APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

ok...then you admit that the bible is not the sole influence, the other 17 law givers also have influence...

what if muslims were to use your argument in requesting sharia law?

i see that you noticed that it depends on whose law or 'holy' book is involved
Just when I thought you could not say anything more ludicrous you show me I am wrong. Society is NOT victimized by men have sex with men. You are the now the king of hyperbole. No one should take you seriously anymore.

I asked him to defend this accusation, but was ignored.

Anyone taking bets as to whether he does so?
Post 92...

(I added a bit with an edit... so I'll repost it here.

Rubbish, the Bible is not the sole source of morality, morality existed long before Jeebus showed up and will still exist long after Jeebus goes the way of the Pagan gods.

Morality can be a set of rules dogmatically followed, those rules however cannot be the substance of the law in this land. Morality can also be a secular set of rules.

It is not the job of the government to keep you moral. If it were there would be laws against adultery, sodomy (that weren't struck down), etc. It would even be illegal to be homosexual, but it isn't. Your set of dogma is not what we base our laws on. First it cannot be, second it is obvious by what we allow that they aren't. Imagine all the things that would be illegal if we set our laws based on your dogma. Masturbating would be illegal, witchcraft (a religion) would be illegal, being an atheist would be illegal.

We simply do not allow our government to set laws based on your religious beliefs, and we aren't going to without a constitutional amendment to allow a theocracy.

I am very glad that we live in a land that allows me to follow my own set of beliefs without being forced into yours, and that freedom is reflected in our laws.

All that effort doesn't negate what I said earlier.
Just when I thought you could not say anything more ludicrous you show me I am wrong. Society is NOT victimized by men have sex with men. You are the now the king of hyperbole. No one should take you seriously anymore.
You want proof? Just look at P-Town, Mass.
All that effort doesn't negate what I said earlier.
What you said? You made some inane post about an emoticon that would show "gay"... and then reiterated it as an answer to a post of mine.

You're out of your mind if you think you have made some valid point that cannot be "negated" with posts about "gay" emoticons.

So far I have simply pointed out that the laws are not based on your religion, pointed out why, pointed out that laws that were have been struck down, and you've given me some post about "gay" emoticons.

It doesn't take a genius to see that you are now trapped in the wilder land of lost argument and desperate distraction.

If you want a theocracy (laws based on your religion) you'll either have to move or get the Congress to pass an Amendment that would then need to be ratified by 3/4 of the states.
I'd say that Christianity came first.

You'd be wrong. Paganism in it's many forms came first. The first monotheists to appear would be the Jews, which the old testament of the bible is based on. Interestingly enough the bible was not started as moral or religious tome but rather a historical one, to chronicle the history of the Jewish people after their nation had been broken up by the Assyrians.

I think everyone here had rather have an explanation of why you think homosexuality victimizes all of society.

His explanation, even though he would never admit to it, is fear. Fear of what he doesn't understand. Fear of being wrong. Fear, in the end, is what it all boils down to.
His explanation, even though he would never admit to it, is fear. Fear of what he doesn't understand. Fear of being wrong. Fear, in the end, is what it all boils down to.

Which is why I press for an explanation. As he struggles to give a coherent answer that does not involve fear, perhaps he will realize the truth.

Knowing it is the first step.
Which is why I press for an explanation. As he struggles to give a coherent answer that does not involve fear, perhaps he will realize the truth.

Knowing it is the first step.
I still can't believe he pointed to "Post 93" as a serious answer. I feel sorry for him now.
What you said? You made some inane post about an emoticon that would show "gay"... and then reiterated it as an answer to a post of mine.

You're out of your mind if you think you have made some valid point that cannot be "negated" with posts about "gay" emoticons.

So far I have simply pointed out that the laws are not based on your religion, pointed out why, pointed out that laws that were have been struck down, and you've given me some post about "gay" emoticons.

It doesn't take a genius to see that you are now trapped in the wilder land of lost argument and desperate distraction.

If you want a theocracy (laws based on your religion) you'll either have to move or get the Congress to pass an Amendment that would then need to be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

Straw man about the emoton; it is unrelated to the main content of the post: "Saying that they are based on the Bible doesn't ignore these other minor influences. "
You'd be wrong. Paganism in it's many forms came first. The first monotheists to appear would be the Jews, which the old testament of the bible is based on. Interestingly enough the bible was not started as moral or religious tome but rather a historical one, to chronicle the history of the Jewish people after their nation had been broken up by the Assyrians.
Out of context. We were discussing Islam v. Christianity.
Straw man about the emoton; it is unrelated to the main content of the post: "Saying that they are based on the Bible doesn't ignore these other minor influences. "
You clearly have no idea what a straw man is.

I simply pointed to "post 93" as you did in answer to a post about how laws based on your religion have been struck down. It is a simple post about emoticons and whether you can find one that doesn't suggest "gay" or some other inanity. That's not a straw man it is literally what you did.

They are quite literally not "based on the bible" if they were they would be struck down like the other laws that were set solely for biblical morality. Your answer is as weak as the attempt to distract talking about emoticons and their "gay"...
Perhaps, being from 'bama, you're not aware of the society that is P-Town, Mass. I suggest that you spend a week there are report back to us. :good4u:

I don't see anything so reprehensible with the town. Not somewhere I would go personally, but I doubt they would have what I was looking for in the first place (a good local brewery).