Housing Blues.....Need Advice


JPP Modarater
My mom got into being a loan officer in recent years and naturally she was the first person I went to because I assumed she'd hook me up. Being blood and all.

Here's the problem:

Every other broker and even Wachovia is giving me a rate of 5.88%, no points and fees of around $2300 - $2500 in addition to the other standard closing fees. Her's wants to charge me $6000 in points, at a 6.0% rate, and even the other little charges looked inflated from everyone elses. It just sucks.
If you explain this to her, would she get angry if you choose one of the better offers, or would she understand?
Go for the best deal, but read all the fine print. Like if you sell within a certain period are there any penalties. Lost 10K on that once because I did nt read enough and the loan office lied. I now voice record all transactions of this type.
I told her last night that we weren't interested in the rates she was quoting us. But she definitely seemed annoyed. And then this morning laid a nice little guilt trip on me by telling me to go with the one I trusted the most.
I told her last night that we weren't interested in the rates she was quoting us. But she definitely seemed annoyed. And then this morning laid a nice little guilt trip on me by telling me to go with the one I trusted the most.

Ouch. Bad spot.

You're talking about a lot of money though, I think you have to go with what's most affordable while also being safe.
Mothers are travel agents , always booking guilt trips for us....
Do what is best for you.

It's so true. I don't know how they do it, but no matter how old you get, they can always make you feel like a guilty two year-old. Sometimes all it takes is a glance.
It's so true. I don't know how they do it, but no matter how old you get, they can always make you feel like a guilty two year-old. Sometimes all it takes is a glance.

I think my mom has it down to a science. Seriously. She could seminars. I don't anyone who can make it sting quite as much as her. Unbelievable. I'm definitely going to do what's best for me in the long run. But I hate having her this upset with me. But at the end of the day a loan processors services isn't worth the $4K. I don't even think they are worth $500, but that's just me.
I think my mom has it down to a science. Seriously. She could seminars. I don't anyone who can make it sting quite as much as her. Unbelievable. I'm definitely going to do what's best for me in the long run. But I hate having her this upset with me. But at the end of the day a loan processors services isn't worth the $4K. I don't even think they are worth $500, but that's just me.

No way is it worth 4,000. Good luck. Eventually she will get over it anyway. My mom's gotten over worse! :)
No way is it worth 4,000. Good luck. Eventually she will get over it anyway. My mom's gotten over worse! :)

That's true she will. At least I'm not smoking crack and w horing myself out for $5. Things could be worse. I should make her watch one of those addiction shows and say, "see, this ain't so bad"
No way is it worth 4,000. Good luck. Eventually she will get over it anyway. My mom's gotten over worse! :)

Very true. And ultimately she'll also respect you more. Probably. My mom stopped that crap when it started backfiring on her.
My mom got into being a loan officer in recent years and naturally she was the first person I went to because I assumed she'd hook me up. Being blood and all.

Here's the problem:

Every other broker and even Wachovia is giving me a rate of 5.88%, no points and fees of around $2300 - $2500 in addition to the other standard closing fees. Her's wants to charge me $6000 in points, at a 6.0% rate, and even the other little charges looked inflated from everyone elses. It just sucks.
Just be direct and honest. "I have a better deal with other brokers, Mom."

She's family, she'll still love you anyway.
Turn the guilt around.... "Mom, if you really loved me, you would be offering me a BETTER deal than those OTHER brokers. Why do you want to steal from your own daughter?"

Hey tell her your mother taught you to be smart and take care of your family.

You and your hubby are a family and you have to do whats best for you and your future kids.

The differance may mean helping you take care of her Grand kids.

Switch the tracks of that guilt train.
"Now that is GOOD
You will turn her into a mother "

Like everyone else, my mother was the master of the guilt trip... UNTIL I started turning it back on her... Now... I... AM the Master.

I've had a pretty crappy week.

My mom's new spin is that she prayed on it and she shouldn't profit off of my living in sin. OK, whatever.

Murphy's Law In Action:

Apparently I need a new manifold intake gasket. I took it to pep boys they lost my key and tried to make it seem like I didn't give it to them. Long story short, I dropped off my car Friday, Saturday afternoon, nothing had been done. Then I took it to Strauss Auto. I didn't think it was possible to have worse service than at pep boys. I dropped it off on Saturday night they told me they had the parts and that it would be ready in the afternoon, the afternoon turned into all day and yada yada yada, I didn't get to work today and after all of that, they still aren't going to be able to get it fixed. They told me it was really a 14 hour job. Not a 4 hour job and actually wanted to charge me $$$$ after I missed work and other meetings today. I'm convinced that the auto centers in my area recruit the most malcontent and incompetant a-holes they can find. They tried to make it seem like it was my fault that they weren't able to get it done by saying, "well you didn't tell us it was a recommended dealer repair". I'm like, You told me you guys could do it for a price. How in the world do you take a car apart with no plan or apparently a clue as to what you're doing? Tell me no. Sears did.

Oh, yeah.....and on Friday we found our jobs are being moved to Hartford. Which believe it or not after everything else that's going on, that's the thing I'm least worried about.

Oh, and we haven't heard from the people's attorney's.

At the rate I'm going I'll probably get hit by a bus sometime soon, so this may be the last time you guys here from me.