How Are Online Political Forums Like JPP Helping to "Dumb Down" America???

show us something else.

Us? :laugh: Okay:

Retirement wasn't your comparison.
Your comparison was education.What education
would someone need to achieve what I did?

Never said it was. Maybe if you hadn't cut short your education, you might have understood so.

I'd need to know the specific job requirements.**

**Time until Robbie accuses me of being a "creepy stalker" in order to avoid answering. 10...9....8....
which word don't you understand?

Ahhh, see? There's the difference between a HS dropout and a college graduate. I asked for you to rephrase the question and you responded asking which words I didn't understand. To answer your question, I understood all the words.

Don't worry about it. Both of us are well known on JPP and others can decide for themselves.

How Are Online Political Forums Like JPP Helping to "Dumb Down" America???


Jarrett's argument is clearly the kind of bull crap that Leftists post online seemingly without embarrassment. But more and more, BS arguments like hers, which Libs and Leftists post in order to have SOMETHING to say when their opponent "nails them" with a better argument are making their way into the public arena.

It's like wearing your pajamas to the office.

Jarrett's comments remind me of something any of the dumbass Leftists here at JPP might say. But to pass it off as being ready for 'prime time' world wide or nationwide dissemination, encourages ALL the dumbest of dumbasses in America to believe they are just as 'smaht' as Jarrett, who was the TOP Advisor to Barack Obama.

And we should consider whether THIS is an assault on America.

An assault on America?

Yes, to control the public narrative.

And if Conservatives are less inclined to occupy online political forums, and if Conservatives are less combative than Leftists and if fewer Conservatives are skilled enough to match all of the more verbose online Leftists, then who do you think will control the national narrative?


Gone are the days when we could rely on the best idea prevailing in the arena of ideas.

Now, it increasingly seems that the only way to expect the best ideas to make it to the top is if enough Conservatives not only promote the best ideas, but that Conservatives FIGHT ONLINE to make their ideas win the approval of the dumbasses.

Unfortunately, we seem to have reached the point when the best ideas are losing out to the losing ideas simply because the Left controls the narrative.

And with the Left controlling the mainstream media, that means that the only driving force that could possibly change this is for more Conservatives to
argue more better.

We had better get used to fighting for every idea.

And, just like in WWII, where the US Army's Sherman tanks were at a disadvantage against the German tanks, we beat them by having more of them than the Germans had Tiger tanks with thicker armor and bigger guns.

As it stands now, we may be like the Wehrmacht* in that our logic makes more sense than the Left's arguments. But they have MORE dumbasses spreading their inferior arguments and thus, they are winning the national narrative.

Bottom line, we need to "FLATTEN" the Left with better arguments and more of us need to engage the Left with our better arguments and not let them believe their inferior debate points are good enough to escape these pages to make it to any larger audiences.

* The Wehrmacht was the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1945.

Yep. Every post of yours that I read, makes me feel dumber for having done so. Your absence will improve the collective IQ
Yep. Every post of yours that I read, makes me feel dumber for having done so. Your absence will improve the collective IQ

Lady Gaga - Star-Spangled Banner (Live at Super Bowl 50)

This stirs my soul.

This is what you represent.


America's greatest aspiration should be for ALL Americans to be united as AMERICANS not Blacks or Communists or Lesbians or whatever you are.

Maybe you should start your own country and make it what ever you want, Gomer.

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Never said it was. Maybe if you hadn't cut short your education, you might have understood so.

I'd need to know the specific job requirements.**

**Time until Robbie accuses me of being a "creepy stalker" in order to avoid answering. 10...9....8....

Master Machinist, Toolmaker and Mold Maker
Machine Shop Manager
Master Machinist, Toolmaker and Mold Maker
Machine Shop Manager

There's OJT and there's college. How common is it nowadays, unless one is the family prince, that a person can obtain those jobs straight out of high school? My guess is zero. They either go VoTech or start out as the shop janitor/gopher before being given an apprenticeship. There's different paths to success, some easier than others. A person can learn to be a manager after being an asst manager for a few years or they can go to college. You may have seen both just as I have.
There's OJT and there's college. How common is it nowadays, unless one is the family prince, that a person can obtain those jobs straight out of high school? My guess is zero. They either go VoTech or start out as the shop janitor/gopher before being given an apprenticeship. There's different paths to success, some easier than others. A person can learn to be a manager after being an asst manager for a few years or they can go to college. You may have seen both just as I have.

So, in other words, you don't know shit. I didn't think you did.
Annnnnd you know everything so therefore you're better than me and you can feel good about yourself. Isn't that how it plays out in your head?

I don't give a fuck what you think. You are irrelevant. There is no question I'm better than you. It is the way it is.
With all your "education," you claimed to drive a bus. Maybe the clown bus? :laugh:
I don't give a fuck what you think. You are irrelevant. There is no question I'm better than you. It is the way it is.
With all your "education," you claimed to drive a bus. Maybe the clown bus? :laugh:

Obviously do. Otherwise why do you respond to my posts even if they aren't directed at you?

LOL. Yes, it was usually full of clowns. :laugh:
I don't give a fuck what you think. You are irrelevant. There is no question I'm better than you. It is the way it is.
With all your "education," you claimed to drive a bus. Maybe the clown bus? :laugh:

Obviously do. Otherwise why do you respond to my posts even if they aren't directed at you?

LOL. Yes, it was usually full of clowns. :laugh:
I know right, an assault is a fight, they misuse "fight" whenever it suits them to imply mutual consent.

The problem on this one is that police arent allowed to use a warning shots and they're not allowed to knee cap. There was a deadly weapon in play already so nonlethal weapons were out of the question. Girl was guilty of bringing a knife to a shootout. She got what she had coming. No one on earth is going to declass a knife from the deadly weapons list. This was a clean shooting. What kind of drugs was she on?
A knife can do serious damage, or very little. Shooting her 4 times in the chest is killing her. She stabbed nobody. What is your drug of choice while posting?
A knife can do serious damage, or very little. Shooting her 4 times in the chest is killing her. She stabbed nobody. What is your drug of choice while posting?

Because she was hit? Have you ever shot a moving target at close range? She may have had four hits, but only one may have hit a spot to stop her from killing the lady in pink. It's a split-second literal life-and-death decision.

Of all the choices, he made good ones. As a society, we need to do better. Don't fault the cop for doing his job in a city run by Democrats. :)

Consider this: Should we question the cop's decision based upon the lethality of the weapon held? She wasn't holding a nail file and that wasn't a penknife she was about to use on the lady in pink.