How about them apples?


ButterMilk Man
Hawkeye, the citizen of Washington State, would like to know what your favorite apple is.

Mine is Cosmic Crisp.
I'm from WA but living in TX now. It cracks me up when I'm in the HEB, rolling up on the produce section and WA apples are twice what I used to pay for them.

The good thing: other produce, limes, avocados, and tomatoes are, like 25% of what I used to pay in the Seattle area.
Are you making apple cider donuts?

If you are make sure that I get mine!
They make delicious cider everything here, so no.. but we will prepare lots of apples for the holiday pies, crisps, crumb cakes, and apple butter...
The Buckeye State is pretty appleicious too....;)
Michigan apples.......Honey Crisp are fine but pricey....give me an old fashioned Gala.......

nowdays the only Washington apples we see around here are the Red Delicious that taste like recycled cardboard......
They make delicious cider everything here, so no.. but we will prepare lots of apples for the holiday pies, crisps, crumb cakes, and apple butter...
The Buckeye State is pretty appleicious too....;)

Damn, I will have to make my own then.....every year we would go to Edward's Apple Orchard for apples, 7 gallons of unpasteurized really good cider, and two dozen donuts. The donuts were always gone before bedtime.

Dad took four of the gallons and made hard cider, the rest was for the rest of us. I have a gal of local cider in the frig but it is a pale comparison to the cider of my youth. I suspect that cidermaking is becoming a lost art in my is all about the proper combination of apple types.
I dont know if this is true or not but I once got told that the best cider includes apples that have fallen to the ground, and begun to rot.

I am pretty sure this cant be done anymore.
What ever happened to the McIntosh, the national apple of Canada?

I have not seen one in many years.....this was my moms fav pie apple.
My favorite, and readily available in the Northeast where they grow

They dont seem to show up in the stores where I live. They dont store well I know, but then again neither do the new SweeTango's...which I believe are very popular.
They dont seem to show up in the stores where I live. They dont store well I know, but then again neither do the new SweeTango's...which I believe are very popular.

$1.89 a pound in the grocery store, but a half that if you take the short drive to an apple farm which are everywhere
Michigan apples.......Honey Crisp are fine but pricey....give me an old fashioned Gala.......

nowdays the only Washington apples we see around here are the Red Delicious that taste like recycled cardboard......

If you want a decent apple then Cox's Orange Pippin is the dog's bollocks. Probably can't get them over there though.
Damn, I will have to make my own then.....every year we would go to Edward's Apple Orchard for apples, 7 gallons of unpasteurized really good cider, and two dozen donuts. The donuts were always gone before bedtime.

Dad took four of the gallons and made hard cider, the rest was for the rest of us. I have a gal of local cider in the frig but it is a pale comparison to the cider of my youth. I suspect that cidermaking is becoming a lost art in my is all about the proper combination of apple types.
they still make really really good cider around here but I'm sure it's not as good as it used to anything? ;) I imagine they still use the misfit apples ...I know we do if they're available:)