Honest to god ZOMBIE AMMO!!!

If humans were turned into animalistic creatures bent on attacking everything in site, well, humans just aren't that threatening when they're not armed and you are. Without tools, we're one of the least threatening creatures you can imagine. They'd likely spread into the forests and get themselves killed or starve to death anyway. This would also crucially rely on them being friendly to each other, something I don't see as a possibility. If they weren't friendly to each other, they'd mostly kill each other, instead of conveniently forming into the large, clustered groups that your target practicing fantasy would require.
Well, does John McCain think we need one? Cause if you and John McCain both think we need a Federal Vampire Contingency plan, then Damo will jump on board...and then we will really be getting somewhere with this.

I didn't say we needed one, I said there probably already is one. Not too dissimiliar from the zombie plan I'd imagine. Same with mummies. Ninjas are already planned for.
If humans were turned into animalistic creatures bent on attacking everything in site, well, humans just aren't that threatening when they're not armed and you are. Without tools, we're one of the least threatening creatures you can imagine. They'd likely spread into the forests and get themselves killed or starve to death anyway. This would also crucially rely on them being friendly to each other, something I don't see as a possibility. If they weren't friendly to each other, they'd mostly kill each other, instead of conveniently forming into the large, clustered groups that your target practicing fantasy would require.

The idea that we woulod inject medicine into a virus body and use that to deliver doses to specific parts of the body would have been laughed at not so long ago as well.

Yes, the scenario you described would probably have them attacking each other as well. But it could also spread a contagion very rapidly.

I am not talking about a target practicing fantasy. I am talking about an extreme contingency that the gov't would plan for. An airborne contagion or drug that produced violent insanity would have largely the same effect. If you introduce it into a major population area, you could destabilize an entire region and keep the government busy for a good while.
Zombies aren't 'real' to the extent that we understand. But there are several possible scenarios where what we 'know' can be 100% wrong.

That's right. Never forget Rummy's words, "There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know."

Ahhh, the good, old days when the land was filled with Republican wisdom.
The idea that we woulod inject medicine into a virus body and use that to deliver doses to specific parts of the body would have been laughed at not so long ago as well.

Yes, the scenario you described would probably have them attacking each other as well. But it could also spread a contagion very rapidly.

I am not talking about a target practicing fantasy. I am talking about an extreme contingency that the gov't would plan for. An airborne contagion or drug that produced violent insanity would have largely the same effect. If you introduce it into a major population area, you could destabilize an entire region and keep the government busy for a good while.

There are drugs that make people more aggressive, ethanol or PCP for instance, but I honestly can't think of any drug that you take where you simply start attacking everything in sight. Dosage is also a problem; that's why knockout gasses aren't popular, they're liable to kill or fail to incapacitate as many people as they produce the desired effect on. Rabies makes people aggressive (although not exactly "roaming zombie" aggressive), but it takes a long time, is very difficult to spread, and has other symptoms that would make its presence known long before it becomes a problem.
Well, does John McCain think we need one? Cause if you and John McCain both think we need a Federal Vampire Contingency plan, then Damo will jump on board...and then we will really be getting somewhere with this.

And if Obama thinks it might create a shovel ready job.......
And if Obama thinks it might create a shovel ready job.......

Gosh that "shovel ready" never gets old! You righties are so funny. I wish we had a take-an-out-of-work-righty-to-a-party website so I could rent you guys out. I mean, you guys kill at parties. It would make me so popular.
There are drugs that make people more aggressive, ethanol or PCP for instance, but I honestly can't think of any drug that you take where you simply start attacking everything in sight. Dosage is also a problem; that's why knockout gasses aren't popular, they're liable to kill or fail to incapacitate as many people as they produce the desired effect on. Rabies makes people aggressive (although not exactly "roaming zombie" aggressive), but it takes a long time, is very difficult to spread, and has other symptoms that would make its presence known long before it becomes a problem.

Delivery is always the problem for this sort of thing. But the idea of PCP is along the right lines. The victim becomes more aggressive and their pain tolerances go thru the roof. So a shot that would wound and normally incapacitate would be ignored until the body systems failed. There are medicines now with internal buffers that regulate or limit the amount absorbed.

I am not claiming that there is such a drug or bio-weapon. But it could potentially be developed. There are drugs that can greatly reduce higher brain functions. There are drugs that greatly increase aggression. There are drugs that raise pain tolerances to very high limits. Add in something that enables the victims to identify each other along with a combination of those three would basically produce zombies.
"There are drugs that can greatly reduce higher brain functions. There are drugs that greatly increase aggression."

Yeah, I think a few people here are taking those.

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"There are drugs that can greatly reduce higher brain functions. There are drugs that greatly increase aggression."

Yeah, I think a few people here are taking those.

Maybe the drugs for aggression, but I think some here didn't start with much in the way of higher brain functions.
Delivery is always the problem for this sort of thing. But the idea of PCP is along the right lines. The victim becomes more aggressive and their pain tolerances go thru the roof. So a shot that would wound and normally incapacitate would be ignored until the body systems failed. There are medicines now with internal buffers that regulate or limit the amount absorbed.

If you or I took PCP, I doubt we'd take violent action. I think it more depends on the kind of person who takes the drug. Although PCP violence is often reported in the media, there've been a few cases out of how many thousands of people who've taken the drug?

I am not claiming that there is such a drug or bio-weapon. But it could potentially be developed. There are drugs that can greatly reduce higher brain functions. There are drugs that greatly increase aggression. There are drugs that raise pain tolerances to very high limits. Add in something that enables the victims to identify each other along with a combination of those three would basically produce zombies.

The drugs that greatly reduce brain function tend to be depressants, with aggression being a secondary effect. If one of them were slipped with you, you'd mostly become very lazy and wonder why you wanted to go to sleep so much. As for something that enables victims to identify each other and automatically be friendly, I don't even know where you'd start, because there's nothing that comes close to that and it's hard to imagine what mechanisms in the brain would even produce such an effect.
If you or I took PCP, I doubt we'd take violent action. I think it more depends on the kind of person who takes the drug. Although PCP violence is often reported in the media, there've been a few cases out of how many thousands of people who've taken the drug?

The drugs that greatly reduce brain function tend to be depressants, with aggression being a secondary effect. If one of them were slipped with you, you'd mostly become very lazy and wonder why you wanted to go to sleep so much. As for something that enables victims to identify each other and automatically be friendly, I don't even know where you'd start, because there's nothing that comes close to that and it's hard to imagine what mechanisms in the brain would even produce such an effect.

Making the brain function less is not always a depressant. But even if it were, the combination of drugs could produce a wide awake idiot. The aggression is not necessarily from the PCP. It would be easier to produce paranoia, and then to have that motivate the crowds.

Good news!

Zombie-Proof Ultra-Secure House.

