APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

I support this, it is just semantics, basically you want the government to allow gay marriage, just stop calling it marriage!

No, they want the gov't to give benefits to any couple that joins in a binding agreement, and to get out of marriage altogether.

If a church so chooses, they can still marry a gay couple, but there are no benefits to it. The gov't benefits come from the civil union.
No, they want the gov't to give benefits to any couple that joins in a binding agreement, and to get out of marriage altogether.

If a church so chooses, they can still marry a gay couple, but there are no benefits to it. The gov't benefits come from the civil union.

Sure, thats the same as it is now except it would alow same sex couples to do it.

If I want to marry my BFF now and she is a woman, I can do it, even if we dont have and never intend to have a sexual relationship....

It merely takes the sex out of the equasion, so the plan merely extends the same bene's to homosexuals and changes the name.

When I married my wife no church or holy institution sanctioned it, I still consider myself married.

Most people will still call it marrage dispite what the government calls it.
I dont belive that 1% crap, maybe in Alabama where admiting it will get you killed its 1%.

Hey now, we in Alabama are not the backwoods folks you apparently think we are.

Only half of the posters from Alabama are opposed to gay marriage. But it looks as if 100% of the posters from North Carolina are opposed to it.
Hey now, we in Alabama are not the backwoods folks you apparently think we are.

Only half of the posters from Alabama are opposed to gay marriage. But it looks as if 100% of the posters from North Carolina are opposed to it.

I never lived in North Carolina, I did live in Alabama, and my father grew up in Montgomery.

My great grandfather was a pharmacist in Montgomery and the others were farmers in Ramer.

My great grandfather purchashed the mirror that hangs in my living room from Jefferson Davis when he had to leave Montgomery in a hurry.
My great great grandfather was a wheat farmer in Auburn.

My grandfather worked for Governor Wallace for most of his career.

My grandmother taught music at Sidney Linear High School for 25 years.
I have furnature on perment loan to the White House of the Confederacy museaum in downtown Montgomery.
I have a few Alabama roots and know a bit about the state.

The former governor, Fob James was my fathers best friend in college.
My great great grandfather was a wheat farmer in Auburn.

My grandfather worked for Governor Wallace for most of his career.

My grandmother taught music at Sidney Linear High School for 25 years.

Thanks for the enlightening family history, but your statement of "maybe in Alabama where admiting it will get you killed its 1%" is still crap.

There was a time when it would be possible, but unless a gay man goes into some rural or redneck environment and starts making passes, I doubt it happens in Alabama more than anywhere else.
Do you have a cite to that study?


The study was based on the US Census.
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2003 ( - The Census Bureau released a Census 2000 report on married- and unmarried-couple households today. The 16-page report, Married-Couple and Unmarried-Partner Households: 2000, indicates that homosexual couples account for only 1 percent of all couples - married and non-married. Of the 60 million households headed by couples, 0.6 million were headed by same-sex partners.

And confirmed by a pro-gay site.
dude...i have never attacked religion you lying sack.

i've stated repeatedly over the years that i agree with your solution. my first solution and i've even stated it in this thread is for government to get out of marriage. contrary to the lying PMP, i have not changed my position on gay marriage, it has been the same now as it was years ago when i posted on DP and USMB....

however, my argument is valid, now, because the government is involved in religion. and you continue to argue that gay marriage will never happen because it will lead to this slippery slope you are in fact making the argument above, you are just so deluded you can't see it. you think your solution gives you carte blanche to argue against gay marriage and somehow makes you a saint is naive and unpersuasive.

you will let a murderer marry, but not a homosexual....that is unequal and has no merit.

I haven't presented a slippery slope argument, my argument against legalized gay marriage is based on the precedent of establishment of marriage based on sexual behaviors. Our Constitution prohibits us from denying one group the rights we allow to others, so if we base marriage on sexual preference, we must also allow other sexual preferences the same consideration, if we don't, we have violated their constitutional rights of equal protection. We can't define marriage based on sexual behavior without making sexual behavior a tenable criteria for marriage across the board. You enable the argument for pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, polygamy, etc... You set the precedent by allowing marriage to be redefined in law, under the constitution, under the 'equal protection' clause. It's not a slippery slope, it is the principle of law, and how it would have to be applied equally to all. The only thing that would stand in the way, would be striking down some laws currently on the books, but in some cases, no law may apply. I don't know that anyone has a law that a woman can't let her Dobie mount her... is that illegal? Yeah, it's gross, but it's not against the law, as far as I know. So once gay marriage is "approved" by our government, who's to say that the National Women Who Love Dobies, aren't going to lobby government for the same equal consideration under the law? You may argue that animals can't give consent, but I'm sure she could demonstrate how the Dobie consents to mount her, if you needed proof. So who are you to deny true love? Who are you to tell others how to live? Why can't the Women Who Love Dobies have the same "right" as everyone else? Do you have any answer for that? Nope... because according to the Constitution, once you've established marriage can be based on a sexual preference, you MUST grant equal protection under the law.
I have a few Alabama roots and know a bit about the state.

The former governor, Fob James was my fathers best friend in college.

And yet you still claimed that admitting your were gay in Alabama would get you killed?

Your knowledge is sorely outdated.
The study was based on the US Census.

And confirmed by a pro-gay site.

Oh hell, not this again.

This study only counted gays and lesbians that are living with someone in a committed reltionship. And that is tenuous at best.

This only proves how many admitted that the lived as though they were married but lived with someone of the same gender.

Apparently there are no gays who live alone or with just a roommate.