APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

Would you choose to raise a family there?

There are plenty of places I wouldn't choose to raise a family. Any urban environment wouldn't be a choice I would make unless it was a last resort.

Is this area a high crime area?
Wouldn't be my first choice, but sure. If the town wasn't in MA anyways.
Why wouldn't you choose it, say, if it wasn't in Massachusetts? In fact, say if it was just like where you live now, except that the population was a very high percentage queer. Would you choose it over where you live now to raise a family?
There are plenty of places I wouldn't choose to raise a family. Any urban environment wouldn't be a choice I would make unless it was a last resort.

Is this area a high crime area?
If you consider sodomy a crime, then yes, P-Town has an exceedingly high crime rate.
If you consider sodomy a crime, then yes, P-Town has an exceedingly high crime rate.

Not a high crime area then. If it was a rural area that had a high population of gays, I wouldn't have a problem living there. What others do is not my concern.
Why wouldn't you choose it, say, if it wasn't in Massachusetts? In fact, say if it was just like where you live now, except that the population was a very high percentage queer. Would you choose it over where you live now to raise a family?

You seem to forget that I currently live in Detroit. I wouldn't raise a family here regardless of the sexuality of most residents.

Of course all other things being equal I honestly wouldn't if my children grew up in a predominately gay area, so long as it was good enough for me to live there in the first place.

So now you just call me a liar? You lose all points in this argument. I honestly don't care who fucks in i what bodily orifice as long as it's consensual, and I don't have to watch. I don't see anything wrong with it and honestly, if I ever had gay children I would love and support them as much as if they were straight so long as they didn't sully my family name and passed on the blood line.
So now you just call me a liar? You lose all points in this argument. I honestly don't care who fucks in i what bodily orifice as long as it's consensual, and I don't have to watch. I don't see anything wrong with it and honestly, if I ever had gay children I would love and support them as much as if they were straight so long as they didn't sully my family name and passed on the blood line.
You just made my point with the bolded context. In gay towns like San Fran, P-Town and Key West you're likely to see all kinds of public displays of queer sex. If you were raising a family there it would be a huge negative for you.
You just made my point with the bolded context. In gay towns like San Fran, P-Town and Key West you're likely to see all kinds of public displays of queer sex. If you were raising a family there it would be a huge negative for you.

You're wrong on two fronts. First you have no evidence to base that claim on, second you don't see all sorts of hetero sex in straight cities and if you do, it's against the law.
Perhaps, being from 'bama, you're not aware of the society that is P-Town, Mass. I suggest that you spend a week there are report back to us. :good4u:
So in P-Town there is sex on the streets? Actual anal and oral sex? Or is just that men walk through town hand in hand with other men, and women do the same? Do they sometimes kiss in public too? Those icky queers, kissing and holding hands just like Breeders. And no I would not live in P-Town but not because of queers, because the government is Mass is way to involved in people's personal lives, they tax you way to much. I HAVE lived in Santa Fe NM which is also a very queer friendly town, as is Liberal Kansas which I spent a lot of time in during law school because they have great show venues. I would raise by children in either of those towns. I have queer friends and my children are already exposed to them being affectionate with one anther.
You're wrong on two fronts. First you have no evidence to base that claim on, second you don't see all sorts of hetero sex in straight cities and if you do, it's against the law.
Dude, when I lived in Massachusetts there was a highway rest area that became infested with queers. They'd stop in and have sex with each other. There's a little park in nearby Winston-Salem that has a reputation for the same thing. Most queers choose to be queer because they can't find women who want to have sex like that, and if they find an area where they can congregate will poke each other in the open. These are facts and you can choose to publicly deny them but you know they are true which is why you reacted as you did.
Dude, when I lived in Massachusetts there was a highway rest area that became infested with queers. They'd stop in and have sex with each other. There's a little park in nearby Winston-Salem that has a reputation for the same thing. Most queers choose to be queer because they can't find women who want to have sex like that, and if they find an area where they can congregate will poke each other in the open. These are facts and you can choose to publicly deny them but you know they are true which is why you reacted as you did.

It's not facts, it's anecdotal at best, and ripe with bigotry. People stopping to have sex in a park? Hell I do that with my wife when the mood so suits me. It's illegal and likely to be just as prominent in straight neighborhoods as gay neighborhoods. Admit it, you're afraid that general acceptance of homosexuality will destroy your very belief system.
it just seems, of all the sins, you're most concerned with this one....
It is, after all, the most egregious sin, starting with Ham (Genesis 9:22), causing a generational curse by Noah to his youngest son, which became a curse by God onto the seven nations of Canaan (Deuteronomy 7:1, 2).
It's not facts, it's anecdotal at best, and ripe with bigotry. People stopping to have sex in a park? Hell I do that with my wife when the mood so suits me. It's illegal and likely to be just as prominent in straight neighborhoods as gay neighborhoods. Admit it, you're afraid that general acceptance of homosexuality will destroy your very belief system.
Assuming that heteros have public sex as often as queers, you stated yourself that you wouldn't want to look at queers doing that. If you raised a family in a town full of queers you'd have to keep your eyes closed, a lot.
It is, after all, the most egregious sin, starting with Ham (Genesis 9:22), causing a generational curse by Noah to his youngest son, which became a curse by God onto the seven nations of Canaan (Deuteronomy 7:1, 2).

blasphemy of the holy spirit is

deuteronomy 7:1, 2 has nothing to do with homosexuality

genesis is not about homosexuality

read up on blasphemy of the holy spirit, it is the only unforgivable sin