APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

Considering the nature of the source, and the big intellectual leap you're making (multiple partners=less stable especially since the same could be said about many straight couple), I find your claim questionable.
The source is a study by Dutch researchers.

Talk about a leap, of course multiple partners makes a marriage unstable.
obviously....the relationship between two men is not 'marriage'.....

Through your own narrow vision (which no one is forcing you or even suggesting you change). But that imparts an unfairness towards a group of American citizens. And still that would not make anyone 'unequal'.
The source is a study by Dutch researchers.

Talk about a leap, of course multiple partners makes a marriage unstable.

Not always. You know about swingers correct? They're still allowed to marry and I'm certain you see the 'immorality' in that.
It shows your morality is subjective and that the 'institution' of marriage is no more harmed by these activities then by gay marriage, multiple partners or not.
You just said that I would think that swinging was immoral, which it obviously is. Now if you can provide data that shows that swingers are as stable as non-swingers that may help your argument, but you didn't do that.
You just said that I would think that swinging was immoral, which it obviously is. Now if you can provide data that shows that swingers are as stable as non-swingers that may help your argument, but you didn't do that.

It still proves your morality is subjective and cannot be a sole basis for law.
If they were solely based on the Bible that would most certainly be establishing your religion as the basis of law, it would be theocracy first and a violation of the first amendment overall.

Recognizing a generic Creator who gave us rights is not the same thing as basing laws on your religious dogma.

Every law we have regarding a moral or ethical matter (most of the laws), are directly based on Biblical teachings. Laws against murder and theft, are specifically articulated in the 10 Commandments. It is the basis for not only our laws, but the actual founding of our nation. This is why you are so fucking clueless, you don't even understand the basic premise on which this country was established. It was indeed a "religious" notion that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights! You want to insist that the very founding principle of our nation is unconstitutional, because it isn't secular!

The First Amendments does not say; Congress shall make no law based on anything religious, or have respect for anything non-secular. Sorry, it just doesn't say that, and if your 'interpretations' were accurate, that is precisely how it would read.
You just said that I would think that swinging was immoral, which it obviously is. Now if you can provide data that shows that swingers are as stable as non-swingers that may help your argument, but you didn't do that.

your link about homosexuals didn't prove anything said relationships, not marriage....

after dealing with that question for 76 pages I can't imagine what more could be said....

you are telling them that they are second class citizens who do not have the right to marry simply because you believe their relationship is immoral based solely on your christian beliefs....since you are still cutting out my posts and ignoring much of what i write, i am FORCED to repeat myself...

marriage is NOT a religious institution in this country. yet you are forcing your religious views on them.

man up and answer it...

if marriage is not a religious institution in this country, why is it you feel you can force your religious views on people and demand they accept your religious views of marriage?
a direct accused me of considering lying, adultery, and spouse abuse as you consider that obtuse?....

now you're just flat out lying, you even directly quoted me, here is the direct quote that you actually cut out from the rest of the post

why do allow these "immoral" people to marry?

i specifically said it was immoral....

and then you gave your obtuse and purposefully combative answer, and then i asked if you consider those things moral and said is this correct? and then you gave a flippant cut post to play with. you whine about others insulting, yet your posts display an insulting attitude.


why do you allow these immoral peole to marry, and not gays?
still not marriage....and obviously not monogamous

Yurt, you do realize you are advocating we pass a law to define marriage based on a sexually deviant behavior? You do realize, once such a law is set in stone, it will establish precedent for any other group of sexual deviants who want the same 'right' to marry, and we will have no choice but to grant their exceptions because of the constitutional guarantee of 'equal protection under the law'.

I have no problem with gay people, and I don't care if they want to live the gay lifestyle... I don't even care if they want to live as 'husband and wife' or have a 'wedding' ceremony. I will even go so far as to say, I don't have a problem with a stable gay couple who have maintained a stable home, adopting children. I think gay couples should be treated the same as married couples in matters of insurance, contracts, etc.

My point of contention is changing the definition of a traditional institution, and basing it on sexual behavior. You open a can of worms you can't ever close. Liberals will point to other countries where gays can marry, but those countries do not have our constitution, and wouldn't be obligated to extend that same consideration to others with an odd sexual preference.