How do we solve the gender gap?

You haven't proven prejudice. And college isn't a basic civil right, just El-Hi.

"All kids living in the United States have the right to a free public education. And the Constitution requires that all kids be given equal educational opportunity no matter what their race, ethnic background, religion, or sex, or whether they are rich or poor, citizen or non-citizen. Even if you are in this country illegally, you have the right to go to public school. The ACLU is fighting hard to make sure this right isn't taken away.
In addition to this constitutional guarantee of an equal education, many federal, state and local laws also protect students against discrimination in education based on sexual orientation or disability, including pregnancy and HIV status."

Why do you think you are the only one to determine such things. Typical Liberal mentality.
People who see the world in terms of worn out old pairs, like 'male/female' or 'white/black' will just keep the same old bullshit rolling on forever while they fight one another. Grown-up people should work on the basis of need, like who needs higher education, for what social benefit?
People who see the world in terms of worn out old pairs, like 'male/female' or 'white/black' will just keep the same old bullshit rolling on forever while they fight one another. Grown-up people should work on the basis of need, like who needs higher education, for what social benefit?

By social benefit, does that mean admitting someone less qualified?
People who see the world in terms of worn out old pairs, like 'male/female' or 'white/black' will just keep the same old bullshit rolling on forever while they fight one another. Grown-up people should work on the basis of need, like who needs higher education, for what social benefit?

um are we saying its ok that some groups dont get education etc? because there is no social benefit for them to get it?

I mean there was no social benefit for blacks to get an education before. They were slaves they werent going to use it.
Right now 57 % of college attendees are women while 43% are male. The number seems to be going in the favor of more inequality not less. How do you think we should solve this injustice?

Only male scholarships? a 50/50 quota? what do you guys think?
Who says it's an injustice. Face facts dude. Women are just smarter than us.
College as a whole is overrated and not always required. Especially a liberal arts education.

Look at what happens. we send people off to school they dont need and before you know it it takes 5 years for the average person to get a bachelors and LT is still in college trying to.
Can't agree with you there. A liberal arts education is the best all around education money can buy. Is it for everyone? No but that depends on ones personal goals. An undergraduate degree is about enlightenment not obtaining a specialized skill set. Essentially a liberal arts education teaches one to learn how to learn. Developing specialized skills comes after. Obviously if you have to concern yourself with making a living you will want to study marketable fields of knowledge but you will also need to study other fields that will broaden your development as a person. This is a good thing.
What injustice?

Where are the men going that isnt college? Are they joining the army? Are they going to tech schools? Are they going off to start their own upstart businesses? Or were the offered steady jobs? Maybe they felt that college is too expensive and jumped into a career.

Just because numbers are moving we should be concerned?

Im not sure if Im supposed to be implying something Im not willing to or not.
This is a very good point.

See, I think the reason there are more women in college than men is because wackjob feminist groups keep telling women to dump men entirely and abandon the traditional family life. Of course, everyone suffers from this kind of thinking and it's been slowly turning our society into a landfill.
whether its required or not we should still have equal representation otherwise there is a social injustice that we are turning a blind eye too.

Its like telling blacks you know working is not really required because xxx you can go on welfare anyway.
No. We tell them the same thing. Work harder and compete.
from the latest stats i can pull up 50.8% of the population was female and 49.2% was male. The college ratio is 57% to 43%. To achieve equality we must help send more males to college. The college ratio should be as close to 50.8/ 49.2 as we can make it.
well go to college then.
an education is a basic civil right that is being denied due to prejudice. You cant cry foul when one group is discriminated against but cheer when another group is.

Or like the racists said about the blacks before, are you saying women are just smarter and more worthy of going to college than men?
Are they smarter? Hell yes. Are they more worthy? No. You're argument is based on an obvious false premise. Many men turn down the opportunity. Who's fault is that?
This is a very good point.

See, I think the reason there are more women in college than men is because wackjob feminist groups keep telling women to dump men entirely and abandon the traditional family life. Of course, everyone suffers from this kind of thinking and it's been slowly turning our society into a landfill.
Tuske, if you don't believe woman are smarter here's your proof.
um are we saying its ok that some groups dont get education etc? because there is no social benefit for them to get it?

I mean there was no social benefit for blacks to get an education before. They were slaves they werent going to use it.

Part of Bernie Sanders' platform is free public university education and cons are blowing a gasket over it.
This is a very good point.

See, I think the reason there are more women in college than men is because wackjob feminist groups keep telling women to dump men entirely and abandon the traditional family life. Of course, everyone suffers from this kind of thinking and it's been slowly turning our society into a landfill.

:rolleyes: Conservative white guy thinks he can tell women how to live their lives.
But first they have to abandon the democrat party.
So explain why the majority of people with college degrees are Dems and the overwhelming number of people with Graduate degrees are Dems and most poor white working class guys with HS education or less are Republicans?

If you want them to believe that you may want to try working harder and actually set the example instead of talking.
So explain why the majority of people with college degrees are Dems and the overwhelming number of people with Graduate degrees are Dems and most poor white working class guys with HS education or less are Republicans?

If you want them to believe that you may want to try working harder and actually set the example instead of talking.

Well said.