APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

I understand the debate about if homosexuality is a choice or something you are born with, but my point is, who cares.

So what if its a choice, should you not be allowed to make that choice should you desire?

All adult humans have sexual desire, much like all humans experience hunger. When I am hungery I choose what to eat.... Is it unnatural if I choose a bannana over a peach?

Bad analogy aside, if you want to make a choice, all I ask is that you accept the consequences.
Bad analogy aside, if you want to make a choice, all I ask is that you accept the consequences.

If anyone chooses to be gay, they will accept the consequences. But those consequences should not be threats and violence from the ignorant, giving up the ability to marry (or have a civil union when we change the laws for all), or to raise children.

Especially when the choice that they make does not effect either their ability to raise children well or anyone else's marriage.
Back to the OP, how long will it be until we have, say, 48% of Maine endorsing pedophilia?
Never you idiot, What part of consent do you not understand. Children cannot consent to sex. In many states children cannot consent to sex with other children their own age or close to their own age. This is the difference between Homosexuality and your strawman of Pedophilia. I challenge you to show me a poll tha shows one state with a population over 1% in favor of pedophilia. The use of pedophilia is intellectually dishonest, a fear tactic, and indicates piss poor debate skills.
Never you idiot, What part of consent do you not understand. Children cannot consent to sex. In many states children cannot consent to sex with other children their own age or close to their own age. This is the difference between Homosexuality and your strawman of Pedophilia. I challenge you to show me a poll tha shows one state with a population over 1% in favor of pedophilia. The use of pedophilia is intellectually dishonest, a fear tactic, and indicates piss poor debate skills.

Not so much. In the early part of the 19th century, a majority of Southern Democrats thought nothing of enslaving folks with dark skin, and that included breeding them like animals and selling off their children. Today there are very few who think that. To some folks, morality isn't static, but constantly changing.

I think that you're afraid to admit these obvious truths, so lash out with accusations of being dishonest and lacking skills.
maybe SM is right....

it all started with allowing blowjobs, blowjobs led to homosexual behavior, and of course homosexual behavior and/or marriage necessarily leads to pedophilia!!!!!
Oh NO!!!!!!!

Does this mean, for every blowjob I have gotten I will have a desire to screw an animals???

Damn! Wonder where the nearest pound is?

oral sex is EVIL...see what it has done to you....

if we had simply let blowjobs remain one would be a homosexual!!!!!

I just wanted to use the word, because it's the word of the day. Now aren't we all supposed to scream and clap while somebody gets covered in green goo?