APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

everyone alive today will be fertilizer.

Your ideas have harmed this country and you refuse to take responsibility for what you cheered on and defended for years so why would anyone think you had something worth taking heed to say?
everyone alive today will be fertilizer.

Your ideas have harmed this country and you refuse to take responsibility for what you cheered on and defended for years so why would anyone think you had something worth taking heed to say?

Please cease with your continual flow of idiotic spew.
Pedophilia has a victim you strawman building dolt. When two homosexuals enter into a relationship it is consensual. A child cannot consent, that is why we have age of consent laws in every state. That means, and I will type this slow so you get it, that there is an age in which we say children lack the capacity to consent to sex. We also say that children lack the capacity to enter into contracts which is why if a 15 year old enters into a contract to buy a home theater and then quits paying, the most the seller can hope for is his home theater system back and cannot sue the minor for specific performance or for the remainder of the home theater value. Merchants can only sue children for payment on necessities such as food, and shelter. Your argument is a strawman and you know it.
Democracy is what we are and the first person on record to talk of people ruling themselves was a greek and the bible did not come up with the idea.

The US is not based on the bible.
Democracy is what we are and the first person on record to talk of people ruling themselves was a greek and the bible did not come up with the idea.

The US is not based on the bible.

we are republican form of you really want to be a democracy?

i suggest you google the terms to find out the differences between the two....i'll even help you out:

These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see.
The First Amendment merely prohibits respecting an establishment of religion; it does not prevent laws from being based on a well established religious work.
Again, basing all legislation on your religious dogma would be establishing your religion, and a violation of the first amendment.

No matter how many times you try to convince yourself, such laws are not based on bible verses.
Democracy is what we are and the first person on record to talk of people ruling themselves was a greek and the bible did not come up with the idea.

The US is not based on the bible.

You're arguing all over the place. SM stated (incorrectly) that our LEGAL system was based primarily on the Bible, not our electoral form of government. That is based on the Roman principle of a republic.
Again, basing all legislation on your religious dogma would be establishing your religion, and a violation of the first amendment.

No matter how many times you try to convince yourself, such laws are not based on bible verses.

Straw man. Laws based on moral code in the Bible doesn't equal basing all legislation on religious dogma. :facepalm:
Moses with tablets is in the exact center of the frieze, which due to its shape is also the largest, so I'd say he is emphasized the most. Also, since the image of the tablets are repeated on the front doors...

The image is not repeated on the doors. There are friezes of tablets. On one door it is marked with the Roman numerals I thru V, and on the other door it is marked VI thru X. It is your own religious zealotry that sees the only interpretation as it being the 10 Commandments.

But there is a letter on file in the archives of the SCOTUS from the designer, Adolph Weinman. In this letter he says that the roman numerals do not represent the 10 Commandments, but the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, or the Bill of Rights.

No, the friezes around the SCOTUS chamber and outside the building do not show christianity as the source of our laws.
Straw man. Laws based on moral code in the Bible doesn't equal basing all legislation on religious dogma.
Religious dogma in any form is religious dogma even if somebody makes them laws.

Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from. The term derives from Greek δόγμα "that which seems to one, opinion or belief"[1] and that from δοκέω (dokeo), "to think, to suppose, to imagine".[2] The plural is either dogmas or dogmata , from Greek δόγματα.

In the US we are not allowed to make laws based on your religious dogma.

You attempt to again distract from your lack of knowledge of the law. It is inane to say that the law is based on your bible verses. If such were the case Texas sodomy laws would never have been struck down.
The image is not repeated on the doors. There are friezes of tablets. On one door it is marked with the Roman numerals I thru V, and on the other door it is marked VI thru X. It is your own religious zealotry that sees the only interpretation as it being the 10 Commandments.

But there is a letter on file in the archives of the SCOTUS from the designer, Adolph Weinman. In this letter he says that the roman numerals do not represent the 10 Commandments, but the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, or the Bill of Rights.

No, the friezes around the SCOTUS chamber and outside the building do not show christianity as the source of our laws.

It figures you would repeat that lie.
"The Information Officer also mentioned there were 'handwritten notes' from Adolph Weinman in the Smithsonian files that further validate the ten amendments theory. What I found was just the opposite!" DuBord said.

No doubt you attack my source now. LOL