APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you can hate gay people all you want. In fact you can treat them however you personally want to (with respect towards the law), but our GOVERNMENT, our body of law, cannot see it that way. All people must be given a fair share until they have proven to be a detriment to society. And thus far no one has been able to show one iota of how people being gay is harmful to society.
wrong....hate isn't the issue, tolerance is no longer the issue.....acceptance is demanded or you are labeled as a bigot.....'re so full of it

it is YOU who is demanding gays accept YOUR morals and it is YOU who is shoving down their throats by saying that can't marry because YOU believe homosexuality is wrong.

nice will allow adulterers, liars, britney's, abusers and murderers to marry, but oh no, not a fucking homosexual, those evil fucking bastards will destroy marriage....

biggest bunch of bs and hypocrisy i've ever seen
wrong....hate isn't the issue, tolerance is no longer the issue.....acceptance is demanded or you are labeled as a bigot.....

And if you're a priest/minister/grand poobah, you can exclude them from whatever ceremony you want. You can go on international TV and tell everyone how they will burn in hell and whatever. It's your right. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought! Enjoy them, exercise them by all means! But do not expect that our government be in line with your narrow thought pattern and deny others what you would demand for yourself.
except for Southern Man....Southern Man can burn for being a bigot......

SM is trying to stop others from living their lives as they see fit. He is trying to force his morality on society.

Also, he is deliberately antagonistic and hostile.
wrong....hate isn't the issue, tolerance is no longer the issue.....acceptance is demanded or you are labeled as a bigot.....

I have said it before and will say it again, your acceptance is up to you.

But the gov't is not allowed the same leeway.'re so full of it

it is YOU who is demanding gays accept YOUR morals and it is YOU who is shoving down their throats by saying that can't marry because YOU believe homosexuality is wrong.

really?....I have not asked any homosexual to abandon their relationship to comply with my views on morality......I have not asked them to redefine any social institutions to comport with my beliefs.....I have not called anyone a bigot for not sharing my beliefs......yet, liberals continue to be that somehow my fault?......
But do not expect that our government be in line with your narrow thought pattern and deny others what you would demand for yourself.

this is my point....somehow I have a 'narrow thought pattern'....I'm not as good as the rest of you because I don't share your moral beliefs......there is no bigot more bigoted than a liberal bigot.....
nice will allow adulterers, liars, britney's, abusers and murderers to marry, but oh no, not a fucking homosexual, those evil fucking bastards will destroy marriage....

by the way, I don't consider homosexuals to be evil fucking bastards.....unless they are liberal homosexuals....then it goes without saying that they are evil, fucking bastards....
this is America....there is no 'government' out there that is different from us......

But there is a difference between the individual and the collective.

As an individual you are not required to accept anything. But for the collective "us" (as in the gov't) to exclude a group based on sexual orientation is simply wrong.
You're right, this is America. A land where everyone regardless of moral/ethical code is to be treated EQUALLY in the eyes of the law.

so explain to me again why they can't simply have the relationship of their choice without requiring everyone else in America to accept it as 'marriage'........
this is my point....somehow I have a 'narrow thought pattern'....I'm not as good as the rest of you because I don't share your moral beliefs......there is no bigot more bigoted than a liberal bigot.....

Any issue in which we disagree will have me thinking you are wrong. It is the nature of disagreement.
lol.....blind liberalism....

Not at all. When we are discussing gay marriage, and his response is "go try being gay with your neighbor and see how it works out for your marriage" or "You two agree, you must be gay buddies" or something similar, he is not debating he is trying to insult.

I am not a blind liberal any more than I am a blind conservative.

I look at each issue on its own merits.
Any issue in which we disagree will have me thinking you are wrong. It is the nature of disagreement.

dodge.....I can pin point a half dozen posts to this thread showing that liberals believe anyone who doesn't accept their views on homosexuality to immoral's the essence of the problem in this debate....the left refuses to acknowledge it's own bigotry.....
perhaps in communist countries....perhaps that explains why liberals think everything is hunky dorry so long as the 'government' pays for it....

Not at all. You are allowed to be a devote christian, and Damo is allowed to be a devote buddhist, but our gov't can be neither.