How Are Online Political Forums Like JPP Helping to "Dumb Down" America???

I'm surprised that's not banned from YouTube!


They would do so at the risk of their presumed moral authority.

So far, the average patriotic but uninformed fuzzy brain, can find a way to ignore the Left's obvious drift toward authoritarianism and Marxism.

Banning this video would bring about a massive blowback from patriotic Americans of all stripe which they aren't yet equipped to overcome or endure.
You're a dope.

Song triggered.

The Tubes - White Punks on Dope

Tubes - White Punks On Dope Lyrics

from the album Mondo Birthmark · Copyright: Writer(s): Roger A. Steen, Michael Ash Evans, William Edmond Spooner Lyrics Terms of Use

Advisory - the following lyrics contain explicit language:

Teenage had a race for the night time
Spent my cash on every high I could find
Wasted time in every school in L.A.
Getting loose, I didn't care what the kids say
We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad moved to Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
Can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope

Other dudes are living in the ghetto
But born in Pacific Heights don't seem much betto
We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad live in Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
I can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope
I go crazy 'cause my folks are so f**king rich
Have to score when I get that rich white punk itch
Sounds real classy, living in a chateau
So lonely, all the other kids will never know

We're white punks on dope
Mom & Dad live in Hollywood
Hang myself when I get enough rope
Can't clean up, though I know I should
White punks on dope
White punks on dope
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Oh geez, Obama's Puppet master is against that happening.
I foresee Federal investigation into it.
Jarret is largely running the country right now.

Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran,[1] during the Shah’s rule, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman. Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1956 as part of a program in which American physicians and agricultural experts sought to help in the health and farming efforts of developing countries. When she was five years old, the family moved to London for a year, later moving to Chicago in 1963.[4]

Her parents are of African-American and European descent. On the television series Finding Your Roots, DNA testing indicated that Jarrett is of 49% European, 46% African, and 5% Native American descent. Among her European roots, she was found to have French and Scottish ancestry.[5] One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor, was the first accredited African-American architect, and the first African-American student enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[6] Jarrett's father once told her that her great-grandfather was Jewish.[7] Her maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, was chairman of the Chicago Housing Authority in the 1940s.[8]

As a child, Jarrett spoke Persian, French, and English.[9]

I once read or heard someone say that those who learn to speak Arabic tend to be prejudiced IN FAVOR of Islam.

If her family moved to Iran before she was born and Valerie only came to the USA at the age of 7, I wonder if she has a soft spot for Islam and a hard place in her heart for American exceptionalism.

Please note that the Wiki passage only says she speaks Persian, French and English.
We all have long realized that the internet has not only given AMERICANS an equal voice, but it has become a portal through which foreigners have been able to 'scout' us and then begin attacking us not only from without, but from within.

No doubt they appreciate your help. :)

I once read or heard someone say that those who learn to speak Arabic tend to be prejudiced IN FAVOR of Islam.

If her family moved to Iran before she was born and Valerie only came to the USA at the age of 7, I wonder if she has a soft spot for Islam and a hard place in her heart for American exceptionalism.

Please note that the Wiki passage only says she speaks Persian, French and English.

Of course she does. There's people that are more American and Christian in Iran than she is.
You morons of the right are lucky if you can prove that the word "cat" can be spelled with three letters.

American conservatives are among the most stupid people ever to live. And the media that caters to their stupidity among the worst that has ever existed.

I don't see a lot of conservatives out there stating that there are hundreds of genders............the list goes on
Uh huh.

So, how do you think we evolved from THIS prevailing attitude (evidenced by the point of view depicted in the video) right after WWII, to where we are now?

Make Mine Freedom (1948)
7,400,821 views•Jun 6, 2006

If you wanna watch cartoons. You are better off playing with the other kids in the sandbox, though. More exercise involved.

Either would be doing what American conservatives are designed for...being children.
If you wanna watch cartoons. You are better off playing with the other kids in the sandbox, though. More exercise involved.

Either would be doing what American conservatives are designed for...being children.

Actually, it's not good to be a child in a conservative Middle American household.
They are frequently beaten, from what I hear.
If you wanna watch cartoons. You are better off playing with the other kids in the sandbox, though. More exercise involved.

Either would be doing what American conservatives are designed for...being children.

STFU you Bolshevik turd!
There's no fucking way you can be a Paisano.
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Actually, it's not good to be a child in a conservative Middle American household.
They are frequently beaten, from what I hear.

Sounds like a real possibility, Nifty. They are polluting our country...and the world. Amazing that they cannot see it. I'm hoping it is because they are children...or adults with childlike reasoning powers. Either than...or they are evil.
Sounds like a real possibility, Nifty. They are polluting our country...and the world. Amazing that they cannot see it. I'm hoping it is because they are children...or adults with childlike reasoning powers. Either that...or they are evil.

Nobody draws his own blueprint to be evil, Frank.

They're devolved. Mutants. Trumpanzees.

Technically, tragedy is a theatrical word, but I think that it may still apply here.
Fuck you very much, Matt.

Fuck you moar! Commie disgrace!

How the fuck did someone your age end up being a Communist piece of shit?

No other old people I have ever met are. Furthermore, I have a few years on myself, and have met a helluva lot of old people in my lifetime.
If you wanna watch cartoons. You are better off playing with the other kids in the sandbox, though. More exercise involved.

Either would be doing what American conservatives are designed for...being children.

Your dodge is noted as that of a momentarily defeated American enemy.

But to be fair, I will give you a freebie (as most Leftist immigrants have been accustomed to expect from America), in the way of a free clue which you don't need to buy, because you are not a native American or even American at all.

Howard Zinn’s Debunking
April 15, 2020 10:51 AM

Howard Zinn was a lousy historian but a superb propagandist whose textbook on American history has been read by (or at least assigned to) vast numbers of students. Think of it as a precursor to the New York Times’ 1619 Project, an effort to discredit the nation’s Founding.

In today’s Martin Center article, history professor Wilfred McClay reviews a book that takes dead aim at the Zinn mystique — Mary Grabar’s Debunking Howard Zinn. He writes:

In Debunking Howard Zinn, Mary Grabar has performed the absolutely necessary task that her title promises, and has done so with admirable energy, persistence, and relentless attention to detail, leaving Zinn’s already shaky credibility in utter ruins. She brings the intensive scrutiny of a jeweler’s eye to Zinn’s work, topic by topic, and shows in no uncertain terms how flawed and unreliable it is.

Zinn admired Stalin and Mao. An early practitioner of false moral equivalence, he cast their policies as no worse than those of the U.S. He also grasped that there was a load of money to be made selling anti-Americanism.

McClay lauds Grabar’s indefatigable work in showing Zinn’s falsifications and adds:
Your dodge is noted as that of a momentarily defeated American enemy.

There was no dodge on my part. And you assholes of the right are the enemy from within damaging our nation.

But to be fair, I will give you a freebie (as most Leftist immigrants have been accustomed to expect from America), in the way of a free clue which you don't need to buy, because you are not a native American or even American at all.

Just what the hell are you raving on about?

What assumptions are you making to get to where you are?

Oh...and wake the fuck up.
There was no dodge on my part. And you assholes of the right are the enemy from within damaging our nation.

Just what the hell are you raving on about?

What assumptions are you making to get to where you are?

Oh...and wake the fuck up.

Uhmm, "our nation" was not founded on Communism. (IF you're American)

I know I am, for better or worse. :dunno:

You better go read you some George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin.
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I know right, an assault is a fight, they misuse "fight" whenever it suits them to imply mutual consent.

The problem on this one is that police arent allowed to use a warning shots and they're not allowed to knee cap. There was a deadly weapon in play already so nonlethal weapons were out of the question. Girl was guilty of bringing a knife to a shootout. She got what she had coming. No one on earth is going to declass a knife from the deadly weapons list. This was a clean shooting. What kind of drugs was she on?

right in front of the cop.... really?