How can Trump possibly loose?

Trump is a lying sack of shit.

He got us out of the Paris Agreement.

"The Paris Agreement builds upon the Convention and for the first time brings all nations into a common cause to undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries to do so. As such, it charts a new course in the global climate effort."

A real fucking dumbass.

That was a plus idiot.
I said he is not draining the swamp but making it bigger. Do you need help with reading? Should I type slower?

im saying you should go legitimately drain the swamp then. can you read, dufus.

you take up the cause and do better. how about that, ya piddling jackanapes?
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.

lies are not a good platform cock bag
im saying you should go legitimately drain the swamp then. can you read, dufus.

you take up the cause and do better. how about that, ya piddling jackanapes?

Obama did exactly that. He put qualified people who worked for us in the agencies. Trump is doing the opposite. He has 300 lobbyists appointed now. Are you saying that is draining the swamp? Time to cal me more names.
Obama did exactly that. He put qualified people who worked for us in the agencies. Trump is doing the opposite. He has 300 lobbyists appointed now. Are you saying that is draining the swamp? Time to cal me more names.

so the swamp is fully drained? is that your contention? you're trippin, jennifer.
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.

Couple of things, his "unprecedented sucess" is cause he says it is an "unprecedented success," just as he says "he kept his promises," is cause he says he has, and we all know Trump's record on honesty. And where is that check from Mexico

And I also think he will get reelected, he is an incumbent, and incumbents very seldom lose, plus he will have an array of foreign entities working for him, why wouldn't they, they know the Dept of Justice, an entire political party, and a major news network either will defend their involvement or say nothing about it, a huge advantage for Trump
Trump drives massive turnout in primaries despite token opposition

President Donald Trump doesn’t have much of a primary fight on his hands — but Republican voters are nevertheless turning out in droves for him, a warning sign for Democrats in November.

Interesting article which goes on to say
While it’s unclear what the figures might portend for the general election — the president's job approval numbers remain stuck in the mid-40s in most surveys —
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.

You're batshit crazy