Homosexuality is not a sin

congress has oversight over the treasury, but the treasury is a hollow nothing.
WRONG. The Treasury is the actual money the government has. Guess why you write your tax check out to the treasury?
their full decision making ability has been given to fed, a fascist cartel.
It is not a cartel. It is not fascism either. It is communism. It is government ownership of a market.
the creature from jekyll island.

The Book in a Nutshell
In 1910, a small group of individuals that made up over a quarter of the world’s wealth met and gathered on a small island off the coast of Brunswick to agree the blueprint for the Federal Reserve. In The Creature from Jekyll Island, Edward Griffin forensically set outs the dangers of the Federal Reserve, fiat money and the fractional-reserve banking system. Through its capacity to create money from nothing, Griffin argues that the Federal Reserve is not only incapable of achieving its stated objectives, but instead creates economic instability, encourages war, and ultimately acts as an instrument of totalitarianism.

Communism can only be implemented by an oligarchy or dictatorship. It is totalitarianism by nature.
WRONG. The Treasury is the actual money the government has. Guess why you write your tax check out to the treasury?

It is not a cartel. It is not fascism either. It is communism. It is government ownership of a market.

Communism can only be implemented by an oligarchy or dictatorship. It is totalitarianism by nature.

the treasury prints dollars and makes coins.

they DO NOT decide how much to put into circulation.

they're just a cash factory.

the fed decides what matters.