APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

OTE=Dixie;551026]I keep bringing it up, because in case you haven't noticed, HOMOSEXUALITY is a sexual behavior, and that is the criteria YOU want to define marriage.

homosexuality is not necessarily a behavior. but it is good of you to finally admit that it has been you that brought it up first and continues to bring it up because YOU believe it is solely a sexual behavior.

and once again you're not comprehending what i am saying. marriage doesn't need to be defined as homosexual behavior. it is now just an agreement, a contract between two consenting adults, two adults that can legally marry, obviously excluding certain family members and allowing the parties to contract with more than one party. sometimes people get married and do not engage in any sexual behavior, see those who marry to come to this country, they contract with someone to gain citizenship.

I am opposed to that. And it is an absolute falsehood and misconception that I am saying one sexual behavior will lead to allowing another, these sexual behaviors already exist in our society, and in most cases, are not illegal. We have tried really hard not to legislate sexual behavior in America. My point has nothing to do with "allowing" a behavior, or dictating what behavior is appropriate. You continue to try and paint me into that corner, and insist this is what I am about, and it's simply a lie. You are a dishonest liar, who doesn't have the testicles to address the issues I have raised, so you resort to telling absolute lies and distorting what I have said. call me a liar...well, let's just see what YOUR words say:

I can make the same argument you have made, for people who enjoy sex with animals. Sure, it's not legal at this time, but homosexuality is not legal in some parts of the world. This is a minor technicality, and one that could easily be resolved, particularly if the proponents of such a measure had the precedent of "gay marriage" to hold up. Who the fuck are YOU to deny someone the right to marry the DOG they love? Isn't THAT solely based on your own personal morals? Who are you to deny people to marry children? Isn't THAT based on your own personal morals? Aren't you simply discriminating against people who have a certain sexual preference?

Once you make marriage include homosexuals, every sexual deviant will have the constitutional right to equal protection under the law, that is about as clear as it can be. You can't prevent it, you won't be able to deny it, because you have established the precedent already. If you can't discriminate based on sexual behavior, you can't discriminate against ANY sexual behavior. What if the lifting of interracial marriage bans, merely applied to blacks and whites, and not to asians or other races? Wouldn't other races have had a legitimate complaint for lack of equality? The same is true with sexual deviant marriage... allow it, and you have to allow it for ALL sexual deviants.

thats just one post owe me an apology, i did not lie, you in fact said exactly what you claim you never said....

Equal protection does apply to every citizen of the United States, regardless of anything else, because it is in the Constitution. If you establish marriage can be appropriately based on sexual preference, it has to apply to ALL individuals engaged in ANY sexual practice within the law, or any sexual practice that becomes legal in the future. You really have not presented anything to refute that point, and it stands in spite of your continued ignorant insistence that it doesn't.

are you really this stupid? well...since you don't believe is the constitution dixie:

nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

protection of the LAWS dixie....
Dixie's argument is valid, since 40 years ago sodomy was illegal.

um no....if you read the cases you will see homosexual marriage had zero to do with the rulings that sodomy should not be made illegal, and don't forget skippy....sodomy in some of the states included BLOWJOBS, do you really want to take this stance SM? i guess the SCOTUS was wrong, blowjobs should be illegal.....:pke:

and since that time, pray tell what other sexual acts have become legal? you want to talk about the slippery slope....tell me, how big are other sexual act movements? how many cases have made the court to argue the same arguments about sodomy?
um no....if you read the cases you will see homosexual marriage had zero to do with the rulings that sodomy should not be made illegal, and don't forget skippy....sodomy in some of the states included BLOWJOBS, do you really want to take this stance SM? i guess the SCOTUS was wrong, blowjobs should be illegal.....:pke:

and since that time, pray tell what other sexual acts have become legal? you want to talk about the slippery slope....tell me, how big are other sexual act movements? how many cases have made the court to argue the same arguments about sodomy?
That's not my point at all, which is that morality is constantly under attack, and that breaking down on blasphemous door clears the way to break down yet another.

BTW, blow jobs are sodomy.
That's not my point at all, which is that morality is constantly under attack, and that breaking down on blasphemous door clears the way to break down yet another.

BTW, blow jobs are sodomy.

so really, it is also about allowing blowjobs that has led to our moral decline....

and i notice you couldn't provide one example anywhere to support your slippery slope argument....:clink:
Damocles, have you seen the ads that pop up when viewing this thread? Maybe its just my computer but its adds for gay vacations with buff men in copulative poses! Its very funny, now my secretary thinks I am gay!
No, work doesn't let the ads through their firewall (they actually put some sort of ad block on the network) so I don't see them unless I am at home.
No, work doesn't let the ads through their firewall (they actually put some sort of ad block on the network) so I don't see them unless I am at home.

I find it humerous to imagine Dixie having that on his computer screen... Dont get me wrong I am not offended.
The OP itself gives examples.

The opening post gives vague references to homosexuality being accepted, and that pedophilia is the next taboo to be brought into the mainstream. I believe there is a single reference to a single college professor who wants this to happen.

And this article was written 9 years ago. And pedophiles are still among the most hated and reviled people on earth. There has not been a single step towards making their twisted sexuality legal.

The opening post was by a christian author who is bemoaning the loss of christian values in town square.

In the OP it doesn't give examples of blowjobs leading to the moral decline. The author claims that blowjobs ARE the moral decline.

Total nonsense. No evidence or solid research was involved in the opening post.
Equality for women and black people was part of an ongoing list of changes in our society that will result in more freedom for all people.
I find it humerous to imagine Dixie having that on his computer screen... Dont get me wrong I am not offended.
I actually laughed out loud when I read the post. I certainly didn't believe you were offended. I'm actually quite glad the ads aren't appearing here...