The remora of JPP
Homosexuality is not in line with the heterosexual marriage construct described by Jesus (and described numerous times throughout The Bible), therefore homosexuality is a sin.
Marriage is not the topic.
Homosexuality is not in line with the heterosexual marriage construct described by Jesus (and described numerous times throughout The Bible), therefore homosexuality is a sin.
Marriage is not the topic.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You have freedom of choice...but that freedom does not make one immune from criticism or whatever consequences result from that choice.
Agreed. That's a given, but some poorly educated, stupid or insane people don't get it.
And let's not forget "willful ignorance" and outright denial.
Notice how they always conveniently omit the fact that Lot tried to give away his espoused daughters to be raped?
Homosexuality is not a sin in the Bible.
There are over 3000 religions in America. Do you think the Christian one with a bible written over centuries and edited regularly is somehow the deciding factor in gay sex? The fact is the Catholic clergy has molested and abused young boys for centuries. The church has no standing due to its actions throughout history. Religion and the bible are not the foundation our laws and morals should be based on.
And it's not "abnormal." People are born homosexuals, just as they are born heterosexuals. I'd actually argue that treating gay people any differently from heterosexuals is an affront to God's creative intent.
The conservative attitude (generally speaking) toward homosexuality is a disgrace. They hide behind the religion and "hate the sin, but not the sinner" platitudes, but so much of their attitude and their actions has a foundation more firmly rooted in hate than love or spirituality. It's typical fear. Something is "different." Something is "not like me."
We need more understanding & tolerance in the world. Much more. If something has no effect on your life - what's it to ya?
It is abomination according to God.
And in line with the way men are made from God, it is disgusting to a majority of people.
It is abomination according to God.
And in line with the way men are made from God, it is disgusting to a majority of people.
And it's not "abnormal." People are born homosexuals, just as they are born heterosexuals. I'd actually argue that treating gay people any differently from heterosexuals is an affront to God's creative intent.
The conservative attitude (generally speaking) toward homosexuality is a disgrace. They hide behind the religion and "hate the sin, but not the sinner" platitudes, but so much of their attitude and their actions has a foundation more firmly rooted in hate than love or spirituality. It's typical fear. Something is "different." Something is "not like me."
We need more understanding & tolerance in the world. Much more. If something has no effect on your life - what's it to ya?
Most people support peace, dumbass. Why do you like hate so much?Because you say so?
Most people support peace, dumbass. Why do you like hate so much?
I am trying to convince women that doing unto others as you would have others do unto you is moral, even in modern times.What did Jesus say about it? Love thy neighbor?
I am trying to convince women that doing unto others as you would have others do unto you is moral, even in modern times.
Well shit head I dont like hate but unlike you whiny ass leftists I won't sacrifice peace for quiet. What a leftist usually means by "peace" is let me do whatever the fuck I want or I'll start screaming. Sadly most people today have decided it's easier to let you evil bastards do whatever you want and not fight back. Well fuck you. If that means you think I like hate then I like hate yes.
Homosexuality is not a sin in the Bible.