APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

If you're not going to be honest with me than I can't answer. *shrug*

No, you can't answer because you know you're wrong. Why should I think that gay people are subhuman like you do? Why should I be afraid of them like you are? I have no reason.

Face it, you've been trapped and can't get out. Admit to your bigotry and I'll be on my way.
No, you can't answer because you know you're wrong. Why should I think that gay people are subhuman like you do? Why should I be afraid of them like you are? I have no reason.

Face it, you've been trapped and can't get out. Admit to your bigotry and I'll be on my way.
Its not bigotry to not accept a lifestyle that is chosen and immoral. I don't like abortion supporters either.
Perhaps if you knew how to satisfy them better they wouldn't feel the need to find their kicks with this rather unusual behavior.


You think people have wild sex because they are unsatisfied with "regular" sex? Don't be daft.

I think its safe to say that the majority of people under 50 are not satisfied with limited themselves to missionary position in their bed in the dark.

There is nothing wrong with having fun with your spouse or partner. You should try something adventurous. Like maybe leave the light on.
Its not bigotry to not accept a lifestyle that is chosen and immoral. I don't like abortion supporters either.

First of all, most gays don't choose to be gay. There may be a few, but not the majority.

Second of all, there are a lot of things I don't particularly like. But that doesn't mean I don't tolerate those who do.
Its not bigotry to not accept a lifestyle that is chosen and immoral. I don't like abortion supporters either.

It IS bigotry to demand that the world conform to your personal moral code and deny other that which you would demand for yourself. I don't support stupidity but I still think idiot's should have the same rights that I do. Now since you refuse to do anything here but argue in some sort of wild goose chase, return to one of the issues at hand;
1. How do you know I wouldn't live in a gay town if it met all my other expectations? (here's a hint, San Fransisco meets all of them except it's in California)
2. How does gay marriage damage society?
3. How does the acceptance of gay people in society at large increase the proliferation of pedophilia, something you yourself said was morally acceptable 100 years ago?
Straw Man. The argument is about an institution of queer marriage.

You yourself said children were the victim, and society was the victim. I simply equated that to be the children of society. So which is it? Show me how ANYONE is the victim.
Straw Man. The argument is about an institution of queer marriage.


You tell us that children are the victims. Then we asked to clairfy, you call it a strawman??

Priceless avoidance of the topic that you brought up.
You yourself said children were the victim, and society was the victim. I simply equated that to be the children of society. So which is it? Show me how ANYONE is the victim.
Both are. Children will have to be taught that queer is normal and healthy: a lie. Adoption agencies will be forced to place kids with queer parents; queers are less stable and are unable to raise children as normal parents can. Societies based on lies inevitably fail.
Both are. Children will have to be taught that queer is normal and healthy: a lie. Adoption agencies will be forced to place kids with queer parents; queers are less stable and are unable to raise children as normal parents can. Societies based on lies inevitably fail.

The bold faced part is an absolute lie. There have been numerous studies that have shown no difference between kids raised by gays and kids raised by straights.
Both are. Children will have to be taught that queer is normal and healthy: a lie. Adoption agencies will be forced to place kids with queer parents; queers are less stable and are unable to raise children as normal parents can. Societies based on lies inevitably fail.

Children won't have to be taught a damn thing, but if they are taught to accept everyone own their own merit instead of a gross generalization, than good. Further you have no proof that gay families are more or less stable that straight ones, especially with the current trend towards single parents and teenage parents.