House Repukes Concede Defeat On Obamacare

Republicans fighting Obamacare ... a REPUBLICAN plan hatched to avoid universal healthcare proposed by Hillary Clinton .. .

And yet, when the GOP had control of the House, Senate, and White House, they never proposed this idea of theirs or brought it up for a vote, did they?
And yet, when the GOP had control of the House, Senate, and White House, they never proposed this idea of theirs or brought it up for a vote, did they?

Obviously reading comprehension is a problem for you.


Does that help?

Republicans don't give a rats ass about healthcare for Americans. Their plan was devised to avoid universal coverage.
Yet she slobbers over ROMNEY'S HEALTHCARE PLAN.

fucking amazing

dude don't hate me because Im correct.

like I told you before they NEVER though it would be implemented.

they thought is would be a reflection in which to destroy Hilary care.

Oh by the way it worked.

But that is why they freaked the fuck out when they thought it was actually going to be implemented.

they KNOW what will happen.

it will turn into universal payer in the end.


because the bigger the groups of people on it get the cheaper healthcare gets.

Employees will be asking their employers to drop their insurance so the employees can qualify for the cheaper Ocare plans.

eventually it will all be done through the government.

the insurance Co doing all the heavy lifting
The enormous sins of the repukes are not going un-noticed. A huge price awaits them. They were warned repeatedly, even by members of their own Party and various caucuses, but they did their dirt on the American people anyway. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. That little group of 30 or so extremists in the house actually think they control the nation. Now, that really is hilarious!!!!!!


That's what you said about sequester. Remember all the baaaaaaadddd stuff that was supposed to happen with sequester?

Bring it on. I woke up this morning with the gobblement shut down and life has gone on.

Of course unlike you libtards my survival doesn't depend on the gobblement running. What a sad existence for you. I feel sorry fo you
And another thing, bac, as usual you're a fucking idiot. So there, cowgirl. How's that help for your enormously obvious "being black" complexes working out for you?


Stick a dick in your ear you fake ass clown.

You'd be the last motherfucker on earth to know anything about intelligent thought or 'being black'
the insurance companies will likely want out of the entire thing in the end.

No profits in being completely fair with human beings in need of medical treatment
dude don't hate me because Im correct.

like I told you before they NEVER though it would be implemented.

they thought is would be a reflection in which to destroy Hilary care.

Oh by the way it worked.

But that is why they freaked the fuck out when they thought it was actually going to be implemented.

they KNOW what will happen.

it will turn into universal payer in the end.


because the bigger the groups of people on it get the cheaper healthcare gets.

Employees will be asking their employers to drop their insurance so the employees can qualify for the cheaper Ocare plans.

eventually it will all be done through the government.

the insurance Co doing all the heavy lifting

Save that bullshit for the lemmings.
just because you could not figure out the end game on your own doesn't make the end game fake.

the end game is nye my friend and you will see the wisdom of what was done someday.

don't hate me for figuring it out
just because you could not figure out the end game on your own doesn't make the end game fake.

the end game is nye my friend and you will see the wisdom of what was done someday.

don't hate me for figuring it out

You don't get it. I have NO interest in what you think about this issue.


Think whatever you want .. I don't give a damn.
Now if the people on Ocare are getting better prices than they though ALREADY what will the savings be after millionms sign up?

people with employer held healthcare will be at a disadvantage huh?

Employer provided healthcare will cost more to a person.

how is that a benefit from your company?

its not anymore than huh.

Emplyees will get together and ask their employer to help them switch to Ocare.

the employers will look at the request and see "hey this saves me cost and time too" and say to their employees " Ill hire us someone to help us all make the transition".

that will then happen and that businessman will brag to his businessmen friends about the great decision he just made.

insurance cos know this is about to happen.

they are in a sense losing control of thie market for healthcare.

they will profit however they can but its no longer the plum it used to be for them.
You don't get it. I have NO interest in what you think about this issue.


Think whatever you want .. I don't give a damn.

thank you

I do enjoy thinking for myself.

I don't like getting all stuck in dogma like thinking because its what Im comfortable with.

Its why people get so pissed at me for rocking the boat with NEW and thoughtful ideas