Homosexuality is not a sin

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
"sin" is a religious concept, best left to theologians. For me, the agnostic, sexual "sin" occurs when violence is used to obtain sex (rape) or a partner is forced/coerced to do
things they are uncomfortable with. Other than that, what happens in the bedroom between two consenting adults is their business.

That's a good explanation, at what age would you say is a consenting adult?

That depends on the "culture" of the family and friends (and/or society in general). I personally feel that if you're old enough to join the army, you're old enough to have sex. In America, anyone under the age of 18 is NOT considered an adult. And in most states, you must be 18 and over to have premarital sex. Therefore, you have "statutory rape" when one participant is 17 and the other is 19.


In some states, parental approval can be given for junior high school girls to marry grown (over 21 yrs old) men. In other states, the "age of consent" is below 18.

That's how it stands. My major argument would not be trying for a national consensus on the age of consent, but to change how this country treats sex education. I've always said that if we treated sex education as we do car and sports culture, STD's and abortions would indeed be the rare exception.
Actually my response had to do with what certain posters said, like this.

So if one cannot reproduce, it's a sin according to him/them.

BTW, the subject has nothing to do with marriage or relationships. It has to do with homosexuality as a sexual orientation.

See above. This is about homosexuality as a sexual orientation.

Maybe you need to define "homosexuality".

[Edit] - Oh forgive me. Yes you agree with the subject title and so do I. My apologies. Been drinking strong beer. ;)

Apology accepted. See post #338 as to why I went down this route. And Puh-leeze, NEVER assume or think that I'm on any level with Squawkie (IntoTheNight), as my explanations are not his dogmatic approach. I have to take a shower just thinking about it. >shudder<
That depends on the "culture" of the family and friends (and/or society in general). I personally feel that if you're old enough to join the army, you're old enough to have sex. In America, anyone under the age of 18 is NOT considered an adult. And in most states, you must be 18 and over to have premarital sex. Therefore, you have "statutory rape" when one participant is 17 and the other is 19.


In some states, parental approval can be given for junior high school girls to marry grown (over 21 yrs old) men. In other states, the "age of consent" is below 18.

That's how it stands. My major argument would not be trying for a national consensus on the age of consent, but to change how this country treats sex education. I've always said that if we treated sex education as we do car and sports culture, STD's and abortions would indeed be the rare exception.

Kind of a problem when people start getting horny way before 18!
Apology accepted. See post #338 as to why I went down this route. And Puh-leeze, NEVER assume or think that I'm on any level with Squawkie (IntoTheNight), as my explanations are not his dogmatic approach. I have to take a shower just thinking about it. >shudder<

Like it or not, having a emotional/mental drive that contradicts your biological make up is an abnormality. Left to natural means, two men or two women cannot produce a child with each other. Period. To have children, the gay couple MUST RELY on adoption, artificial insemination or surrogacy. Natural reproduction by sexual intercourse cannot happen.

Abnormality is a statistical term. And it is false that they MUST RELY on them. They are capable of reproducing the natural way as I have stated.

Now, does this mean that you deny gay folk in the job market or housing or access to public facilities and services? Nope. Does this mean you deny them the aforementioned means to "have" children? Nope.

I do not agree with artificial insemination. In my opinion that is unnatural. Where's the love?
Are you saying infertile men and women are a negative thing?

This is another line that you idiots love to use. With this line, you idiots are attempting to make an appeal to the presence of abnormal conditions (or normal conditions in old age) as if those abnormal conditions (or normal conditions in old age) are somehow equatable to normal conditions.

The fact that some men and some women happen to be infertile for one reason or another has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the truth that, in principle, a man and a woman are capable of producing children.
And it's not "abnormal." People are born homosexuals, just as they are born heterosexuals. I'd actually argue that treating gay people any differently from heterosexuals is an affront to God's creative intent.

The conservative attitude (generally speaking) toward homosexuality is a disgrace. They hide behind the religion and "hate the sin, but not the sinner" platitudes, but so much of their attitude and their actions has a foundation more firmly rooted in hate than love or spirituality. It's typical fear. Something is "different." Something is "not like me."

We need more understanding & tolerance in the world. Much more. If something has no effect on your life - what's it to ya?

So you have FINALLY come out of the closet hey Bartender ? Do you work at a NORMAL bar where NORMAL people go to hang out once in a while or do you work at one of those joints that looks like a village people convention? If so,...say hi to Dutch for us! :laugh:
I think you and dumbfuck Stone are so disturbed by homosexuality because you are constantly fighting that urge. Why don't you just give in and suck each others cock.

Speaking of being possessed.....WHY talk like that? Does any good come out of it? Does it truly benefit you or anyone else in any way? Seek help while you still have time.
I think you and dumbfuck Stone are so disturbed by homosexuality because you are constantly fighting that urge. Why don't you just give in and suck each others cock.

Funny, but their misogyny doesn't necessarily translate to homosexuality. I think they love a platonic relationship with their "bros" and only tolerate women as sexual objects.