APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

Why wouldn't it?

No idea. I tried to rep you (and was going to give you positive reps to show how little they mean) but I got a message that I had to spread them around.

I guess I give so few that I still have to give more since the last time I gave you points.
No idea. I tried to rep you (and was going to give you positive reps to show how little they mean) but I got a message that I had to spread them around.

I guess I give so few that I still have to give more since the last time I gave you points.

Just as I predicted: the system won't let you rep because you've rep'd too much already today. Yet you insist that the rep points don't matter.

Solitary pwned.
Just as I predicted: the system won't let you rep because you've rep'd too much already today. Yet you insist that the rep points don't matter.

Solitary pwned.

Look back and I think you will see I gave you a neg rep after you gave them to me first. And that has been a while.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (New International Version)

9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

What does the original say?
Translated from the original hebrew it says:
'Joe, out of veggies. Popped down to Hymies for some carrots and maybe a cabbage. Oy vay.'
Of course, that also could be a mis translation.


Now that is funny.
Translated from the original hebrew it says:
'Joe, out of veggies. Popped down to Hymies for some carrots and maybe a cabbage. Oy vay.'
Of course, that also could be a mis translation.

likely it would have been a mis translation, since the original was in Greek, not Hebrew....
likely it would have been a mis translation, since the original was in Greek, not Hebrew....

My goodness, you'll believe anything, won't you? It was originally written in a completely unknown language whose name has long been forgotten. It was translated into another almost unknown language with a base in what is now Hungarian. From there it went to Hebrew and Greek at the same time. Two authors, Paul of Tarsus and Brian of Beru.
The only translation that anyone knows about is the one from Greek because all the others were destroyed in the various conflicts which shaped the ancient world.
It was then mistranslated into middle English by Angela Wycliffe, the sister of the original translator of the bible into English from thence into the English of James the first of England and James the sixth of Scotland, two royal brothers, well known for their work in uncovering the mystery of the Glock Urn, of which more later.