APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

dodge.....I can pin point a half dozen posts to this thread showing that liberals believe anyone who doesn't accept their views on homosexuality to immoral's the essence of the problem in this debate....the left refuses to acknowledge it's own bigotry.....

Not a dodge. I can point to conservatives doing the same thing.

And, other than SM, I try and remain civil to all. Yet you lump me in with the uncivil liberals.
so explain to me again why they can't simply have the relationship of their choice without requiring everyone else in America to accept it as 'marriage'........

You don't have to accept it. No religion or church has to accept it. Just the blind impartial eye of the government.
WTF? Where have I said that? I have presented my side of debates and read other people's.
obviously you were comparing yourself to someone, either SM or least YOU judge each issue on it's merits....fucking shame we don't......but what can you expect....we don't have your superior outlook on life.....
You don't have to accept it. No religion or church has to accept it. Just the blind impartial eye of the government.

no business has to grant spousal benefits? taxpayer money will be involved?......sweet....let's pass a law saying gays can use the word "marriage" but none of the rest of us have to pay any attention to it......
really?....I have not asked any homosexual to abandon their relationship to comply with my views on morality......I have not asked them to redefine any social institutions to comport with my beliefs.....I have not called anyone a bigot for not sharing my beliefs......yet, liberals continue to be that somehow my fault?......

yes you are....

you are telling them that they are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry simply because you believe their relationship is immoral based solely on your christian beliefs....since you are still cutting out my posts and ignoring much of what i write, i am FORCED to repeat myself...

marriage is NOT a religious institution in this country. yet you are forcing your religious views on them.

now, stop cutting out my posts and address them in full so i don't have to repeat myself. what say you to the above?
yes you are....

you are telling them that they are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry simply because you believe their relationship is immoral based solely on your christian beliefs....since you are still cutting out my posts and ignoring much of what i write, i am FORCED to repeat myself...

marriage is NOT a religious institution in this country. yet you are forcing your religious views on them.

now, stop cutting out my posts and address them in full so i don't have to repeat myself. what say you to the above?

not surprising PMP once again runs from tough questions and debates and gives a smart ass reply instead
no business has to grant spousal benefits? taxpayer money will be involved?......sweet....let's pass a law saying gays can use the word "marriage" but none of the rest of us have to pay any attention to it......

That would still be unequal treatment. Again, you would deny others what you demand for yourself.
what are you talking about? you are being obtuse on purpose....whats the matter, can't actually handle the real discussion?

a direct accused me of considering lying, adultery, and spouse abuse as you consider that obtuse?....