APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

And yet you still claimed that admitting your were gay in Alabama would get you killed?

Your knowledge is sorely outdated.

I gree it will not necessarly get you killed, but I found more prejudice against gays in Alabama than anywhere else Ive ever been.

When they tried to form the Auburn Gay and Lesibin Society you should have seen the uproar. Thousands marching on the state capitol...!
Oh hell, not this again.

This study only counted gays and lesbians that are living with someone in a committed reltionship. And that is tenuous at best.

This only proves how many admitted that the lived as though they were married but lived with someone of the same gender.

Apparently there are no gays who live alone or with just a roommate.

Or with families....
I gree it will not necessarly get you killed, but I found more prejudice against gays in Alabama than anywhere else Ive ever been.

When they tried to form the Auburn Gay and Lesibin Society you should have seen the uproar. Thousands marching on the state capitol...!

When they did it on the campus at UA there were a couple of angry letters to the editor and an article in the Crimson White supporting it. Perhaps its the schools and their alumni?

I knwo the man who won the Miss Gay Alabama contest. Nice guy, and he said the turnout was amazing. No protestors or threats at all. In fact, he seemed to be genuine about the support the pageant received every year.
I haven't presented a slippery slope argument, my argument against legalized gay marriage is based on the precedent of establishment of marriage based on sexual behaviors. Our Constitution prohibits us from denying one group the rights we allow to others, so if we base marriage on sexual preference, we must also allow other sexual preferences the same consideration, if we don't, we have violated their constitutional rights of equal protection. We can't define marriage based on sexual behavior without making sexual behavior a tenable criteria for marriage across the board. You enable the argument for pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, polygamy, etc... You set the precedent by allowing marriage to be redefined in law, under the constitution, under the 'equal protection' clause. It's not a slippery slope, it is the principle of law, and how it would have to be applied equally to all. The only thing that would stand in the way, would be striking down some laws currently on the books, but in some cases, no law may apply. I don't know that anyone has a law that a woman can't let her Dobie mount her... is that illegal? Yeah, it's gross, but it's not against the law, as far as I know. So once gay marriage is "approved" by our government, who's to say that the National Women Who Love Dobies, aren't going to lobby government for the same equal consideration under the law? You may argue that animals can't give consent, but I'm sure she could demonstrate how the Dobie consents to mount her, if you needed proof. So who are you to deny true love? Who are you to tell others how to live? Why can't the Women Who Love Dobies have the same "right" as everyone else? Do you have any answer for that? Nope... because according to the Constitution, once you've established marriage can be based on a sexual preference, you MUST grant equal protection under the law.

your entire post is a slippery slope argument....

do you even know what the term means? please tell me what you think it means....

allowing two people who are engaged in legal behavior to marry or even if they are not engaged in any behavior but simply want to marry is NOT going to to devolve into allowing people to marry animals....

give me a break dixie, you have to consent. your agrument is without merit, absolutely no historical facts to back it up, in fact just the opposite as i provided you and SM with a report on gay marriage in denmark and europe...

your fears are completely unfounded and based solely on the slippery slope
I've heard several folks here claim that homosexuality is normal; I've never heard anyone claim that about murder. You're trying to develop an analogy that makes no sense.

it makes perfect sense....

just because a murderer is allowed to marry, obviously doesn't mean our kids are forced to learn that murder is normal....

you actually just proved my point and showed that simply allowing someone to marry doesn't mean anyone is forced to learn that such behavior is normal....
it makes perfect sense....

just because a murderer is allowed to marry, obviously doesn't mean our kids are forced to learn that murder is normal....

you actually just proved my point and showed that simply allowing someone to marry doesn't mean anyone is forced to learn that such behavior is normal....
I'm not sure why you're equating the two sins.
If you don't have eyesight you can't get a license to drive...
True, but if you are blind you can still marry. There is nothing in the biology that precludes them from entering a personal contract. So long as they are capable adults they can enter personal contracts. Even by your arguments they can. (Unless it is your contention they cannot sign contractual obligations that would equal a marriage's). You just want the government to define something religious through secular law so that they are forced to follow your specific religious doctrine.
I'm not sure why you're equating the two sins.

uh....they are both sins....

one is written in stone, twice, the other is not....

and i've already showed you that the worst sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit, not homosexuality...

so why aren't you out there advocating that those who blasphemy the holy spirit can't get married?
When they did it on the campus at UA there were a couple of angry letters to the editor and an article in the Crimson White supporting it. Perhaps its the schools and their alumni?

I knwo the man who won the Miss Gay Alabama contest. Nice guy, and he said the turnout was amazing. No protestors or threats at all. In fact, he seemed to be genuine about the support the pageant received every year.

Maybe a lot has changed in the past 15 years.
In my book homosexuality is not a sin.... In fact sexuality itself is a gift from God.
"Marriage" is a religious institution, secular unions are a simple contract, the attempt to make it fit into some round hole that you dug doesn't change that. All capable adults are allowed to enter into personal contracts, and that is as far as the government should take it.

The government shouldn't be in the business of regulating contracts in order to keep you from sinning. All I want to do is pull government power back into the box originally intended for it by the founders. Religion is not its purview, and protecting your religion's institutions is also not within its power.
Give me a quote!!!

And that aint necessarly my book!
Romans 1: 18 - 27

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.