Gaining a higher education isn't proof against being the biggest pussies on the male side of the spectrum. You say you're not a democrat but just about every fucking thing that oozes from your keyboard is PC compatible. In essence, YOU are a tool of the DNC and I am not.So explain why the majority of people with college degrees are Dems and the overwhelming number of people with Graduate degrees are Dems and most poor white working class guys with HS education or less are Republicans?
If you want them to believe that you may want to try working harder and actually set the example instead of talking.
You see, pervert, my strength is my belief system. And I'll stack that against yours any day of the week. And since your belief system doesn't extend beyond your own self absorbed preservation, I pretty much kick the shit out of you by default.
I have my college education, and I have my faith in God, as well as my allegiance to this country. You simply sit on your ass and pretend to be important. That's the real difference between us.