I googled it and that's not what I've been reading.
Trump Has No Room for Error in 2020 - Changes in the electorate are putting the squeeze on the president.
"The risk in Donald Trump’s base-first electoral strategy is only rising—because
the size of his base is shrinking."
Pollster: GOP base is shrinking
Pollster Lee Miringoff said on Wednesday that Republicans are in danger ahead of November's midterm elections due to a shrinking base.
"In addition to [President] Trump's approval rating, it's the damaged brand right now, and that's what the Republicans have to worry about," Miringoff, who is the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, told Hill.TV's Joe Concha on "What America's Thinking.
"The base is shrinking because there are fewer Republicans."
Impeached or not, here’s why Trump is the underdog for 2020
"...the problem for Trump goes deeper, Griffin found. The president’s fervent followers get a lot of attention, in part because they’re extremely visible at his campaign rallies. But that intensity actually cuts against Trump. Just about half of Americans (49% in the latest data) have a very unfavorable view of Trump, while 25% have a very favorable view. Looking at Voter Study Group surveys for the past four years, Griffin found that just 17% of Americans consistently held a very favorable view of Trump. That’s the base the president consistently caters to. It’s big enough to buy a lot of red MAGA hats, but it’s far too small to rely on for victory."