Homosexuality is not a sin

That's call inhospitality.

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

That's only a part of it. The mob outside of Lot's house wanting to rape the 2 angels that were inside (for whatever fucked up reason) is why those 2 cities perished.

Apparently angels are not female. I am disappoint, yet cognizant of that fact.
That's only a part of it. The mob outside of Lot's house wanting to rape the 2 angels that were inside (for whatever fucked up reason) is why those 2 cities perished.

Apparently angels are not female. I am disappoint, yet cognizant of that fact.

The angels are allegedly hermaphrodites but that besides the point. It's about rape, not homosexuality. God didn't appreciate how they treated them.
Not one of those is a quote of Jesus! I asked chapter and verse where Jesus condemned homosexuality.

Meh, I thought you just said "Bible", but I tell you what, Jesus never went against the Father.

C'mon man, God tried Abraham hard to see if humanity was worth him sacrificing his own son.

Abraham apparently passed the test.
a follower of Gnostic beliefs......you know, the ones you claimed came up with Jesus statement he was the Father?.......

gnōst n.
Quotations: Show all Hide all
Entry Info
Forms gnōst n. Also gnast, gnaist, knast.
Etymology Cp. OE fȳrgnāst.
Definitions (Senses and Subsenses)
(a) A spark, a live coal, small flame; also fig.; (b) a dead spark, an ash; (c) a faint light, a glimmer; (d) the snuff of a candle.
Why do you single out only homosexual sin,but not heterosexual sin? If either exist
have I?......granted that's what this thread is about......but this thread isn't about trout fishing either......I haven't talked aboutit, but do you think I have singled out homosexual sins and excluded trout fishing sins?.......how about elephant training sins........or airplane flying sins?.......