House Republicans Have Collectively Voted To Repeal Obamacare Over 7,000 Times

see how stupid the right wing voters are.

You cant run a government like you run your own household you fucking idiot
see how stupid the right wing voters are.

You cant run a government like you run your own household you fucking idiot

lol......and the stupid left wing voters think this is about how to run a can't run a government the way the Democrats are running it either......that's why we're in a fucking hole!.......
Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense at the time of the quote, on Oct. 2, 2003, stated in a Pentagon news conference:

"The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment -- as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community."
Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense at the time of the quote, on Oct. 2, 2003, stated in a Pentagon news conference:

"The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment -- as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community."

how much have we spent rebuilding Iraq since 2008?.......

based on this article from 2010, not very much of Obama's $6trillion debt was spent on Iraq after the cost of at least one of "Bush's wars" didn't contribute that much to Obama's deficits.....
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How are we supposed to take them seriously? This is the living definition of the quote "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

"In yet another example of the enormous effort House Republicans have spent attempting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, ThinkProgress has calculated that the current Republican Conference in the House of Representatives has collectively voted to repeal or defund President Obama’s signature legislative accomplishment 7,386 times.

The House Republicans’ approach to Obamacare continues to typify the current “golden age” of dysfunction in Washington. Since gaining control of the House in 2011, Speaker John Boehner has presided over 40 separate votes that would do everything from fully repealing the law, to prohibiting the IRS from funding it, to delaying pieces of it. The New York Times recently estimated that the House has spent an astonishing 15 percent of all of its time on the floor focused on repeal — a span that amounts to over $17 million of Republican members’ salaries since 2011, based on numbers from the Congressional Research Service."

What’s worse, though, is that House Republicans acknowledge the legislative futility of their efforts and continue anyway.
Just last week GOP Conference Chairwomen Cathy McMorris Rodgers conceded that it is “probably not realistic” to repeal the law, but vowed to continue offering bills that attempt to do just that.
You're not looking at it from their point of view and as Tipp O'Neil said "All politics are local".

It was vociferously opposing the ACA in the first place that got many of these Republican House members elected in the first place. Why shouldn't they continue to oppose the ACA?
so that makes it OK... that makes it fiscally responsible. got it.

of course not....just means Obama can't claim his $6trillion deficit is anyone's fault except his knew me before I came know as well as I do that I bitched about the Republicans spending like drunken Democrats in 2007 and 2008......
You're not looking at it from their point of view and as Tipp O'Neil said "All politics are local".

It was vociferously opposing the ACA in the first place that got many of these Republican House members elected in the first place. Why shouldn't they continue to oppose the ACA?

They can oppose it, no problem. But does opposition mean ignoring the work of the country to continue posturing over something they're unable to change?
of course not....just means Obama can't claim his $6trillion deficit is anyone's fault except his knew me before I came know as well as I do that I bitched about the Republicans spending like drunken Democrats in 2007 and 2008......

people in glass houses should not throw stones. both parties have shared in the financial mismanagement of our government and it will take both parties working TOGETHER to fix it. This ridiculous "my way or the highway" approach by the GOP... which you seem to now support... will not work, and it is hypocritical to the max.
I was reading bravs's whine about Obama "rebuffing" Boehner on the debt ceiling and it made me laugh that he thinks Obama's the arrogant one.

Seven thousand votes to repeal Obamacare. Repubs really don't have a clue.

7000 times.....thats about 13 times a day every day they are in session over the last 4 years.....and you really believe that gullible you are....
people in glass houses should not throw stones. both parties have shared in the financial mismanagement of our government and it will take both parties working TOGETHER to fix it. This ridiculous "my way or the highway" approach by the GOP... which you seem to now support... will not work, and it is hypocritical to the max.

wrong.....if no one throws stones people will keep building glass houses.....they are both impractical and incredibly expensive......
people in glass houses should not throw stones. both parties have shared in the financial mismanagement of our government and it will take both parties working TOGETHER to fix it. This ridiculous "my way or the highway" approach by the GOP... which you seem to now support... will not work, and it is hypocritical to the max.

President Barack Obama warned Republicans in Congress on Monday that he will not negotiate over an extension of the U.S. debt ceiling as part of a budget battle that will soon dominate Washington, with a deadline fast approaching.

Maybe you can try blaming Bush.
Show your calculations, Euler.

It passed in 3/2010...2010 to 2013=< 4 years
The House is in session about 130 days avg. each year....
So they vote 130 times a year if they voted every day, times 4 years= 520 votes taken
7000/520 = 13.4 votes a day....

you did say 7000 pump up the probably mean there were over 7000 individual votes against was fun...
Nice spin though....

Collectively is too big a word for Vanilla

And collectively means acting as a group.....they didn't vote as a group over 7000 times....they acted as individuals ....

and the count you're using is the individual count.....nice try.
It passed in 3/2010...2010 to 2013=< 4 years
The House is in session about 130 days avg. each year....
So they vote 130 times a year if they voted every day, times 4 years= 520 votes taken
7000/520 = 13.4 votes a day....

you did say 7000 pump up the probably mean there were over 7000 individual votes against was fun...
Nice spin though....

And collectively means acting as a group.....they didn't vote as a group over 7000 times....they acted as individuals ....

and the count you're using is the individual count.....nice try.

Okay Vanilla it is simple math, are you smarter thn a 5th grader?

You take the number of Republicans who voted against the bill, multiply it by 42 and you get the collective number of votes against the ACA which has been rounded to the nearet number.

Do you understand now how they arrived at this number?