How about them apples?

They are supposed to be all that, and they kinda are, but I am not a huge fan of the Cosmic Crisp peel.

I had this on my menu at my restaurant as an option (always had apple pie, we made from scratch)....I was surprised at all the comments that people had never even heard of it.

Those who tried it tended to like it.
I had this on my menu at my restaurant as an option (always had apple pie, we made from scratch)....I was surprised at all the comments that people had never even heard of it.

Those who tried it tended to like it.
It's old school wonderful...;) I'm sure you're not surprised at the limited culinary experience from many people....Unless they grew up in a from "scratch" family, they are many joys of cooking they've never heard of or experienced....
It's old school wonderful...;) I'm sure you're not surprised at the limited culinary experience from many people....Unless they grew up in a from "scratch" family, they are many joys of cooking they've never heard of or experienced....

I am sure that in my Grandparents time it was more common.....I wonder why it fell out of favor. Did it become unamerican to eat Apple Pie like the Brits do?
I am actually not sure that cheddar cheese would work on these super sweet disasters that Americans so often eat now.
I am sure that in my Grandparents time it was more common.....I wonder why it fell out of favor. Did it become unamerican to eat Apple Pie like the Brits do?
Well, we
would have to have an entire discussion about traditions, which some seem to shun because it's the " easy way out/thing" to do...traditions require thought and work...
I am actually not sure that cheddar cheese would work on these super sweet disasters that Americans so often eat now.
Far too many people have never had a real, or otherwise...Stove Top is Not stuffing....
Far too many people have never had a real, or otherwise...Stove Top is Not stuffing....

You remind me of something.....I once not more than 8 years ago heard a famous chef (cant remember who) being told by an interviewer "Meatloaf,,,,,really? many people dont like meatloaf.....there is solid polling on that"

To which he replied "The majority of those people have never had a good one".
Well, we
would have to have an entire discussion about traditions, which some seem to shun because it's the " easy way out/thing" to do...traditions require thought and work...

Maybe this is about is an extra step.....and it must be done right.
You remind me of something.....I once not more than 8 years ago heard a famous chef (cant remember who) being told by an interviewer "Meatloaf,,,,,really? many people dont like meatloaf.....there is solid polling on that"

To which he replied "The majority of those people have never had a good one".
Skipping steps is a pet peeve with recipes which skip entire required steps. I am pretty sure that they are trying to keep it simple, and in doing so sacrifice the quality of the product that the recipe produces.

America @ 2022
Maybe this is about is an extra step.....and it must be done right.
Mostly they just don't know any different...and they don't's a form of laziness...
We learned to cook growing up...we learned to cook in school....That's missing now...
(When they got rid of home ec programs...and kitchens, I just set up in my mecessary discussion... about how schools need to return to the basics)
Skipping steps is a pet peeve with recipes which skip entire required steps. I am pretty sure that they are trying to keep it simple, and in doing so sacrifice the quality of the product that the recipe produces.

America @ 2022
No question....what does anyone gain by having an extra 12 minutes added to their day?
Mostly they just don't know any different...and they don't's a form of laziness...
We learned to cook growing up...we learned to cook in school....That's missing now...
(When they got rid of home ec programs...and kitchens, I just set up in my mecessary discussion... about how schools need to return to the basics)

Mid 80's is when I first started to run across teenage girls who had not the first clue how to cook. Just tonight I watched a episode of Sailing Zatara where the 50ish year old woman is bitching because the boat has not been able to restock in awhile "I am really getting tired of needing to cook from scratch" I believe is the money quote.
My mom was routinely cooking for the family at the age of 7. Her sister was out helping her father on the farm, he mother was at her bookkeeping job.
Mid 80's is when I first started to run across teenage girls who had not the first clue how to cook. Just tonight I watched a episode of Sailing Zatara where the 50ish year old woman is bitching because the boat has not been able to restock in awhile "I am really getting tired of needing to cook from scratch" I believe is the money quote.
People simply don't care...There was the cutest thread here once on microwaving sweet corn...I should find it...
People simply don't care...There was the cutest thread here once on microwaving sweet corn...I should find it...

There is that too....eating the nutrition label or sometimes not even that, not caring what they put in their mouth so long as the hunger gets gone. I have commented here at JPP about how so many things at the store now are are much lower in quality than they were 20-30 years ago. Often I still buy them and fix them, but it pisses me off.