How do I get out of thanksgiving?


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Yes this is serious, but I don't know how many useful replies I will get. probably zero, but you never know.

For whatever reason, I have some major mental aversion to thanksgiving. I have talked about this in the past on here. It's not your typical "i don't like this holiday" (while secretly not minding it) - I truly truly do not like it, I feel uncomfortable about it, it's just bad bad bad...

Anyway, I am trying to come up with a viable of enough method to excuse myself from the festivities. Nothing is beneath me. My current plan is to pretend I have a lonely friend somewhere and that I want to give them company or something and I'll take a mini vacation somewhere. Other suggestions welcome
except when that christian mouth breather tried to pray over my bed even when i said NO O_O, and she prayed anyway.
Thanksgiving is the shittiest holiday.

You know, I just really hate holidays. I can't understand how anyone can actually get into this shit. I really really always hated those teachers who'd walk into school with ridiculous kitschy holiday themed sweaters. When my place as King of America is rightly recognized by my subjects, I will ban holidays, and the non-ironic wearing of kitschy holiday themed sweaters will be punished by mandatory drawing and quartering.
Yes this is serious, but I don't know how many useful replies I will get. probably zero, but you never know.

For whatever reason, I have some major mental aversion to thanksgiving. I have talked about this in the past on here. It's not your typical "i don't like this holiday" (while secretly not minding it) - I truly truly do not like it, I feel uncomfortable about it, it's just bad bad bad...

Anyway, I am trying to come up with a viable of enough method to excuse myself from the festivities. Nothing is beneath me. My current plan is to pretend I have a lonely friend somewhere and that I want to give them company or something and I'll take a mini vacation somewhere. Other suggestions welcome

When you're sitting at the DR table, surrounded by family and staring down at the turkey, silently but repetitively say "adversity builds character". :)
Yes this is serious, but I don't know how many useful replies I will get. probably zero, but you never know.

For whatever reason, I have some major mental aversion to thanksgiving. I have talked about this in the past on here. It's not your typical "i don't like this holiday" (while secretly not minding it) - I truly truly do not like it, I feel uncomfortable about it, it's just bad bad bad...

Anyway, I am trying to come up with a viable of enough method to excuse myself from the festivities. Nothing is beneath me. My current plan is to pretend I have a lonely friend somewhere and that I want to give them company or something and I'll take a mini vacation somewhere. Other suggestions welcome

pretend? watermark is a real person.....:D
Yes this is serious, but I don't know how many useful replies I will get. probably zero, but you never know.

For whatever reason, I have some major mental aversion to thanksgiving. I have talked about this in the past on here. It's not your typical "i don't like this holiday" (while secretly not minding it) - I truly truly do not like it, I feel uncomfortable about it, it's just bad bad bad...

Anyway, I am trying to come up with a viable of enough method to excuse myself from the festivities. Nothing is beneath me. My current plan is to pretend I have a lonely friend somewhere and that I want to give them company or something and I'll take a mini vacation somewhere. Other suggestions welcome

Why don't you just tell the truth? :lies: never get you anywhere.
Get hammered early on in the day. Like start drinking at 9am. And be a dick. That'll make it good for everyone, since then your family won't miss having your drunk dick-ass there.
Yes this is serious, but I don't know how many useful replies I will get. probably zero, but you never know.

For whatever reason, I have some major mental aversion to thanksgiving. I have talked about this in the past on here. It's not your typical "i don't like this holiday" (while secretly not minding it) - I truly truly do not like it, I feel uncomfortable about it, it's just bad bad bad...

Anyway, I am trying to come up with a viable of enough method to excuse myself from the festivities. Nothing is beneath me. My current plan is to pretend I have a lonely friend somewhere and that I want to give them company or something and I'll take a mini vacation somewhere. Other suggestions welcome
Just say no and tell them you think Thanksgiving is lame and then stay home and watch football by yourself. It is that easy! We have done it with Christmas!
Thanksgiving is the shittiest holiday.

You know, I just really hate holidays. I can't understand how anyone can actually get into this shit. I really really always hated those teachers who'd walk into school with ridiculous kitschy holiday themed sweaters. When my place as King of America is rightly recognized by my subjects, I will ban holidays, and the non-ironic wearing of kitschy holiday themed sweaters will be punished by mandatory drawing and quartering.
I'm having the second annual ugly Christmas sweater party. want to come!
captain, ive been getting nice and drunk for quite a few years now. that's the best safety line i've got.
captain, ive been getting nice and drunk for quite a few years now. that's the best safety line i've got.
Key word is NICE. I said be a dick. Or maybe you just don't get as drunk as me. I get so drunk I don't even know what I'm saying as I say it. Or mix booze and violently vomit so they think you're sick. all honesty, just say you don't want to go...

granted it took me longer than your years to do so, but once i did, it felt great....if you hate it that bad, you need to do what is right for you. you don't need lies or excuses, its your life and you're only making it worse for others by not living it honestly. if your being there is so painful, it likely comes across to others and you do no one any favors by your presence. and in all likelihood, they would feel bad if they knew you how you felt and feel guilty for making yoiu think yoiu had to show up...

be true to yourself and most everything falls into place, it was a hard lesson for me to learn, but once i learned it, life has been so much better....the old adage and song is can't please everyone....