Home Schooling vs. Compulsory Defenseless Zone Youth Indoctrination

So tell me, in what way(s) specifically is the OP inaccurate? I'm not asking how you dislike any characterization or wording. I want to know how it is inaccurate.

It's just a question as to which is preferable, A or B.

He can't answer intelligently until he clears his paradox.
A 17 year old girl I know went to enroll in high school as a Junior, after years of home school, they told her she didn’t qualify to be a freshman. The girls mother has been checked out after the father died 7 years ago, but thought she was doing ok in a virtual home school.

I feel awful for this girl.

The system should have had alarm bells ringing for this girl, but hey some wealthy Floridians saved money on their taxes because they got away with not educating her.

Ah....more fiction. You DO like to tell stories. Attempted proof by contrivance.
Wasn't that the point of Republican school vouchers?

BTW, I took a survey on Sybil.


Sybil is YOUR sock, Dutch, along with all your other socks.
Public schools are real. Home schooling is real.

You even admit they are real.

Paradox. Irrational. You can't say something is real and unreal at the same time.

Some things are real. Some things are not real. That is not a paradox but a simple truth. We are not talking about the same thing that is real and unreal at the same time but false information versus true information. The problem is many people cannot recognize the difference because it is not consistent with their political views