APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next


Loyal to the end
by Chuch Baldwin / July 14, 2000
Homosexuality has jumped out of the closet and into social acceptance. Today, sodomite behavior even enjoys legal protection and political preference. If you had told our grandparents thirty-five years ago that this would be the case, they would have laughed you out of the room.

Thirty-five years ago, the only people who were trumpeting the normalization of homosexuality were left-wing college professors. Few people took them seriously. That was a fatal mistake. We should have remembered Lincoln’s sage instruction:

"The philosophy of the classroom in one generation is the philosophy of the country in the next."

Who can deny that those liberal college professors in the 1960’s changed the direction of the entire nation? It behooves us, therefore, to give serious consideration to what liberal college and university professors are now promoting.

I'm told that in an article in the May/June issue of Society magazine entitled, "Sexual Liberation’s Last Frontier," Associate Professor of Sociology at Temple University, Julia Erickson calls for more tolerance and understanding for pedophiles. Yes, pedophiles. Erickson argues that the word pedophilia is too harsh and judgmental. She prefers using "child-adult sex." She questions research that shows long-term effects of such activity.

Erickson compares the plight of pedophiles to homosexuals in years gone by. She believes punishments inflicted upon pedophiles are too severe and suggests they need social acceptance, even legal protection, instead. You and I are making a serious miscalculation if we disregard people like Erickson as the lunatic fringe of society. We made that mistake thirty-five years ago, and look what has happened.

America has legally and culturally abandoned its Judeo/Christian roots. We have expunged traditional morality from the public square, and from the public conscience. Aberrant sexual misconduct of every kind has taken its place. Adultery, fornication, cohabitation and sodomy are socially acceptable, even politically protected. America currently has no moral compass.

Next on the list to achieve politically correct categorization is pedophilia. Understand that pedophilia is exactly where homosexuality was thirty-five years ago: in the classrooms of liberal college professors. If America doesn’t make a sudden and dramatic turn toward traditional [how about Biblical? - JZ] morality, pedophilia will enjoy the same kind of social and political acceptance that homosexuality now enjoys, and it won’t take thirty-five years to happen, either.

Is this where we are going?:eek:
And homosexuality is no longer considered immoral by the majority.:)


That's the point of the article.

However, morality is not chosen by the populace.
Morality is a set of attitudes and behaviors which facilitate voluntary, cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships.

So. Homoness is morally neutral.

Summary: Bruce Rind, Philip Tromovitch, and Robert Baserman are among the few who have begun to question the supposed long-term effects of child-adult sexual activity on the children involved. It is appropriate to undertake such research if only to wrest the terms of the debate from conservatives who have used pedophilia as a way to silence all attempts at sexual tolerance.

LOL yeah, it's those evil repubs!! Democrats are the party of the pedophile!!

Maineman approves!!
is going to work,what part of adult consent do you not understand?

This is a great example of the utter dishonesty of the con right.

You people are idiots to think this type of vastly flawed thinking is going to work, that is burrying the current R party.
thank god desh, let them keep digging.

The republicans will be left with the NRA, and the kkk

Top, you and I agree on a lot and disagree on a lot. However would you be so kind as to leave your mass generalizations out? You'd be better off as there are several groups aligned with the NRA that are firm gay rights supporters (the Pink Pistols for example).
Correct, it is defined by the Bible, of which those laws are based. :good4u:
No, it is defined by the Dhammapada...


Morality is chosen, just as religion is chosen, and those laws cannot be based on the Bible, that would be an establishment of religion.
No, it is defined by the Dhammapada...


Morality is chosen, just as religion is chosen, and those laws cannot be based on the Bible, that would be an establishment of religion.
Those laws are based on the Bible, and that's not establishment of a religion, but recognition of the authority of a higher power that gave us self-evident rights to begin with.
Those laws are based on the Bible, and that's not establishment of a religion, but recognition of the authority of a higher power that gave us self-evident rights to begin with.

Those laws are not based on the bible. The laws that we have that are also in the bible have also been in the laws of numerous cultures.

The comparison between homosexuality and pedophilia is just fear-mongering by the right-wing nutcases.

There is no comparison. It is no more accurate than asking if allowing homosexuality will lead to slavery or murder. Both are illegal and immoral.