APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

I was aware that two original amendments weren't ratified. Solitary claims that the tablets on the doors signify the Ten Amendments, which is ludicrous. Thanks for clearing that up.

You are digressing from the point, which is that morality is the basis of many of our laws, and morality is defined in the Bible. The Ten Commandments on the SC building pediment and doors signifies this.
You are mistaken, morality is not defined from the Bible for everybody, solely those who follow it dogmatically (and as you saw earlier with the definition it is what you do, it isn't as insulting as people think) and laws that are solely from that source are stricken down.

I haven't digressed I have stated a simple truth.
You are mistaken, morality is not defined from the Bible for everybody, solely those who follow it dogmatically (and as you saw earlier with the definition it is what you do, it isn't as insulting as people think) and laws that are solely from that source are stricken down.

I haven't digressed I have stated a simple truth.

Morality is defined by the Bible and because of the tolerance of Christ even non-believers as yourself benefit from His guidance.
I was aware that two original amendments weren't ratified. Solitary claims that the tablets on the doors signify the Ten Amendments, which is ludicrous. Thanks for clearing that up.

You are digressing from the point, which is that morality is the basis of many of our laws, and morality is defined in the Bible. The Ten Commandments on the SC building pediment and doors signifies this.

there is also muhammad with the quran on the building....are you going to be intellectually honest and use the same logic towards saying islam and the quran defines our morality?
there is also muhammad with the quran on the building....are you going to be intellectually honest and use the same logic towards saying islam and the quran defines our morality?
There are many great morality lessons in the Koran, however they are secondary to the Bible, and this is signified by the prominence of the Ten Commandments, in the center and largest.
there is also muhammad with the quran on the building....are you going to be intellectually honest and use the same logic towards saying islam and the quran defines our morality?

And Confucius also defines our morality.

Hammarabi certainly does, since he created one of the first written sets of laws in history.
There are many great morality lessons in the Koran, however they are secondary to the Bible, and this is signified by the prominence of the Ten Commandments, in the center and largest.

Which commandments are used in our laws?

"ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'

TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'

FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'

FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'

SIX: 'You shall not murder.'

SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'

EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'

NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'

TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' "

There are two that are in our laws now, and always have been. But laws against stealing and murder are in almost every culture in the world, including those who had laws before having any contact with judeo/christian faiths.

The law against adultery is iffy, because it has been struck down in most places.

So what is left is that 70% of the 10 Commandments are not and have not been laws, except in some unconstitutional instances, in our nation.

And the laws that we have used were also in the Code of Hammurabi, which either predates the commandments or is of the same time period. The laws that we have were also in use by the chinese when they had never heard of westerners, and their laws influenced the west later.
"...however they are secondary to the Bible, and this is signified by the prominence of the Ten Commandments..."

Another Solitary failure.


One preacher claims the doors show the 10 Commandments.

The SCOTUS archives and researchers say that they represent the Bill of Rights.

Since most of the 10 Commandments were never used as laws, but all of the first 10 amendments are laws, and shape our nation, I think your conspiracy theory is weak.
There are many great morality lessons in the Koran, however they are secondary to the Bible, and this is signified by the prominence of the Ten Commandments, in the center and largest.

fair enough...

but it is quite a stretch to say the our laws are based on the bible, while ignoring the plethora of other philosphers or lawgivers....that are also on the scotus, thus making sure that no one religion or philosophy ruled our judicial system
fair enough...

but it is quite a stretch to say the our laws are based on the bible, while ignoring the plethora of other philosphers or lawgivers....that are also on the scotus, thus making sure that no one religion or philosophy ruled our judicial system

Our laws are a mixture of many, many cultures and historical figures.
One preacher claims the doors show the 10 Commandments.

The SCOTUS archives and researchers say that they represent the Bill of Rights.

Since most of the 10 Commandments were never used as laws, but all of the first 10 amendments are laws, and shape our nation, I think your conspiracy theory is weak.
The architect of the building states that the Ten Commandments were to be signified. The design was approved by Congress.
Morality is defined by the Bible and because of the tolerance of Christ even non-believers as yourself benefit from His guidance.
Rubbish, the Bible is not the sole source of morality, morality existed long before Jeebus showed up and will still exist long after Jeebus goes the way of the Pagan gods.

Morality can be a set of rules dogmatically followed, those rules however cannot be the substance of the law in this land. Morality can also be a secular set of rules.

It is not the job of the government to keep you moral. If it were there would be laws against adultery, sodomy (that weren't struck down), etc. It would even be illegal to be homosexual, but it isn't. Your set of dogma is not what we base our laws on. First it cannot be, second it is obvious by what we allow that they aren't.

We simply do not allow our government to set laws based on your religious beliefs, and we aren't going to without a constitutional amendment to allow a theocracy.
fair enough...

but it is quite a stretch to say the our laws are based on the bible, while ignoring the plethora of other philosphers or lawgivers....that are also on the scotus, thus making sure that no one religion or philosophy ruled our judicial system
Saying that they are based on the Bible doesn't ignore these other minor influences.
*searches for some emoton that won't be construed as gay*
Post 92...

(I added a bit with an edit... so I'll repost it here.

Rubbish, the Bible is not the sole source of morality, morality existed long before Jeebus showed up and will still exist long after Jeebus goes the way of the Pagan gods.

Morality can be a set of rules dogmatically followed, those rules however cannot be the substance of the law in this land. Morality can also be a secular set of rules, which are what are laws actually are.

It is not the job of the government to keep you moral. If it were there would be laws against adultery, sodomy (that weren't struck down), etc. It would even be illegal to be homosexual, but it isn't. Your set of dogma is not what we base our laws on. First it cannot be, second it is obvious by what we allow that they aren't. Imagine all the things that would be illegal if we set our laws based on your dogma. Masturbating would be illegal, witchcraft (a religion) would be illegal, being an atheist would be illegal.

We simply do not allow our government to set laws based on your religious beliefs, and we aren't going to without a constitutional amendment to allow a theocracy.

I am very glad that we live in a land that allows me to follow my own set of beliefs without being forced into yours, and that freedom is reflected in our laws.
Saying that they are based on the Bible doesn't ignore these other minor influences.

Minor influences? :rofl:

That is hysterical! You are so determined that your faith shaped it all that I bet it was even a struggle to type that there were other "minor influences".
Society is the victim of homosexuality you dolt.
Just when I thought you could not say anything more ludicrous you show me I am wrong. Society is NOT victimized by men have sex with men. You are the now the king of hyperbole. No one should take you seriously anymore.
Just when I thought you could not say anything more ludicrous you show me I am wrong. Society is NOT victimized by men have sex with men. You are the now the king of hyperbole. No one should take you seriously anymore.

Saying that they are based on the Bible doesn't ignore these other minor influences.
*searches for some emoton that won't be construed as gay*

ok...then you admit that the bible is not the sole influence, the other 17 law givers also have influence...

what if muslims were to use your argument in requesting sharia law?
the difference is one is about consenting adults and the other is about adults and non-consenting children

also, homosexuals and heterosexuals may be pedophiles