Housing Blues.....Need Advice

I've had a pretty crappy week.

My mom's new spin is that she prayed on it and she shouldn't profit off of my living in sin. OK, whatever.

Murphy's Law In Action:

Apparently I need a new manifold intake gasket. I took it to pep boys they lost my key and tried to make it seem like I didn't give it to them. Long story short, I dropped off my car Friday, Saturday afternoon, nothing had been done. Then I took it to Strauss Auto. I didn't think it was possible to have worse service than at pep boys. I dropped it off on Saturday night they told me they had the parts and that it would be ready in the afternoon, the afternoon turned into all day and yada yada yada, I didn't get to work today and after all of that, they still aren't going to be able to get it fixed. They told me it was really a 14 hour job. Not a 4 hour job and actually wanted to charge me $$$$ after I missed work and other meetings today. I'm convinced that the auto centers in my area recruit the most malcontent and incompetant a-holes they can find. They tried to make it seem like it was my fault that they weren't able to get it done by saying, "well you didn't tell us it was a recommended dealer repair". I'm like, You told me you guys could do it for a price. How in the world do you take a car apart with no plan or apparently a clue as to what you're doing? Tell me no. Sears did.

Oh, yeah.....and on Friday we found our jobs are being moved to Hartford. Which believe it or not after everything else that's going on, that's the thing I'm least worried about.

Oh, and we haven't heard from the people's attorney's.

At the rate I'm going I'll probably get hit by a bus sometime soon, so this may be the last time you guys here from me.

This sucks, Tiana. What, is your mom a hollyroller?

Sorry to hear about all this other crap. Hope things work out in the end. I'm sure they will
This sucks, Tiana. What, is your mom a hollyroller?

Sorry to hear about all this other crap. Hope things work out in the end. I'm sure they will

Yeah. She's hollyroller.

I hope so too. This is getting ridiculous. The good news is I've lost my appetite so I lost a couple of pounds.
Better not be.

thanks, that made me smile.

Desh said:
You and your hubby are a family and you have to do whats best for you and your future kids.

The differance may mean helping you take care of her Grand kids.

Switch the tracks of that guilt train.

Well, we're not married. And that's her problem with us getting the house now. I understand her concerns but this is what I want to do.

And anyway, she know's I wouldn't pass up a free babysitter ever.
thanks, that made me smile.

Well, we're not married. And that's her problem with us getting the house now. I understand her concerns but this is what I want to do.

And anyway, she know's I wouldn't pass up a free babysitter ever.
We bought our house together before we married. You mother will get over it. Still, go with the best financial deal for you regardless.
Hang in there LadyT, if you do things will get better. Life always sucks from time to time.

Going to spend some time with my mom in VA next month and she is already trying to line me up to marry a nice girl in her church :D
Like I need/want either a wife or the church.
We bought our house together before we married. You mother will get over it. Still, go with the best financial deal for you regardless.

Oh, I am. After seeing her rates I wasn't even going to think twice unless she could at least come close. She didn't even have to match it.

I'm sure she will, but it just stinks that she is being like this. I was hoping she'd help us out with the painting and flooring and stuff but she's acting kind of funky about the whole situation.
Hang in there LadyT, if you do things will get better. Life always sucks from time to time.

Going to spend some time with my mom in VA next month and she is already trying to line me up to marry a nice girl in her church :D
Like I need/want either a wife or the church.

What is everyone's obsession about hooking up single people?
Ugh. If that's the case, I better look into getting a planner.
I'd recommend it. They really do facilitate a wonderful day with minimal stress on your part. It also depends entirely on how much energy you spend on one ceremony as opposed to the marriage, that is an entirely different thing.
I don't know, I varies I guess, in my moms case it is holly rollerism, don't want me to have sex outside of marriage . GASP!

With many the same age it is maybe misery loves company or afraid their spouse will leave them if they observe single friends having fun ?
Lady T... I know it is an additional step... but file a complaint with your BBB. Crappy service like that stays crappy if nobody reports them.

As for your mom.... if she says she is worried about you "living in sin"... come back with "I am worried about your mental health... and I know of this nice nursing home just down the road..."
I've had a pretty crappy week.

My mom's new spin is that she prayed on it and she shouldn't profit off of my living in sin. OK, whatever.

Murphy's Law In Action:

Apparently I need a new manifold intake gasket. I took it to pep boys they lost my key and tried to make it seem like I didn't give it to them. Long story short, I dropped off my car Friday, Saturday afternoon, nothing had been done. Then I took it to Strauss Auto. I didn't think it was possible to have worse service than at pep boys. I dropped it off on Saturday night they told me they had the parts and that it would be ready in the afternoon, the afternoon turned into all day and yada yada yada, I didn't get to work today and after all of that, they still aren't going to be able to get it fixed. They told me it was really a 14 hour job. Not a 4 hour job and actually wanted to charge me $$$$ after I missed work and other meetings today. I'm convinced that the auto centers in my area recruit the most malcontent and incompetant a-holes they can find. They tried to make it seem like it was my fault that they weren't able to get it done by saying, "well you didn't tell us it was a recommended dealer repair". I'm like, You told me you guys could do it for a price. How in the world do you take a car apart with no plan or apparently a clue as to what you're doing? Tell me no. Sears did.

Oh, yeah.....and on Friday we found our jobs are being moved to Hartford. Which believe it or not after everything else that's going on, that's the thing I'm least worried about.

Oh, and we haven't heard from the people's attorney's.

At the rate I'm going I'll probably get hit by a bus sometime soon, so this may be the last time you guys here from me.

Tianna! I'm sorry you're having such a crap week. I wish there was something I could do.

Next week will be better, because it always is. I've noticed that whenever I have a particularly bad week, and I think things are just in a downward spiral, that the next week, things really pick up.
Hang in there LadyT, if you do things will get better. Life always sucks from time to time.

Going to spend some time with my mom in VA next month and she is already trying to line me up to marry a nice girl in her church :D
Like I need/want either a wife or the church.

LOL! I can just picture this scene usc.

I'll bet that whoever she is, she can't outrun you.
Tianna! I'm sorry you're having such a crap week. I wish there was something I could do.

Next week will be better, because it always is. I've noticed that whenever I have a particularly bad week, and I think things are just in a downward spiral, that the next week, things really pick up.

I sure hope so. We're still waiting to here from the other people's attorney. So there's a chance that the entire deal may be completely squashed anyway.
I sure hope so. We're still waiting to here from the other people's attorney. So there's a chance that the entire deal may be completely squashed anyway.

Well, the only thing I can tell you about that is, both my brother and my mother had that happen to them, independently of each other and several years apart.

They each, ended up being glad the deal fell through, and ended up with better homes because of it.
Well, the only thing I can tell you about that is, both my brother and my mother had that happen to them, independently of each other and several years apart.

They each, ended up being glad the deal fell through, and ended up with better homes because of it.

Well, at least I haven't handed any money over yet. That is in the back of our minds though. That would royally suck if they did. although, I was looking at sold prices and we are being very fair with our offer.