APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

I was not excited about it, I though it was funny... But even if I were, why should that matter, there would be nuthing wrong with getting excited about it!
If there's nothing wrong with getting excited about it then why lie about getting excited about it?

Damocles, have you seen the ads that pop up when viewing this thread? Maybe its just my computer but its adds for gay vacations with buff men in copulative poses! Its very funny, now my secretary thinks I am gay!

Not just one, but two points of exclamation.

I would like to point out, so far, not one person has read my solution and found anything to object. From either side of the argument. You continue to debate as if this solution doesn't exist, or as if you just aren't willing to find a solution at this time. I don't understand that. If your motives here, are to assist gay couples in realizing benefits of married couples, why would you ignore a perfectly reasonable solution or reject it in it's entirety?
I will say that you are amusing in your angst.
You ignore other's posts, answer only what you want to, refuse to acknowledge what olthers suggest; but you seem to feel that you have the absolute right to continue to ask the same questions, until you get an answer you want.
You were answered; but you just couldn't deal with the fact that you're wrong.

Don't worry, man. No one is going to make you marry and sleep with anyone who is gay. :good4u:

The thing I find most dismaying is that you have used homophobic imagery and insults for years and yet now you are in the vanguard of those defending gay rights. Most puzzling!!
I would like to point out, so far, not one person has read my solution and found anything to object. From either side of the argument. You continue to debate as if this solution doesn't exist, or as if you just aren't willing to find a solution at this time. I don't understand that. If your motives here, are to assist gay couples in realizing benefits of married couples, why would you ignore a perfectly reasonable solution or reject it in it's entirety?

I thought it was a good solution.

If you look at the post concerning the fact that three of you agree, the ones without reason feel free to mock. But the arguing continues from both sides of the aisle.
I would like to point out, so far, not one person has read my solution and found anything to object. From either side of the argument. You continue to debate as if this solution doesn't exist, or as if you just aren't willing to find a solution at this time. I don't understand that. If your motives here, are to assist gay couples in realizing benefits of married couples, why would you ignore a perfectly reasonable solution or reject it in it's entirety?


yurt caught me in a direct lie and i won't admit it, nor apologize to him for calling him a liar


Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Homosexuality Now, Pedophilia Next

Based on your excitement about "buff men in copulative poses", I'm sure that they are very fun for you. :cof1:

Much of the argument from the God botherers revolves around homosexuality as not being natural, yet they disregard the evidence that it exists widely in the natural world. There is also the fact that ancient cultures such as the Spartans encouraged homosexual behaviour amongst their soldiers as they believed it made them fight better.

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

James Owen in London
for National Geographic News

July 23, 2004

Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. So go the lyrics penned by U.S. songwriter Cole Porter.
Porter, who first hit it big in the 1920s, wouldn't risk parading his homosexuality in public. In his day "the birds and the bees" generally meant only one thing—sex between a male and female.

The Bonobo, an African ape closely related to humans, has an even bigger sexual appetite. Studies suggest 75 percent of Bonobo sex is non-reproductive and that nearly all Bonobos are bisexual. Frans de Waal, author of Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape, calls the species a "make love, not war" primate. He believes bonobos use sex to resolve conflicts between individuals.

Other animals appear to go through a homosexual phase before they become fully mature. For instance, male dolphin calves often form temporary sexual partnerships, which scientists believe help to establish lifelong bonds. Such sexual behavior has been documented only relatively recently. Zoologists have been accused of skirting round the subject for fear of stepping into a political minefield.

"There was a lot of hiding of what was going on, I think, because people were maybe afraid that they would get into trouble by talking about it," notes de Waal. Whether it's a good idea or not, it's hard not make comparisons between humans and other animals, especially primates. The fact that homosexuality does, after all, exist in the natural world is bound to be used against people who insist such behavior is unnatural.

In the U.S., in particular, the moral debate over this issue rages on. Many on the religious right regard homosexuality as a sin. And only this month, President Bush vowed to continue his bid to ban gay marriages after the Senate blocked the proposal.

Already, cases of animal homosexuality have been cited in successful court cases brought against states like Texas, where gay sex was, until recently, illegal.

Yet scientists say we should be wary of referring to animals when considering what's acceptable in human society. For instance, infanticide, as practiced by lions and many other animals, isn't something people, gay or straight, generally approve of in humans.

So how far can we go in using animals to help us understand human homosexuality? Robin Dunbar is a professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Liverpool, England. "The bottom line is that anything that happens in other primates, and particularly other apes, is likely to have strong evolutionary continuity with what happens in humans," he said.
Dunbar says the Bonobo's use of homosexual activity for social bonding is a possible example, adding, "One of the main arguments for human homosexual behavior is that it helps bond male groups together, particularly where a group of individuals are dependent on each other, as they might be in hunting or warfare."

For instance, the Spartans, in ancient Greece, encouraged homosexuality among their elite troops. "They had the not unreasonable belief that individuals would stick by and make all efforts to rescue other individuals if they had a lover relationship," Dunbar added.

Another suggestion is that homosexuality is a developmental phase people go through. He said, "This is similar to the argument of play in young animals to get their brain and muscles to work effectively and together. Off the back of this, there's the possibility you can get individuals locked into this phase for the rest of their lives as a result of the social environment they grow up in."

But he adds that homosexuality doesn't necessarily have to have a function. It could be a spin-off or by-product of something else and in itself carries no evolutionary weight."

He cites sexual gratification, which encourages procreation, as an example. "An organism is designed to maximize its motivational systems," he adds.
In other words, if the urge to have sex is strong enough it may spill over into nonreproductive sex, as suggested by the actions of the bonobos and macaques. However, as Dunbar admits, there's a long way to go before the causes of homosexuality in humans are fully understood.

He said, "Nobody's really investigated this issue thoroughly, because it's so politically sensitive. It's fair to say all possibilities are still open."
The thing I find most dismaying is that you have used homophobic imagery and insults for years and yet now you are in the vanguard of those defending gay rights. Most puzzling!!

I've used them mostly in responses to or about you.
It gets your goat.

I've never had a problem with gays haveing the same rights as everyone else.
It's not against the law, to be gay.
I'll consider this a continuation of your last hissy post. :palm:

Who's Simone?
It's short for "Simulation One"...

Haven't you seen ANY modern movies?

It's short for "Simulation One"...

Haven't you seen ANY modern movies?


What's funny, is that here he's throwing a hissy over my spelling error of "someone" (somone) and then he asks who "Simone" is; which has him replacing the "o" with an "i"

Barnum and Bailey would be proud to hire him; because of his backpedaling and juggling.
I understand the debate about if homosexuality is a choice or something you are born with, but my point is, who cares.

So what if its a choice, should you not be allowed to make that choice should you desire?

All adult humans have sexual desire, much like all humans experience hunger. When I am hungery I choose what to eat.... Is it unnatural if I choose a bannana over a peach?