Classical Liberal
Your silence is deafening. I never, ever see you lefties dispute those points.Who said I agreed?
Your silence is deafening. I never, ever see you lefties dispute those points.Who said I agreed?
But dump didn't make the decisions it came from the republican party.
These racist white men have been fucking with Iran for decades. dump is just the right dummy to say it out loud.
It doesn't seem like Democrats want to drain the swamp. Few will admit that it even is a swamp. None admits that it's a Deep State.
yeah. I love the "there is no deep state" crowd. full on retard.
Americans want a national health care plan like all the other developed countries. Where's Trump's?
Some do. Some don’t.
What about the ones that don’t? Does their freedom matter less than yours
Some do. Some don’t.
What about the ones that don’t? Does their freedom matter less than yours
I have no problem going by 'Majority Rule'.
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.
i don't believe you
Americans want a national health care plan like all the other developed countries. Where's Trump's?
He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.
Is that the Americans that have a Liberal Democrat behind their names? Most Americans I talk to don't want universal health care?
Will you be giving up your Medicare and going out into the private insurance market and find competitive pricing on just the level of care YOU want?
Oh, and don't respond with your usual "I paid into this so I deserve it".
At our age, it's not IF we get sick, ... it's WHEN we get sick. The Medical Community will gladly take your home and all your savings, but thanks to Medicare, that doesn't happen anymore to Seniors.
Medicare spending was 15 percent of total federal spending in 2018, and is projected to rise to 18 percent by 2029.
Based on the latest projections in the 2019 Medicare Trustees report, the Medicare Hospital Insurance (Part A) trust fund is projected to be depleted in 2026, the same as the 2018 projection.
In 2018, Medicare benefit payments totaled $731 billion, up from $462 billion in 2008.
As a share of total Medicare benefit spending, payments to Medicare Advantage plans for Part A and Part B benefits increased by nearly 50 percent between 2008 and 2018, from 21 percent ($99 billion) to 32 percent ($232 billion) of total spending, as enrollment in Medicare Advantage plans increased over these years.
Average annual growth in Medicare per capita spending was 1.7 percent between 2010 and 2018, down from 7.3 percent between 2000 and 2010, due in part to the Affordable Care Act’s reductions in payments to providers and plans, and to an influx of younger beneficiaries from the baby boom generation aging on to Medicare, who have lower per capita health care costs.
But you (collective you) idiots want universal healthcare.
Is that your answer?
My answer is leave well enough alone. No one in this country dies from a lack of needed healthcare. Oh I know the bleeding heart sob the uninsured don't have access to preventive care. Bull Shit! Almost every city or town has a free clinic run by charities. And there is still Obama care.
Promises kept? Where are the coal jobs? Where is Mexico's check for the wall? Where are the 3 million illegal voters? You have to be one of those folks who think the WWE is real....lmao.He was a bombastic non politician with no record. Now he's got 3.5 yrs experience of unprecedented success.
He's draining the swamp, still in progress but very difficult to do. Mueller "investigation" turned out to be a blank. Impeachment a joke.
He's kept promises. Promises made, promises kept.
Dims are in complete disarray .
Times are good.
Pretty hard to argue against that.
I would venture a guess most people that plan to vote for Bernie is because of his position on Health Care.
Oh. One other question. Since you left the Military, was there ever a time you didn't have government provided Health Care?
That really is none of your business. If I could pay for private medical insurance till 65 why can't you wimps? Typical liberal envy wanting what someone else has without paying for it in one form or another.