quake hits, or a flood or such hits in other areas. the owner just gets a grant from the government to be able to rebuild????
True, and in a way, that's a puzzlement. what is the home owner to do. Parts of California limits the forms of home insurance depending upon the type of home. IE: Private homes can get earthquate insurance, but condominiums and appartment buildings Can't.

So what happend if the quake hits, or a flood or such hits in other areas. the owner just gets a grant from the government to be able to rebuild????

Pretty much , the rest of the coutry subsidizes the hurricane prone luxury areas and such.
But we do not want to biuld homes for the poor, I think that is the problem with NO.
True, and in a way, that's a puzzlement. what is the home owner to do. Parts of California limits the forms of home insurance depending upon the type of home. IE: Private homes can get earthquate insurance, but condominiums and appartment buildings Can't.

So what happend if the quake hits, or a flood or such hits in other areas. the owner just gets a grant from the government to be able to rebuild????

Condo's in California can get earthquake insurance but they have defnitely jacked up the rates and the condo receives less coverage.
Condo's in California can get earthquake insurance but they have defnitely jacked up the rates and the condo receives less coverage.

Well, I gave you a real ass kicking on the Missisippi thread Cawacko, are you trying to pretend you didn't see it to save face? Don't feel badly, I have been kicking asses all over this board today! It's almost as if I was an RJS level poster!