How can Trump possibly loose?

Jack: "Oh. One other question. Since you left the Military, was there ever a time you didn't have government provided Health Care?"
Eagle Eye: 'No. I can't ever remember NOT having government provided Health Care. When I was in the Military I had it and when I left the Military I had it. You see, Jack. I LOVE the government Health Care for me and my family, I just don't want it for anybody else. Does that make sense to you, can you understand that?'.

Jack: OK. I think that will conclude the questioning for today.

Jack: EE I realize you had to suffer injury, combat, and hardships, along with your family being uprooted every few years during a 20+ year career while earning less than half the money your civilian peers were making. Just to enjoy that government funded healthcare I am so envious about! But can't you see we cowards and misfits want what you have without working for it? Do you begrudge us for wanting to be a leech on society? After all that is the only thing we have ever been good at.

EE: I fully understand Jack you are like a spoiled little brat that believes you are so special the world owes you a living for simply using up perfectly good air real Americans can use. You believe your presence is like a breath of spring air when in truth it smells like a rotting septic tank.

Thank you for the interview I think we all understand where you are coming from.
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My answer is leave well enough alone. No one in this country dies from a lack of needed healthcare. Oh I know the bleeding heart sob the uninsured don't have access to preventive care. Bull Shit! Almost every city or town has a free clinic run by charities. And there is still Obama care.
SUPER cheap Obama care if you get someone to finagle your finances;)
Jack: EE I realize you had to suffer injury, combat, and hardships, along with your family being uprooted every few years during a 20+ year career while earning less than half the money your civilian peers were making. Just to enjoy that government funded healthcare I am so envious about! But can't you see we cowards and misfits want what you have without working for it? Do you begrudge us for wanting to be a leech on society? After all that is the only thing we have ever been good at.

EE: I fully understand Jack you are like a spoiled little brat that believes you are so special the world owes you a living for simply using up perfectly good air real Americans can use. You believe your presence is like a breath of spring air when in truth it smells like a rotting septic tank.

Thank you for the interview I think we all understand where you are coming from.

Well Pardner, ol' Jack (like you) is about at the end of the road. So, this isn't about 'Jack' but about the future of America.
I support a literate America by endorsing the Public School System.
I support a healthy America by endorsing a Public Health Care System.

Uh ... lounging around Sattahip in some air conditioned hootch isn't exactly what I would call a 'hardship'.
Is this your 'suffering injury'?

Jack: EE I realize you had to suffer injury, combat, and hardships, along with your family being uprooted every few years during a 20+ year career while earning less than half the money your civilian peers were making. Just to enjoy that government funded healthcare I am so envious about! But can't you see we cowards and misfits want what you have without working for it? Do you begrudge us for wanting to be a leech on society? After all that is the only thing we have ever been good at.

EE: I fully understand Jack you are like a spoiled little brat that believes you are so special the world owes you a living for simply using up perfectly good air real Americans can use. You believe your presence is like a breath of spring air when in truth it smells like a rotting septic tank.

Thank you for the interview I think we all understand where you are coming from.
My answer is leave well enough alone. No one in this country dies from a lack of needed healthcare. Oh I know the bleeding heart sob the uninsured don't have access to preventive care. Bull Shit! Almost every city or town has a free clinic run by charities. And there is still Obama care.

You really believe that,sad that you don't realize Americans die all the time from lack of basic healthcare that every other developed country have for every citizen.
My answer is leave well enough alone. No one in this country dies from a lack of needed healthcare. Oh I know the bleeding heart sob the uninsured don't have access to preventive care. Bull Shit! Almost every city or town has a free clinic run by charities. And there is still Obama care.

50 ,000 people a year in America die from lack of healthcare. Some peg it at 68,000. nobody who knows what the problems are say zero.
I would venture a guess most people that plan to vote for Bernie is because of his position on Health Care.

Bernie's healthcare plan is a central government total takeover of the national healthcare delivery and insurance system. Can you spell C-H-I-N-A? Bernie is a stinking communist! He honeymooned in the Soviet Union. He's a staunch believer in communism. Compare the Chinese corona virus nightmare, is that your misguided idea of a better healthcare system? Count your blessings Jack! You are protected by America's healthcare system despite of the government's interference!
Bernie's healthcare plan is a central government total takeover of the national healthcare delivery and insurance system. Can you spell C-H-I-N-A? Bernie is a stinking communist! He honeymooned in the Soviet Union. He's a staunch believer in communism. Compare the Chinese corona virus nightmare, is that your misguided idea of a better healthcare system? Count your blessings Jack! You are protected by America's healthcare system despite of the government's interference!

The British National Health Service is what you are describing. Ask you pal, Havana Moon, if he will give THAT up.
If you were a Grunt on the front lines in Nam, that would be one thing. Sitting in some coastal community sipping Mai Tais with a girl on each knee is COMPLETELY different.

Hey you dickless fucking coward! Your ignorance of my service isn't worth a reply.