How do we solve the gender gap?

You being indoctrinated isn't the same thing at being enlightened. You have been fooled into believing it's the same but you're simply another lefty that has been fooled into thinking that what you do is what you want rather than what you've been told to do. Pucker up. Some Liberal politician needs his or her ass kissed and you're just the type that will do it then think it was your idea to do so.
Actually it's the other way around. The less education you have, the less well read you are the less likely you are to recognize propaganda and the more likely you are to believe it. Which explains why right wing radio and Fox News are so popular with undereducated white males like yourself. As the saying goes, simple answers for simple minds.
Actually it's the other way around. The less education you have, the less well read you are the less likely you are to recognize propaganda and the more likely you are to believe it. Which explains why right wing radio and Fox News are so popular with undereducated white males like yourself. As the saying goes, simple answers for simple minds.

I'm undereducated? Prove it.

You admitted being indoctrinated.

The race card, too. Are you one of those chip on your shoulder, affirmative action black BOYS that thinks being on the Democrat plantation means you're free?
His expertise is scholarships, not why young men aren't going to college. That would be another field.

ahh of course. Our expert who testified before congress is incompetent to answer the question or even to begin a line of inquiry as to it.

At least he recognized the problem that is always a start.

It is better than saying those males dont want to go to college anyway, just like those blacks never wanted to leave the plantation and be free.
ahh of course. Our expert who testified before congress is incompetent to answer the question or even to begin a line of inquiry as to it.

At least he recognized the problem that is always a start.

It is better than saying those males dont want to go to college anyway, just like those blacks never wanted to leave the plantation and be free.
College is not for everyone, as was stated earlier, some choose trade school, some choose trades they can get on the job, some elect union training.

There are many reasons young men don't go to college and now that more women have the opportunity to go to college this is the current option they are choosin
College is not for everyone, as was stated earlier, some choose trade school, some choose trades they can get on the job, some elect union training.

There are many reasons young men don't go to college and now that more women have the opportunity to go to college this is the current option they are choosin

oh yes of course. The disparity is based on choice not opportunity. I guess we can do away with all affirmative action now.
oh yes of course. The disparity is based on choice not opportunity. I guess we can do away with all affirmative action now.

Gee, I wonder if Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan West, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain, Thomas Sowell etc. benefited from AA?
oh yes of course. The disparity is based on choice not opportunity. I guess we can do away with all affirmative action now.

Lol, you are not clever. I thought you supported helping blacks get jobs. Come on out of the closet, it's okay, you can be open on this forum, like TextDriver and a few other bigots.
The large push for stem . . . Our country has fallen so far down the ranking list that we'll do whatever it takes to stall our descent.
ahh of course. Our expert who testified before congress is incompetent to answer the question or even to begin a line of inquiry as to it.

At least he recognized the problem that is always a start.

It is better than saying those males dont want to go to college anyway, just like those blacks never wanted to leave the plantation and be free.
Oh you poor discriminated under privelaged repressed white guy. Why don't you quit whining like a little candy assed pussy and do something about it. Get off your dead ass and get to work home boy.
oh yes of course. The disparity is based on choice not opportunity. I guess we can do away with all affirmative action now.
Or you can quit whining, thank your blessings and get your ass to work. Correcting the blatant wrongs of the past are no doubt controversial forms of social engineering but quit making it an excuse. If you can't make it in this country son than you just aren't packing the gear and if you can't make it as a white guy you not only don't pack they gear you're lazy too.
How many of those women are doing STEMS subjects rather than humanities?
In the US for every three males in a STEM major there is one female. Only 18% of engineering majors are Female. The single largest major women study in the US is social sciences.

I know that this is anecdotal but when I was in college the major academic goal of the sorority crowd was finding a husband. I remember some snarky queen bee snob type when I was in my Junior year asking me what my GPA was and then making a sarcastic comment when I said a 3.0 and she bragged about having a 3.8. I asked what her major was and she replied elementary education to which I replied that I'd have a 4.0 and would spend less time studying if I was an elementary education major. Needless to say she stormed off in a huff and called me an arrogant asshole (she wasn't wrong).
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In the US for every three males in a STEM major there is one female. Only 18% of engineering majors are Female. The single largest major women study in the US is social sciences.
The tide is turning! It hasn't been that long since they allowed us into the universities.
The tide is turning! It hasn't been that long since they allowed us into the universities.
It is. Women in STEM fields were pretty few when I went to college. It was probably like 10 to 1 but just like trying to understand why fewer men than women are applying for college determining why so few women are interested in engineering and physical sciences where the gap is still close to 10 - 1.
Also, some of the women who begin college as engineering students lose interest. I played on the engineering intramural softball team with a girl who switched her major to math, and graduated wearing the illustrious Cap of Pythagoras. Technically a STEM subject, but, a step back in terms of benefit. She really just lost her passion for engineering...
Also, some of the women who begin college as engineering students lose interest. I played on the engineering intramural softball team with a girl who switched her major to math, and graduated wearing the illustrious Cap of Pythagoras. Technically a STEM subject, but, a step back in terms of benefit. She really just lost her passion for engineering...
Seek your bliss.
Also, some of the women who begin college as engineering students lose interest. I played on the engineering intramural softball team with a girl who switched her major to math, and graduated wearing the illustrious Cap of Pythagoras. Technically a STEM subject, but, a step back in terms of benefit. She really just lost her passion for engineering...
That depends. She could go into the actuarial sciences and make more coin than the engineers.