The remora of JPP
should I care what you call them?......
You care so much that you had to interject your dumb opinions into it.
should I care what you call them?......
What's a "normal manner?"
Procreation? Lots of people have sex without that intent or outcome.
The constant discrimination that the LGBTQ community deals with, 24x7, every day.
You care so much that you had to interject your dumb opinions into it.
I haven't expressed any opinion at all about infertile men........
Yes you did.
lol.....if I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand it after I explained it to you........maybe if you had asked your mom and dad when you were growing up......
Give it a try. Why not?
What is a "normal manner?" Please - expound.
???....more lib'rul fantasies?......
homosexuals are unable to function in a normal manner sexually.
Gays are just acting as god made them. Why do rightys hate what god made them to do? Do they hate god too?
Nope. You said this.
Infertile hetrosexuals are unable to function in a normal manner too.
even though God made alcoholics, do you encourage them to drink?.....
I wouldn't even call that an analogy. Try for better.
I'm glad we agree that I did not mention infertile heterosexuals.......
I am glad you agree that they are abnormal.
obviously......infertility is abnormal.......but as we all recall the comment you made that I did not share, was that they should be called infertilesexuals........obviously the mind that thought up that inane post is also an abnormality....
"infertilesexuals" should be a new term.
abnormal people think up new terms and think there is a reason for them....