APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

i've given you both law and examples. if you want to remain ignorant, go for it dixie.

EP does not apply to illegal behavior. to argue that we would have to make it legal because of EP is 1. false, 2. the slippery slope....

and again, you are the one who keeps bringing up sexual behavior and falsely claiming it is others doing so. if you are going to continue to be dishonest and claim you are not the first one to bring it up and not the one who continually keeps talking about allowing this sexually deviant behavior will lead to allow other sexually behavior, then you can pound sand.

I keep bringing it up, because in case you haven't noticed, HOMOSEXUALITY is a sexual behavior, and that is the criteria YOU want to define marriage. I am opposed to that. And it is an absolute falsehood and misconception that I am saying one sexual behavior will lead to allowing another, these sexual behaviors already exist in our society, and in most cases, are not illegal. We have tried really hard not to legislate sexual behavior in America. My point has nothing to do with "allowing" a behavior, or dictating what behavior is appropriate. You continue to try and paint me into that corner, and insist this is what I am about, and it's simply a lie. You are a dishonest liar, who doesn't have the testicles to address the issues I have raised, so you resort to telling absolute lies and distorting what I have said.

Equal protection does apply to every citizen of the United States, regardless of anything else, because it is in the Constitution. If you establish marriage can be appropriately based on sexual preference, it has to apply to ALL individuals engaged in ANY sexual practice within the law, or any sexual practice that becomes legal in the future. You really have not presented anything to refute that point, and it stands in spite of your continued ignorant insistence that it doesn't.
I keep bringing it up, because in case you haven't noticed, HOMOSEXUALITY is a sexual behavior, and that is the criteria YOU want to define marriage. I am opposed to that. And it is an absolute falsehood and misconception that I am saying one sexual behavior will lead to allowing another, these sexual behaviors already exist in our society, and in most cases, are not illegal. We have tried really hard not to legislate sexual behavior in America. My point has nothing to do with "allowing" a behavior, or dictating what behavior is appropriate. You continue to try and paint me into that corner, and insist this is what I am about, and it's simply a lie. You are a dishonest liar, who doesn't have the testicles to address the issues I have raised, so you resort to telling absolute lies and distorting what I have said.

Equal protection does apply to every citizen of the United States, regardless of anything else, because it is in the Constitution. If you establish marriage can be appropriately based on sexual preference, it has to apply to ALL individuals engaged in ANY sexual practice within the law, or any sexual practice that becomes legal in the future. You really have not presented anything to refute that point, and it stands in spite of your continued ignorant insistence that it doesn't.

Yes it is, and no its not. The marriage isn't going to be based on sexual behavior anymore than your marriage or my marriage is based on sexual behavior. And we have heterosexual marriages.

Does sex occur in our marriages? Hell yes it does (at least in mine - I hope in yours as well). But I doubt many people get married for sex. Gay marriage is not going to happen based on sex. It will be based on a deep love for one another, just like straight folks.
Yes it is, and no its not. The marriage isn't going to be based on sexual behavior anymore than your marriage or my marriage is based on sexual behavior. And we have heterosexual marriages.

Does sex occur in our marriages? Hell yes it does (at least in mine - I hope in yours as well). But I doubt many people get married for sex. Gay marriage is not going to happen based on sex. It will be based on a deep love for one another, just like straight folks.

If you redefine marriage to specifically include homosexuality, how can you possibly argue that you haven't redefined marriage based on a sexual behavior?
If you redefine marriage to specifically include homosexuality, how can you possibly argue that you haven't redefined marriage based on a sexual behavior?

Because there is no term for people who love the same gender. I am heterosexual, does this mean all my relationships are based on sex too?

This is actually why many call them "same sex" marriages, so they can avoid defining a marriage based on sex alone. Because, in all fairness, its not about sex.
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Again you are off base. What I'm suggesting is that it is unethical to for a adult male with all his facilities to marry a woman with the mental capacity of a ten year old.

That may be what you're suggesting now; but that's not what you posted.
You said retrarded people shouldn't be allowed to marry. :good4u:

You are aware that there are various degrees of retardation, I hope. :palm:
Not true, that wasn't my argument at all. IF we alter the definition of marriage, and base it on a sexual behavior, then we MUST, by the Constitution, allow the same consideration for any other sexual behavior. You can't say, this particular sexual behavior is allowed to marry, but that one isn't, because of 'equal protection' aspects of the Constitution. I know you all like to use the interracial marriage analogy, but it would be like lifting the ban on black and white marriage, but other interracial mixes don't qualify. You couldn't do that, the other races would raise hell and demand their constitutional right to equal protection, and rightly so. Same situation here, except instead of race, we are dealing with sexual behavior. Once you have established that a criteria for marriage can be sexual behavior, that becomes a standard you have to accept for ANY sexual behavior to follow.

Currently, it is not legal to fuck animals, but I am sure people do it. Well, if all the animal fuckers decided to form a coalition, and lobby for their rights, who is to say that one day, cross-species marriage won't be on the table? And when it gets put on the table, what are you going to say to prevent it, when you've already established that marriage CAN be based on sexual behavior? You've established a precedent, and you can't go back and undo what you've done. The argument you would face, would be very similar to homosexuals argument, the animal fuckers can't help they were born that way, and who are you to deny them the right to be with who they love? Especially when you have already allowed that right based on another sexual behavior?

Now, you can presume this won't ever happen because of animal rights advocates, but what about incestuous relations? What about this arbitrary age restriction? What about polygamists? All of these can be brought to the table, when we have established that marriage can be based on a sexual preference, instead of how it is currently defined. I just feel like, Gay Marriage would open a whole can of worms you don't want to open. You can believe this would never happen, but once was a time, we would have NEVER imagined homosexuals wanting to marry. If you had asked someone 50 years ago about this, they would have laughed you out of the room.

Every action has a consequence. Liberals are really good at not seeing these consequences, then we all have to deal with them after the fact. There are too many potentially bad consequences to redefining marriage based on sexual behavior, and I don't think some people have considered them at all.

The proposal I laid out, is a way to resolve this issue and give every side what they want. I'll tell ya, it's rare that such a solution ever exists for any problem. But we see here in this thread, some people want to ignore my suggestion, and continue calling me names and denigrating my position. To them, I am not convinced this is even about finding a solution, it's not about helping homosexual couples realize the benefits of traditional marriage, it's about ideology, social reform, political agendas, and attacking religion.

Do you even read what you write, or do you just cut and paste it from an anti-gay site??

You accuse others of wanting to change marriage, based on "sexual behavior" and yet that's exactly what you want to keep it based on.
You're a hupocrite; but you're just to blind to see it.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (New International Version)

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

You are aware that the reason it's the New International Version, is because it was "re-interpreted" by people just like Dixie.
Do you even read what you write, or do you just cut and paste it from an anti-gay site??

You accuse others of wanting to change marriage, based on "sexual behavior" and yet that's exactly what you want to keep it based on.
You're a hupocrite; but you're just to blind to see it.

No US, I presented a very reasonable and viable compromise solution to the issue, one which gives all sides what they want, and one that has been widely accepted here by people on both sides. You refuse to even address my solution, or offer any sort of objection to it, and instead, continue to insinuate I am anti-gay, racist, homophobic, etc.

This tells us one thing... You don't want to find a solution, you want to keep this an issue! YES! Because as long as you can keep the issue going back and forth, you believe it helps you to denigrate religious people, churches, traditional marriage, and social conservatives in general. It's the excuse you use to call people names, categorize them into isolated groups and make broad generalizations about them. It enables you to continue being a bigot, as long as Gay Marriage is an issue.
No US, I presented a very reasonable and viable compromise solution to the issue, one which gives all sides what they want, and one that has been widely accepted here by people on both sides. You refuse to even address my solution, or offer any sort of objection to it, and instead, continue to insinuate I am anti-gay, racist, homophobic, etc.

This tells us one thing... You don't want to find a solution, you want to keep this an issue! YES! Because as long as you can keep the issue going back and forth, you believe it helps you to denigrate religious people, churches, traditional marriage, and social conservatives in general. It's the excuse you use to call people names, categorize them into isolated groups and make broad generalizations about them. It enables you to continue being a bigot, as long as Gay Marriage is an issue.

You really need to broaden your ability to form cognitive thought; because what you're working with now, just isn't helping you at all.

My "SOLUTION" is to let adults that love each other, have the right to marry; if they so choose.
You really need to broaden your ability to form cognitive thought; because what you're working with now, just isn't helping you at all.

My "SOLUTION" is to let adults that love each other, have the right to marry; if they so choose.

Adults CAN love each other, there is no restrictions on it as far as I know, and everyone has the same rights to marry, if they meet the criteria. Your solution has been rejected by the American people, 31 times and counting. The only places where your solution is law, is where judges have made it that way, against the will of the people.

You can insult me all you like, you've demonstrated your stubborn unwillingness to find a solution to this issue we can all live with. Essentially, you want the rest of the world to bow to your will, and that isn't going to happen. In light of the fact that you certainly understand you can never obtain what you want, we have to really objectively look at why you remain so obstinate about a reasonable solution which gives all sides what they want. I think it is more than simply you being stubborn, I think you have some ulterior motives here, which are being hidden cleverly behind the banner of gay marriage.

Come out into the light, US... tell us why you refuse to accept a reasonable solution which gives gay couples every right of traditional married couples?
You are aware that the reason it's the New International Version, is because it was "re-interpreted" by people just like Dixie.
I could post it in King James, it still won't change the verse. The dude asked for a verse that said it was a sin, I just obliged. It isn't as if I personally would be effected by the verses I posted.
I could post it in King James, it still won't change the verse. The dude asked for a verse that said it was a sin, I just obliged. It isn't as if I personally would be effected by the verses I posted.

Therein lies the key. It is what it is for christians and jews. But it is not, and should never be, the law for the nation.
it makes perfect sense....

dixie claims if we allow gay marriage we will also have to allow other deviant marriages, and he has used bestiality as an example. this is not true, EP does not apply to illegal behavior. we would have to legalize those behavior, which is in fact the slippery slope argument.


Dixie's argument is valid, since 40 years ago sodomy was illegal.
Its a reinterpretation based on a better understanding of the ancient original language.

I agree that the bible calls it a sin. But that has no relevance concerning whether gays are allowed to marry or whether we have civil unions replace marriage in the gov't side of things.
Only within the structure of your religious doctrine. Many families are built on other foundations than your dogma. It is not the government's responsibility to judge your religious views the "winning" views on which to base secular laws such as personal contracts.

None of the powers granted to any level of government gives them the power to regulate contracts agreeable to your religious doctrine or your religion's definition of family.

But most families are built on these foundations, and families with a stable heterosexual "mom and dad" are typically the most successful.

You keep mention my religious doctrine and that argument hasn't held water for days now.
That may be what you're suggesting now; but that's not what you posted.
You said retrarded [sic] people shouldn't be allowed to marry. :good4u:

You are aware that there are various degrees of retardation, I hope. :palm:

How ironic. Where did I state this? Perhaps you misinterpreted.