Homosexuality is not a sin


Verified User
And it's not "abnormal." People are born homosexuals, just as they are born heterosexuals. I'd actually argue that treating gay people any differently from heterosexuals is an affront to God's creative intent.

The conservative attitude (generally speaking) toward homosexuality is a disgrace. They hide behind the religion and "hate the sin, but not the sinner" platitudes, but so much of their attitude and their actions has a foundation more firmly rooted in hate than love or spirituality. It's typical fear. Something is "different." Something is "not like me."

We need more understanding & tolerance in the world. Much more. If something has no effect on your life - what's it to ya?
It's certainly not a sin, but is it really "normal?"

Other kinds of birth defects occur, but we don't call them normal.

I am opposed to discriminating against homosexuals, but I'm also opposed to discriminating against handicapped people as well.
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Ezekiel 16:49-50
New International Version

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

Nothing to do with homosexuality. :dunno:
It's certainly not a sin, but is it really "normal."

Other kinds of birth defects occur, but we don't call them normal.

I am opposed to discriminating against homosexuals, but I'm also opposed to discriminating against handicapped people as well.
Handicapped? You’re comparing homosexuals to the handicapped and saying it’s a birth defect?





adjective: handicapped

  • having a condition that markedly restricts one's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially.”


    [FONT=&quot]Birth defects are structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the body (e.g., heart, brain, foot). They may affect how the body looks, works, or both. Birth defects can vary from mild to severe. The well-being of each child affected with a birth defect depends mostly on which organ or body part is involved and how much it is affected. Depending on the severity of the defect and what body part is affected, the expected lifespan of a person with a birth defect may or may not be affected.”

Handicapped? You’re comparing homosexuals to the handicapped and saying it’s a birth defect?

I'm indeed suggesting that possibility as a likelihood.

I'm not homophobic. I've even had a gay chiropractor. He was totally professional. I've known and associated with gay people my whole life,
I grew up in a major city, remember?

But I'm sorry. A guy that doesn't want to fuck Charlize Theron is not normal. He just isn't.
I'm indeed suggesting that possibility as a likelihood.

I'm not homophobic. I've even had a gay chiropractor. He was totally professional. I've known and associated with gay people my whole life,
I grew up in a major city, remember?

But I'm sorry. A guy that doesn't want to fuck Charlize Theron is not normal. He just isn't.

Are you speaking in statistical terms?
I'm indeed suggesting that possibility as a likelihood.

I'm not homophobic. I've even had a gay chiropractor. He was totally professional. I've known and associated with gay people my whole life,
I grew up in a major city, remember?

But I'm sorry. A guy that doesn't want to fuck Charlize Theron is not normal. He just isn't.

I don't. And I'm heterosexual.

And that illustrates how absurd the discrimination is. I can't control what I'm attracted to. I'm attracted to women, but not all of them.
Handicapped people are unable to function fully in areas.

yes....did you intend to make a point?......

homosexuals are unable to function in a normal manner sexually.........they are no less handicapped than an alcoholic who is unable to drink as normal people do.......
yes....did you intend to make a point?......

homosexuals are unable to function in a normal manner sexually.........they are no less handicapped than an alcoholic who is unable to drink as normal people do.......

So men who are infertile are neither hetrosexuals nor homosexuals? :dunno:

Maybe we should call them infertilsexuals?
yes....did you intend to make a point?......

homosexuals are unable to function in a normal manner sexually.........they are no less handicapped than an alcoholic who is unable to drink as normal people do.......

What's a "normal manner?"

Procreation? Lots of people have sex without that intent or outcome.