I should have been more clear; I'm an American Conservative.

Understood on "go to extremes". It's for impact. Shock effect. The trick is to use it sparingly in order to differentiate yourself from the nutjobs like LV426, the TD twins, AHZ, Matt/Wolverine, etc. which you do, hence my question. :thup.
JPP "American conservatives" aren't really conservative anymore than they are Christian, IMO. Notice the majority of their points are anti-Americans and divisive. They seek to disenfranchise fellow Americans, they seek to put Trump's agenda ahead of the Constitution and American ideals and they support overthrowing the United States government. None of those are "American Conservative" values much less Christian values.
The first pillar of conservatism is liberty, or freedom. Conservatives believe that individuals possess the right to life, liberty, and property, and freedom from the restrictions of arbitrary force. They exercise these rights through the use of their natural free will. That means the ability to follow your own dreams, to do what you want to (so long as you don’t harm others) and reap the rewards (or face the penalties). Above all, it means freedom from oppression by government—and the protection of government against oppression. It means political liberty, the freedom to speak your mind on matters of public policy. It means religious liberty—to worship as you please, or not to worship at all. It also means economic liberty, the freedom to own property and to allocate your own resources in a free market.
Nothing wrong with ball-busting. Idiots, especially anti-American idiots, posting idiocy on forums need to be confronted.