APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

Anyone with an agenda can design a study with results that defy common sense. Normal parents have both male and female perspectives so are better able to advise and discipline their children as situations occur.
Children won't have to be taught a damn thing, but if they are taught to accept everyone own their own merit instead of a gross generalization, than good. Further you have no proof that gay families are more or less stable that straight ones, especially with the current trend towards single parents and teenage parents.

Teenage parents are less stable than ones who have matured and better financially equipped. Single parent households are less stable then two parent households. Queers are less stable than normal folks.

These are facts, and they are undeniable.
Anyone with an agenda can design a study with results that defy common sense. Normal parents have both male and female perspectives so are better able to advise and discipline their children as situations occur.

So.... you have no proof of ANY of your arguments? Not a damn thing huh?
Anyone with an agenda can design a study with results that defy common sense. Normal parents have both male and female perspectives so are better able to advise and discipline their children as situations occur.

So you are saying that these studies, done by reputable doctors and social workers, were falsified to further their agenda?

Do you have any evidence? I mean, other than the fact that they disagree with your views.
Both are. Children will have to be taught that queer is normal and healthy: a lie. Adoption agencies will be forced to place kids with queer parents; queers are less stable and are unable to raise children as normal parents can. Societies based on lies inevitably fail.

parents will not have to teach their children that queer is normal....schools already talk about homosexuality as 'normal', shouldn't discriminate against this point falls flat on its face

in some states, gays can already adopt....

there is absolutely zero evidence that gay couples are less stable and are unbable to raise children as "normal" parents can....this is completely unfounded, especially in the light of how many kids are abused, neglected "normal" relationships
Teenage parents are less stable than ones who have matured and better financially equipped. Single parent households are less stable then two parent households. Queers are less stable than normal folks.

These are facts, and they are undeniable.

"Queers are less stable than normal folks."

That is absolutely not a fact. It may be your fervent wish, but it is not a fact.
Children are the victims.
Children are the victims of pedophilia. That is a different subject. The vague idea that because their parents are different they are victimized is simply not even close to direct victimization that should be required before we start passing laws.
Teenage parents are less stable than ones who have matured and better financially equipped.
True, for the most part
Single parent households are less stable then two parent households.
True, for the most part
Queers are less stable than normal folks.
Untrue, for the most part, as you have no rational basis for your argument.

These are facts, and they are undeniable.

You deny facts all the time. Like the fact that most homosexuality is genetic not chosen.
Both are. Children will have to be taught that queer is normal and healthy: a lie. Adoption agencies will be forced to place kids with queer parents; queers are less stable and are unable to raise children as normal parents can. Societies based on lies inevitably fail.

You really do become delusional, when you have a mal-hissy. :palm:
Based on the revulsion that you expressed earlier. Plus its human nature. Since you were in the military, how would you react if half of your platoon was queer?
I served in the Military and knew many gay soldiers. I never outed them and I actually showered with a few along with lots of other men in my company after PT. They didn't do anything different from the rest of us. They showered, they dried off, got dressed and went to chow. My biggest concern in the army was that the guy to my right and my left new how to take care of himself in combat. That is ALL that matters. You are the one that is scared of queers so quit projecting your piddly pussy ass revulsion on us and own up to your bigotry.
It IS bigotry to demand that the world conform to your personal moral code and deny other that which you would demand for yourself.

yet what I see in this thread is the insistence that everyone accept homosexual relationships and activism as normal and is THAT not demanding that everyone conform to a moral code?
yet what I see in this thread is the insistence that everyone accept homosexual relationships and activism as normal and is THAT not demanding that everyone conform to a moral code?

What I see is that one group is being denied equality because of the fears of another group.

No one is saying you have to accept anything. The argument has been made that either would not live in a predominantly gay community or that we are lying when we say we would.

I don't like a lot of people. But unless they do something directly to me (or mine), or they break the law, I say "Live & let live".
yet what I see in this thread is the insistence that everyone accept homosexual relationships and activism as normal and is THAT not demanding that everyone conform to a moral code?

PMP, I dislike people who would use others. I dislike people who abuse others. But I do not presume to tell them that they cannot marry.

I dislike and do not accept those who would cheat on their spouse. But if they get caught, they can still remarry.
yet what I see in this thread is the insistence that everyone accept homosexual relationships and activism as normal and is THAT not demanding that everyone conform to a moral code?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can hate gay people all you want. In fact you can treat them however you personally want to (with respect towards the law), but our GOVERNMENT, our body of law, cannot see it that way. All people must be given a fair share until they have proven to be a detriment to society. And thus far no one has been able to show one iota of how people being gay is harmful to society.