How can Trump possibly loose?

Trump said he would zero out the trade imbalance and it has gone up 25 percent. Trump is a noisemaker and you think he actually has something to say. Trump is not doing anything about the deficit. He told his staff, it will affect the future when i am out of office. Bush thought the same thing when Cheney counseled him that deficits do not matter. We bitch about them when dems are in office.

1) I was responding to Thing's claim about projections for 2024.....
2) while you say Trump has done nothing, his contributions to the national debt are less than half of what Obama contributed to the national debt for his first three years in office......
1) I was responding to Thing's claim about projections for 2024.....
2) while you say Trump has done nothing, his contributions to the national debt are less than half of what Obama contributed to the national debt for his first three years in office......

Were you in grade school in 2008? Obama was faced with a potential second great depression to deal with. Repub policies put us in great economic peril and we had to fight that. Trump came in with unemployment dropping and the economy moving up. The economy was doing very well. When those conditions are met,a real president who works for the country, would have dealt with the debt. Trump made it bigger saying what Cheney did. Ignore the debt until the Dems come in and then talk about nothing else. Reaf0gann proved the debt does not matter. That is how the reds govern.
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.

This is who you are
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.

Huh? He promised on day one to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better.
build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
grow the economy at 4% a year
appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary
guarantee 6 week paid leave
invest $550 billion on infrastructure
bring back manufacturing
create a health savings account
expand national right to carry in all fifty states
remove fall undocumented immigrants
20 million lost jobs
FFS , you idiots act like I wrote that yesterday. That was before the pandemic.

So it was the pandemic that soured you on Trump? Or were you just putting a time frame on it. Serious question I’m not trying to be difficult. But speaking of the pandemic this wasn’t actually before the pandemic it’s just before we knew about it. It was actually about three weeks after Trump was told that this would be the roughest challenge he would face. And ten days after Trump told Woodward how deadly and dangerous Covid was. But yep, we weren’t told that because, you know, bad for reelection.
He promised on day one to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better.
Trump never claimed to be Congress.

build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
... and he did so.

grow the economy at 4% a year
He did not make any such promise.

appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary
Nope. He didn't promise that either.

guarantee 6 week paid leave
Trump never claimed to be Congress.

invest $550 billion on infrastructure
Trump never claimed to be Congress.

bring back manufacturing
Are you saying that he promised to go back in time?

create a health savings account
Trump never claimed to be Congress.

expand national right to carry in all fifty states
Trump never claimed to be the State assemblies.

remove fall undocumented immigrants
Please rewrite this in English.
Trump never claimed to be Congress.

Trump didn't know he would need Congress to pass all those promises? I guess having no government experience will lead to such impossible promises.

... and he did so.

He built a small portion of a wall and Mexico paid for none of it.

You need to check Trump's 2016 campaign promises to fill in those gaps of promises he made you claim he did not.
This was a really terrible prediction.

To the cult, probably close to 30% of the country, there isn’t anyway Trump can lose, if he were to lose all fifty States, Trump still would not accept defeat, there would be Big Lie II, and consequently, neither would the cult
So it was the pandemic that soured you on Trump?
Nope. Never like him. I just remember that things were going well in general before the pandemic (was realized). No wars, no pandemic, my investments we’re doing well ( as they are now), Remain in Mexico was effective. When things are going well it favors the incumbent.
Or were you just putting a time frame on it.
I still think he would have had no problem being reelected. He said a lot of stupid shit during that time and of course the economy tanked, as did everyone’s.
Serious question I’m not trying to be difficult. But speaking of the pandemic this wasn’t actually before the pandemic it’s just before we knew about it. It was actually about three weeks after Trump was told that this would be the roughest challenge he would face. And ten days after Trump told Woodward how deadly and dangerous Covid was. But yep, we weren’t told that because, you know, bad for reelection.
Uh, where’s the question?
Nope. Never like him. I just remember that things were going well in general before the pandemic (was realized). No wars, no pandemic, my investments we’re doing well ( as they are now), Remain in Mexico was effective. When things are going well it favors the incumbent. I still think he would have had no problem being reelected. He said a lot of stupid shit during that time and of course the economy tanked, as did everyone’s. Uh, where’s the question?

Lol that was intended to be a postscript statement not a prescript one.
The reason Trump is viable in the next election is simple. The Left / Democrats got complacent about their political power. They assumed they had a lock on things, and suddenly Joke Bribem proved an incompetent, senile, moron while his staff and cabinet grossly overreached on political objectives. The result was that the American public, on a whole and particularly outside radical Leftist strongholds like say, NYC, decided they'd had enough and pushed back.

Now the radical Left is on the defensive, Joke is likely to lose the next election, Congress is likely to flip Republican, and the radical Left won't know what hit them. The problem then becomes that the Republicans won't be able to consolidate their power and agree on an agenda while Trump will overreach just as badly resulting in ineffective government blundering forward. That will blunt their momentum and the whole insane process will start over again.
Huh? He promised on day one to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better.
build a wall and make Mexico pay for it.
grow the economy at 4% a year
appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary
guarantee 6 week paid leave
invest $550 billion on infrastructure
bring back manufacturing
create a health savings account
expand national right to carry in all fifty states
remove fall undocumented immigrants
20 million lost jobs
He promised not to just investigate but to lock her up. Another Trump the Loser failure.
Nope. Never like him. I just remember that things were going well in general before the pandemic (was realized). No wars, no pandemic, my investments we’re doing well ( as they are now), Remain in Mexico was effective. When things are going well it favors the incumbent. I still think he would have had no problem being reelected. He said a lot of stupid shit during that time and of course the economy tanked, as did everyone’s. Uh, where’s the question?

Trump inherited a strong and growing economy from Obama who had to fix Bush's mess. Then Biden had to fix the incompetent Trump's mess.