How can Trump possibly loose?

I'm not a "leftie" by your definition
Whatever. Anytime those points are posted nobody disputes them. Oh yeah, you’re not for open borders but you’re for decriminalization of illegal aliens and sanctuary cities (safe harbors for violent criminals as long as they’re undocumented immigrants).
Jack, Jack, Jack...I'm surprised at you....Don't join the "rank" of those here who disrespect our very respected vets who post here...
You don't recall the very spirited conversations about their service back in the day on Amazon?
(Next you'll be insinuating that I'm a fake teacher...;)
Obama did exactly that. He put qualified people who worked for us in the agencies. Trump is doing the opposite. He has 300 lobbyists appointed now. Are you saying that is draining the swamp? Time to cal me more names.

???....presidents don't appoint lobbyists.......did Obama appoint qualified people to the State Dept?......the DOJ?........the FBI?.....
Wasn't growing the debt a big deal for you when Obama was President?

aren't you the guy who did a bet with me that Trump would double the national debt by the end of his administration?.........if you guys replace him in November he's got less than a year to put together another $17T in's that going?.....

I for one am glad that despite the fact the demmycrats control the house, deficits are down from Obama's average......
:) Will you be giving up your Medicare and going out into the private insurance market and find competitive pricing on just the level of care YOU want?
Oh, and don't respond with your usual "I paid into this so I deserve it".

At our age, it's not IF we get sick, ... it's WHEN we get sick. The Medical Community will gladly take your home and all your savings, but thanks to Medicare, that doesn't happen anymore to Seniors.

So why do you think you are entitled to have others pay for your healthcare? What have you done to deserve that?